Game Thread
  • 323 posts
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Rockbert wrote:
That's a fair criticism for sure. I got it stuck in my head that pygmy's silence was damning. Bad move on my part. I was a bit distracted during this game so I apologize all. Great game and can't wait for the next one.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i have one that is about ready but if anybody else wants to go first = that's fine by me. as a matter of fact - i would like to play again myself for at least one full phase w/o being killed.
Live long and prosper
MacEohaid wrote:
I disagree with you annalysis of me Mada, I called out Ryan and inspected Abs and if I had decent support from the humans I was communicating with Rockber (who was understandably busy) and Notorius who was going in circles with me when I tried to build a union with, but alas it was too late in the game to expose Abs and Ryan. I also suspected Thick, that is why I dropped him from my original coms with Thick and Notorius. Oh well, I still feel the zombies eating on my brains... ouch!!!
MacEohaid wrote:
#lunch Abs
#lunch Ryomyr
Why this? Not trying to get you lynched Abs, but why did Ryomer want you alive?
I knew it!
MacEohaid wrote:

Here is my thought process on why I want to lynch Ryan. 

In this quote from Ryan from post #154 he wanted to help out Ryomer a zombie not get lynched by lynching him and also Abs who I am still not sure of.

And now he is going after Pygmy (in post #241), who is a probable human without any explanation other than the lack of coms.

He questions Pygmy about his coms (which I have many with him) but he has no coms that I am aware of himself. Why act like that is a reason when you are guilty of the same?

I knew it!!!
MacEohaid wrote:
If you are a human, you shouldn't be lynching Pygmy.

I knew it!!!
MacEohaid wrote:
#lunch Abs
#lunch Ryomyr

#Unlunch Ryomyr

#Lunch Thicktalon

Keep Abs the same.
Same as above, why?

I knew it!!!
LandoCalriskian wrote:
Been following the forum in my limited amount of time. Really cool game concept and I love the touch of player analysis at the end Mada. Great stuff.
Everything you've heard about me is true.
AlexCheckMate wrote:
Nice game
Nice win mafia

Didn't think I'd get lynched over my BS and didn't want to react on it differently. Was cool the humans got to believe that there was a recruitment factor yet still shared/communicated so much behind the scenes. Thanks Madagascarter for the creative storytelling - Zhen sure got "abused" xd also thanks for the very transparent communication about your (in)abilities to make deadlines at moments (for silly reasons, lol).

“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
MacEohaid wrote:
Mada, you put together a fantastic game probably even more elaborate than we could appreciate until we read everyones bios. Loved the game only wished it lasted a bit longer.
Cheers to you for M-C-ing the whole thing, giving us a good time all around.
Madagascarter wrote:
I disagree with you annalysis of me Mada, I called out Ryan and inspected Abs and if I had decent support from the humans I was communicating with Rockber (who was understandably busy) and Notorius who was going in circles with me when I tried to build a union with, but alas it was too late in the game to expose Abs and Ryan. I also suspected Thick, that is why I dropped him from my original coms with Thick and Notorius. Oh well, I still feel the zombies eating on my brains... ouch!!!

As inspector, you can’t let anyone you inspected be voted off if innocent. Even at the cost of revealing your role. Yes you fought for Pygmy’s life and Pygmy needed to do a lot more to defend himself but the thing that was lacking was public evidence. Abs was acting as the town leader after “finding” Ryomyr. That was his “evidence” for being human. You did provide evidence but it was less certain.

I'll play this again....ill won't the so dumb...or maybe I will!

I don’t think I can create an identical game again. Because one of the key attributes of the game was that no-one really knew what was going on. None of the role PM’s were revealed. If we played it again town would have a massive advantage.

I might do a big post analysing the game mechanics later.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
RyanairLol wrote:
Thanks Mada for allowing me in this first mafia game.
Looking forward to the next one.
ThickTalon wrote:

My fellow Zombie nation members. Yo Ryan, Abs, Ryo......WE DID IT!

Mada's games are always well thought out and put together. I know that we had a huge advantage at one point in the game because of the masterful Zombie play (was from all the knowledge leaked in from the brain delicacy) and he let the game play out. I have played games where play wasn't always dictated by the players but by the Hand above. 

Thanks for all participation. Ready to be a good guy again;)