Harry Potter Mafia game
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Madagascarter wrote:
As requested

All roles (click to show)

I really liked Luna's game changer role. I know a few of you got annoyed but it spiced the game up immensely! I also thought that Huskers role would have been good but unfortunately he died to quick. Things I didn't like was Pm readers and obliviaters.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

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Chiaraa wrote:
Um dough_boy's role PM is wrong. Edit your post! :)

I think the mafia had wayyyyy too much voting power looking at that.

I like mayba's action number 3. Would have been very helpful but he was probably saving it for the end.
Madagascarter wrote:
Chiaraa. I kind of planned the game for 17 people. I did a bit of editing after sending to send a couple of people extra votes. Your ability and Huskers was meant to be a great counter for that. I guess I made it balanced at 11 without thinking that some villagers could die, so maybe could have done with knocking 2 of mafia like giving Kyla 0 votes and Hood 4. Don't think it would have completely saved you.

I did like QQQ as well. Maybe a player can have that ability if there is a next time. Sounds like a lot of players have bailed for ever
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

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dough_boy wrote:
Yeah...I was a mafia!

In looking at it it appears the mafia was +9 on votes. Some town could have counteracted them, but it would have to be unanimous town.

Also, it says Anax could turn 2 per night.
Kyla wrote:
not sure if it's intentional or not but I like the inconsistency of the role pms ^^
and I liked that QQQ
Madagascarter wrote:
QQQ used random number genorator for convo and then random number generator for page then another random number generator for quote on page.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Hoodlum wrote:
roles were cool and confusing. i barely remembered my real role, which helped me lie about my real one. even syg forgot what my real role was, i had him convinced lol.
i was in trouble when chiaraa stole +5 off me randomly, when i told her that i had only +2, i was like uh oh!.
luckily syg told her he had +3, and so i could say that i randomly added his +3 which explained the 5, before she stole it. it was a quick bit of improv, which soon after got her to trust me instead of get me killed!

i knew right away that i might of made a mistake with my role by having a GAP in it, and that was the reason i think that dough didn't share his right away. but looking at all the roles, i can see that the majority of town roles had a GAP between the name and actions. not really a mistake after all.

chiaraa played well otherwise, and she was fooled only because she didn't know how any of us played. i know it'll be hard to get away with that again so i made the most of it. when she added all 3 mafia in her town council group chat, there was a little remorse, but only just a little lol. The game would of been a lot harder to play against her powerful role, if we hadn't cosied up to her.

I would of had fun with anax's role. it looks winnable right away. make 2 copies a night? save himself? had the sword? how is that tough? everyone is playing solo (except mafia). you got 9 lives! mafia even killed the inspector for ya

i like maybas role. i don't trust a hosts randomness factor though ;) it could be used to balance the game. that's cool for the weaker team, but not so much for the team that might of put in a lot of effort and deserved favour. i immediately suspected mada purposely handed my +5 to chiaraa, with the 'randomness' to balance things up.
i did get the sword for the next randomness thing though (true gryffendore), so i told syg to snitch it off me cause it'd be between chiaraa and syg the next day. we would of kept the sword between us. snitch/sword.

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
dough_boy wrote:
i knew right away that i might of made a mistake with my role by having a GAP in it, and that was the reason i think that dough didn't share his right away. but looking at all the roles, i can see that the majority of town roles had a GAP between the name and actions. not really a mistake after all.

What was weird is that after I got your role I chatted with Chiarra and told her I suspected you might be Mafia because of the differences. She almost immediately came back with everything I noticed so I initially assumed she was town and you were Mafia. I never let go that you might be Mafia, but assumed she was Mafia too.

When Vicious and Chiarra said they had vetted each other I assumed that there was a town inspector who had cleared the three of them. I didn't realize it was a "hey I trust you" sort of vetting. Even right before the game ended Chiarra was like I believe you are town, but you need to prove it. I told here there was no way 100% for anyone to prove it.
Mayba wrote:
Thanks for hosting Mada! it was a fun game. Wish we could have played it with the full 17.

and good game to the Mafia team as well, well executed game plan :)
Mayba wrote:
I think the vote count should have been toned down a bit. Anything over +3 or -3 makes a much bigger difference with only 11 people rather than 17, especially when we really end up with 10 after the first mafia kill. Unfortunately, I forgot to use my marauders map the first night and we were unlucky that the only person with investigative powers died the first night.

I liked the items aspect, maybe there could be more games with items in the future. It'd be fun to be able to earn items before and during the game again.
Hoodlum wrote:
we didn't know. syg made a lucky suggestion.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman