Game Thread
  • 323 posts
  • Page 17 of 22
MacEohaid wrote:
No coms from Pyg.... and Mac has not responded to my PM.

#Lynch Pyg for now

That is not true Notorious:

Spoiler (click to show)
ThickTalon wrote:
going with my gut here but PYG, as mentioned above, is not being very human.

#Lynch PYG
Ryomyr wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)

I can see now that this entire game was inspired by Anger Party. I am very sorry for not using my ability to kill more humans!! 
Ryomyr is online.
ThickTalon wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)

I can see now that this entire game was inspired by Anger Party. I am very sorry for not using my ability to kill more humans!! 

We are glad you didn't. later zombie!
MacEohaid wrote:
#lunch Abs
#lunch Ryomyr
Why this? Not trying to get you lynched Abs, but why did Ryomer want you alive?
MacEohaid wrote:
#lunch Abs
#lunch Ryomyr

#Unlunch Ryomyr

#Lunch Thicktalon

Keep Abs the same.
Same as above, why?
MacEohaid wrote:
Does the lynch voting tell us anything??:

Lynch votes

ThickTalon - Abs, Bluegoetz, Ryomyr, KC321
Rockbert - MacEohoid, Pygmyhippo, NotoriousPat
MacEohoid - Pygmyhippo
Bluegoetz - ThickTalon
RyanairLol - Bluegoetz
pygmyhippo277 - MacEohoid,
KC321 - NotoriousPat
Rcomer727 - ThickTalon
NotoriousPat - Abs, Rockbert, KC321
Ryomyr - Ryanairlol,
Abs - Rockbert, Ryanairlol, Ryomyr,
MacEohaid wrote:
I wouldn't trust your judgement Ryanairlol, just yet, seeing how you voted on the last lynching for Ryomyr the zombie and for Abs (any connection?). Also the zombie sided with Abs and Thick. 
Abs wrote:
Does the lynch voting tell us anything??:

Lynch votes

[ThickTalon - Abs, Bluegoetz, Ryomyr, KC32
Rockbert - MacEohoid, Pygmyhippo, NotoriousPat
MacEohoid - Pygmyhippo
Bluegoetz - ThickTalon
RyanairLol - Bluegoetz
pygmyhippo277 - MacEohoid,
KC321 - NotoriousPat
Rcomer727 - ThickTalon
NotoriousPat - Abs, Rockbert, KC321
Ryomyr - Ryanairlol
Abs - Rockbert, Ryanairlol, Ryomyr

Mac, the same could be said for you, Pygmy and Rock, you ALL voted for each other?

I think at this stage of the game, we had little info did we not? I put my hand up and say Until his mistake I did think Ryo was Human for sure and I still think Thick, Ryan, KC and Rock are

What you didn’t know is me, Peri, clubs, Ryan, Rock and Thick were all in a Human group yet we kept getting killed? Maybe rock was the spy but I still doubt it but clearly nobody has every felt you and Pygmy are human and your voting backs this up

MacEohaid wrote:
It wasn't the voting for each other part I took issue with, it was with whom you and Ryan seemed to be connected to, i.e.: Ryomer the zombie, in lynching him in order to save him and he you and Ryan. That is what I was denoting not that each were scratching the others back. That is perfectly fine if we are all humans. Just don't like to see zombies scratching backs and vice versa.