Harry Potter Mafia game
  • 190 posts
  • Page 8 of 13
dough_boy wrote:
We know Vicious is -3
We know Syg is +3
We don't know about Chiarra, but we do know that she alone managed to almost kill Anax. We do know that someone stole 5 votes. So that means that there were 4 votes on Vicious, but her 5+ on Anax were enough (because Vicious never voted for herself). There is no way they would get another +, but I could see how they could have a steal and they might not know who has what votes. So she could have stolen a negative number, etc.
dough_boy wrote:
she did she voted to lynch anax
So if Anax is the Doctor then I am assuming he shouldn't be lynched?
dough_boy wrote:
Since no one knows anything how about we all just lynch ourselves? Play a little russian roulette? :)
CheekyTeeky wrote:
So Anax is doc and has been lynched? And we're given extra time for discussion? I don't get it.
You have a keen military mind Pod...