Game Thread
  • 323 posts
  • Page 13 of 22
Ryomyr wrote:
#lunch Abs
#lunch Ryomyr

#Unlunch Ryomyr

#Lunch Thicktalon

Keep Abs the same.
Madagascarter wrote:
ThickTalon - Abs, Bluegoetz, Ryomyr
Rockbert - MacEohoid, Pygmyhippo, NotoriousPat
MacEohoid - Pygmyhippo
Bluegoetz - ThickTalon
RyanairLol - Bluegoetz
pygmyhippo277 - MacEohoid,
KC321 -
Rcomer727 -
NotoriousPat - Abs, Rockbert
Ryomyr - Ryanairlol,
Abs - ThickTalon, Rockbert, Ryanairlol, Ryomyr, NotoriousPat

Players with 5 lynch votes on them: Abs
Players with 3 lynch votes on them: ThickTalon, Rockbert
Players with 2 lynch votes on them: NotoriousPat
Playes with 1 lynch vote on them: MacEohoid, Bluegoetz, Ryanairlol, pygmyhippo277, Ryomyr
Players with zero lynch votes on them: KC321, Rcomer727
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Tennesseelogman wrote:
vote count - least votes 1st
kc - 0
rc- 0
pyg - 1- mac
ryan - 1 - blue
mac - 1 - pyg
blue - 1 - thick
ryo - 1 - ryan
notor - 2 - abs, rock
thick - 3 - abs, blue, ryo
rock - 3 - mac, pyg, notor
abs - 5 - thick, rock, ryan, ryo, notor

these votes were cast by

abs - notor, rock, thick
mac - pyg, rock
thick - blue, abs
rock - thick, kc, pyg, abs, notor
pyg - pyg, mac, rock
ryan - ryo, abs
ryo - abs, ryo, thick
blue - ryo, thick, ryan
notor - rock, abs
kc - not voted
rc - not voted

dead - TLM, peri, alex, clubs

your welcome :)
Live long and prosper
MacEohaid wrote:
Can Zombies vote?

Ask Pygmy :)

Why? You would know wouldn't you?
Abs wrote:
I don’t need this many votes so take some off me and use it on other 1 vote players who we are confident are town. Blue, RyanAir and Ryo I am quite confident are town and we Don’t want to get caught out with a late switch
Abs is online.
Madagascarter wrote:
Still looking for KC321 and Rcomer to vote today. Phase will end at usual time of course, but yeah.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
ThickTalon wrote:
I don’t need this many votes so take some off me and use it on other 1 vote players who we are confident are town. Blue, RyanAir and Ryo I am quite confident are town and we Don’t want to get caught out with a late switch


#Unlynch Abs

#Lynch RC
Madagascarter wrote:
Lynch votes

ThickTalon - Abs, Bluegoetz, Ryomyr, KC321
Rockbert - MacEohoid, Pygmyhippo, NotoriousPat
MacEohoid - Pygmyhippo
Bluegoetz - ThickTalon
RyanairLol - Bluegoetz
pygmyhippo277 - MacEohoid,
KC321 - NotoriousPat
Rcomer727 - ThickTalon
NotoriousPat - Abs, Rockbert, KC321
Ryomyr - Ryanairlol,
Abs - Rockbert, Ryanairlol, Ryomyr,

Players with 4 lynch votes on them: ThickTalon
Players with 3 lynch votes on them: Abs, Rockbert, NotoriousPat
Playes with 1 lynch vote on them: MacEohoid, Bluegoetz, Ryanairlol, pygmyhippo277, Ryomyr, KC321, Rcomer727

No players have 0 votes on them. HOWEVER there is also not a tie.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand