Lynch votes
ThickTalon - Abs, Bluegoetz, Ryomyr, KC321
Rockbert - MacEohoid, Pygmyhippo, NotoriousPat
MacEohoid - Pygmyhippo
Bluegoetz - ThickTalon
RyanairLol - Bluegoetz
pygmyhippo277 - MacEohoid,
KC321 - NotoriousPat
Rcomer727 - ThickTalon
NotoriousPat - Abs, Rockbert, KC321
Ryomyr - Ryanairlol,
Abs - Rockbert, Ryanairlol, Ryomyr,
Players with 4 lynch votes on them: ThickTalon
Players with 3 lynch votes on them: Abs, Rockbert, NotoriousPat
Playes with 1 lynch vote on them: MacEohoid, Bluegoetz, Ryanairlol, pygmyhippo277, Ryomyr, KC321, Rcomer727
No players have 0 votes on them. HOWEVER there is also not a tie.
Lynch votes
ThickTalon - Abs, Bluegoetz, Ryomyr, KC321
Rockbert - MacEohoid, Pygmyhippo, NotoriousPat
MacEohoid - Pygmyhippo
Bluegoetz - ThickTalon
RyanairLol - Bluegoetz
pygmyhippo277 - MacEohoid,
KC321 - NotoriousPat
Rcomer727 - ThickTalon
NotoriousPat - Abs, Rockbert, KC321
Ryomyr - Ryanairlol,
Abs - Rockbert, Ryanairlol, Ryomyr,
Players with 4 lynch votes on them: ThickTalon
Players with 3 lynch votes on them: Abs, Rockbert, NotoriousPat
Playes with 1 lynch vote on them: MacEohoid, Bluegoetz, Ryanairlol, pygmyhippo277, Ryomyr, KC321, Rcomer727
No players have 0 votes on them. HOWEVER there is also not a tie.
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