Let's play new BIG maps!

The goal here is try out several new maps!

Unorganised tournament: there's no commitment, no forum thread, no winner.
Game limit and token costs do not apply here, if you request to be added.
'Large battlefield' setups: 13 to 17 territories each --- New maps only.

If you are keen send a message to @Dima or to @The_Bishop saying:
"I want to join game X with color S, and game Y with color T", etc...
or just "I want to join any and all games with any colours"!
Well, if you have premium feel free to join by yourself.
Formed teams are required to join team games.

Let's start with the Roman Empire map!
Then Nga Toa map, from history to mythology.
Back to present days reality with Battleground Bulgaria.
Land of Rus' is next: a gigantic map of medieval Eastern Europe (36h).
Old & New maps of the website: be sporty when you play in the DXII Stadium,
but don't be desperate when you play in the new Jungle of Despair with D12 temples!

Organisers: The_Bishop, Dima

DR.EA.MS. map conquest

Dominican Republic - Eastern Asia - Mediterranean States


Subscribe as a pair and win as a single!!
4/6/8 players per game, 1 point per win.
Each competitor plays 12 games, 3 games per mode:
Team Deathmatch, single Capitals, single Domination, single Assassination,
in four actual rounds (max 3 games at once).
24h turns, standard settings.
Prize pool: 10,960 battle tokens!
...in progress...

Organiser: The_Bishop
Forum thread: Map Conquest 1

The King Of ...

36 predators clash to determine which of them is the most valiant.
6 knockout games: who loses is out, who wins goes to the final...
Only one will be the King!

Predators: @Banaan, @Rockbert, @Jimi, @Federicus, @richierich, @1949midden, @slackbatter, @bilby, @biso, @ajsbus, @JCaesar69, @The_Bishop@Vicious, @tcjohans, @BR_R32, @ENGELBREKT, @cawtey101, @anuorre, @CaptainKathryn, @JoeySe7en, @cuk, @General_Ender, @Tennesseelogman, @dominater1994, @Machine55, @gameplayer, @IsolatedBadger, @OttmarFalkenberg, @Blagoje_Jovovic, @riskyone, @robit, 5 more...

CHRONOLOGY OF KINGS (click to show)

Organiser: The_Bishop

The Dominating 12

The Dominating 12
Archived Games (click to show)

Current Dominator

Forum thread: The Dominating 12