vote results are
abs - 4 - ely, rc, ryo, rock
ely - 1 - jkl
jkl - 1 - mac
did not vote - 2 - pyg, abs
dead = can not vote - 8 - 2oc, thick, mada, blue, notor, dream, kc. hooboy
after application of abilities = abs was lynched
Tennesseelogman said: to abs
05 Sep 2022, 22:00
Your faction is Starfleet and your species is Human
Your win condition is to eliminate all players who are not in your faction
abs picked telepathy
Tennesseelogman said:
09 Sep 2022, 22:01
you have been assimilated by the borg. you are now part of a new faction. your new designation is Eight of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One i will create a group chat that includes all borg. you retain your unused ability. your new win condition is to help the borg eliminate all non-borg.
abs earned but did not request any new ability
JKL is also dead - he was shot by pyg
Tennesseelogman said: to jkl
05 Sep 2022, 22:00
You have been assimilated by the Borg.
You started the game as Bajoran but were immediately assimilated by the Borg queen. Your designation is Six of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One. You now have a Borg interlink node that allows you to communicate with the other Borg on the Starship Enterprise that you have managed to board. Several members of your borg sub-group were blown out into space when the cargo bay was decompressed. To aid you in the take over of the ship, you are able to acquire 2 abilities/items from the same set of 4 as the not-yet-assimilated but the 2 must be different. The Borg have 1 kill attempt per day as an innate ability. Any Borg can put in the kill request in the Borg chat room but it can be over ruled by 2 others if there is discord among the collective.
You are able to assimilate other individuals to become Borg during the game. This is accomplished by a 4 pronged attack on another player = use any 2 the phaser, force field, or telepathy abilities on them (purchased extra votes - take control of the ship - do not meet this requirement) plus a Borg kill attempt plus 2 regular lynch votes - all used simultaneously on the same unshielded target - you must tell me that you are making an assimilation attempt.
Since you have no need to learn of other players factions = using the telepathy ability will tell you of their purchased ability.
if a borg gets a force field = it can be used as a containment field to hold a non-borg in place to facilitate the assimilation process
borg can not assimilate dead players. for instance - if a assimilation attempt is made on a player on day 2 and that player was killed on day 1 or 2 = the procedure fails
assimilated players bring unused abilities w them
your win condition is to kill or assimilate all non-borg.
borg can consult before picking abilities
normal lynch voting will not count as using an ability when it comes to earning an additional ability but the daily kill attempt will.
jkl picked a phaser kill and shields then earned another and picked 6x votes
looks like
the game is over and Starfleet wins since there were 2 Borg left and both ABS and JKL just got killed
the vote was abs 4x from ryo, rc, rock and ely then rc added 3 extra votes from his ability for 7 total - - the vote was ely 1x from jkl but he added 6x from his ability to make it 7 total - - but pyg shot jkl before his lynch vote or extra votes could be processed = abs died and jkl died
The Borg had a kill on rock and rc had an inspection on rock - but rock had a shield up. JKL died holding on to 3x shields that could have saved him from the kill shot and saved abs from getting lynched
abs was close to getting the MVP for organizing the Starfleet but once he got assimilated = he basically dropped out of the game. he would have had a great opportunity to gather intel for the borg and direct the attack.
the game started w 3 borg = blue, jkl, and mada. 1 Q = rock , and the other 12 were Starfleet
here is kinda how the whole game went down
Day 0 - i accidently did not make it clear that the game had started and the forum was open - delayed by 12 hours but didn't affect anything
Dream messed up in the forum ask to inspect hooboy but it did not hurt him
The borg were able to chat before picking abilities but did not get very well organized on that.
Day 1 - species were added to the role assignments just for fun (and it says that in post #1) but a lot of speculation wnt on about them
The borg assimilated hooboy (see assimilation requirements later)
there were 4 requested inspections = dream to hooboy, notor to kc, thick to ely, and abs to jkl = dream found hooboy (who had just been assimilated) to be borg but never relayed that info to anyone
all 3 borg voted for hooboy when only 2 were required to which i thought would draw sus on them
Day 2 - there was a comment in the SF group chat about how i should not change the rules mid game to balance the game - little did they know i had a neutral built in to balance the game so i would not be tempted to.
blue claimed to be romulan and non-starfleet to throw people off - but it just put a target on his back
mada copied and pasted the wrong SF PM which they got from hooboy's assimilation and that doomed him
2oc was killed by blue using his 6x votes on him
Rock shielded himself from being assimiated
there were 2 requests for invetigations = abs wanted to mild meld w 2oc who was shielded but the lot fell to notor inspecting thick who was SF
mada shot thick dead but it was not reported until the end of day 3
Day 3 - mac wanted to mind meld mada and abs wanted to mind meld jkl. mac won but learned nothing new since mada was lynched
the borg assimilated abs
rock investigated jkl and found him to be Borg
i thought i was making assimilation expensive and they might try 1 or 2 times - but they kept trying and it failed twice and succeeded twice
Day 4 - the dead of mada and thick were announced and the borg role assignment PM was exposed
borg tried to assimilate kc but failed due to shielding
6x votes were used from hooboy to lynch dream
ely shot blue in the face
jkl shot notor
rock investigated ely
kc tried to investigate rock but failed due to shielding
notor tried to inspect ely but he was already dead
rock investigated ely
Day 5 - jkl wanted to put 6x votes on ely which would have lynched him but rock stunned him along w hooboy so it did not go thru
rock had his shield up every day rc wanted to inspect kc, and kc wanted to inspect ely = both did not go thru - instead rc inspected jkl and found him borg
borg killed kc
ely put 5x votes on hooboy which sealed his lynch
Day 6 - rock requested mind meld w abs
borg try to kill rock
rc tried to inspect rock
jkl tried to put 6x votes on ely which would have lynched ely but pyg shot an unshielded jkl and end the game. if jkl had shielded himself = he would not have died, abs would have been lynched, and ely would have been lynched.
this is what the SF PM looked like
Tennesseelogman said:
05 Sep 2022, 22:01
Your faction is Starfleet and your species is Cardassian
Your win condition is to eliminate all players who are not in your faction
this is what the Borg PM looked like
Tennesseelogman said:
05 Sep 2022, 22:01
You have been assimilated by the Borg.
You started the game as Betazoid but were immediately assimilated by the Borg queen. Your designation is Five of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One. You now have a Borg interlink node that allows you to communicate with the other Borg on the Starship Enterprise that you have managed to board. Several members of your borg sub-group were blown out into space when the cargo bay was decompressed. To aid you in the take over of the ship, you are able to acquire 2 abilities/items from the same set of 4 as the not-yet-assimilated but the 2 must be different. The Borg have 1 kill attempt per day as an innate ability. Any Borg can put in the kill request in the Borg chat room but it can be over ruled by 2 others if there is discord among the collective.
You are able to assimilate other individuals to become Borg during the game. This is accomplished by a 4 pronged attack on another player = use any 2 the phaser, force field, or telepathy abilities on them (purchased extra votes - take control of the ship - do not meet this requirement) plus a Borg kill attempt plus 2 regular lynch votes - all used simultaneously on the same unshielded target - you must tell me that you are making an assimilation attempt.
Since you have no need to learn of other players factions = using the telepathy ability will tell you of their purchased ability.
if a borg gets a force field = it can be used as a containment field to hold a non-borg in place to facilitate the assimilation process
borg can not assimilate dead players. for instance - if a assimilation attempt is made on a player on day 2 and that player was killed on day 1 or 2 = the procedure fails
assimilated players bring unused abilities w them
your win condition is to kill or assimilate all non-borg.
borg can consult before picking abilities
normal lynch voting will not count as using an ability when it comes to earning an additional ability but the daily kill attempt will.
this is what the PM to Q looked like
Tennesseelogman said:
05 Sep 2022, 22:00
Your faction is the Q continuum and your species is Q - your goal is to keep the game in balance for you entertainment. You win if the game gets down to a 1 Starfleet and 1 Borg tie and you are still alive. You are practically immortal. To aid you in your new self amusement of watching the mortals fight without a victory, = you have at your disposal 2 each of the abilities they can buy = 2 force fields, 2 phasers, 2 telepathic abilities, and 2 ship commands (12 extra votes total). You can demand 1 more if you do not use any during the 1st 3 days. If you are investigated and are unshielded, = you will revealed as faction = Q continuum, species = Q, and abilities = many and you will be told that you have been investigated but not who did it. You do have knowledge that the others do not have = there are only 3 factions in the game = several Starfleet, a few Borg, and one Q.
Q can not be assimilated but can be killed. if an assimilation attempt is made and you are unshielded, the Borg will be told who you are and you will lose a remaining ability of the Borg's choosing.
Q has 1 use of the genesis devise to bring 1 player back to life immediately after death to be used on any player including yourself. You must tell me in advance when you want to use it so that i do not reveal the players role info in the forum. It will used on yourself the first time it is needed unless you say otherwise. For instance, you may see that the game is becoming unbalanced and tell me to resurrect the next Borg to die.
only one purchased phaser kill and one investigation may be used each day by the entire compliment of the Enterprise. if 2 or more requests are made for the same day = a random drawing will be held to determine whose request is implemented. all others will be informed that their request was not processed.
- you are not included in this limitation concerning the whole ship but you personally can use only 1 of the 4 abilities per day.
you are considered both Starfleet and Borg and neither Starfleet nor Borg - therefore, you are not part of either of their win clauses.
This is a very important and complex role - even i do not understand all of it or how it might play out. ask any questions and we will discuss it - good luck

there were many unused abilities left on the board that could have changed the game
open to questions or comments
GG all
vote results are
abs - 4 - ely, rc, ryo, rock
ely - 1 - jkl
jkl - 1 - mac
did not vote - 2 - pyg, abs
dead = can not vote - 8 - 2oc, thick, mada, blue, notor, dream, kc. hooboy
after application of abilities = abs was lynched
Tennesseelogman said: to abs
05 Sep 2022, 22:00
Your faction is Starfleet and your species is Human
Your win condition is to eliminate all players who are not in your faction
abs picked telepathy
Tennesseelogman said:
09 Sep 2022, 22:01
you have been assimilated by the borg. you are now part of a new faction. your new designation is Eight of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One i will create a group chat that includes all borg. you retain your unused ability. your new win condition is to help the borg eliminate all non-borg.
abs earned but did not request any new ability
JKL is also dead - he was shot by pyg
Tennesseelogman said: to jkl
05 Sep 2022, 22:00
You have been assimilated by the Borg.
You started the game as Bajoran but were immediately assimilated by the Borg queen. Your designation is Six of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One. You now have a Borg interlink node that allows you to communicate with the other Borg on the Starship Enterprise that you have managed to board. Several members of your borg sub-group were blown out into space when the cargo bay was decompressed. To aid you in the take over of the ship, you are able to acquire 2 abilities/items from the same set of 4 as the not-yet-assimilated but the 2 must be different. The Borg have 1 kill attempt per day as an innate ability. Any Borg can put in the kill request in the Borg chat room but it can be over ruled by 2 others if there is discord among the collective.
You are able to assimilate other individuals to become Borg during the game. This is accomplished by a 4 pronged attack on another player = use any 2 the phaser, force field, or telepathy abilities on them (purchased extra votes - take control of the ship - do not meet this requirement) plus a Borg kill attempt plus 2 regular lynch votes - all used simultaneously on the same unshielded target - you must tell me that you are making an assimilation attempt.
Since you have no need to learn of other players factions = using the telepathy ability will tell you of their purchased ability.
if a borg gets a force field = it can be used as a containment field to hold a non-borg in place to facilitate the assimilation process
borg can not assimilate dead players. for instance - if a assimilation attempt is made on a player on day 2 and that player was killed on day 1 or 2 = the procedure fails
assimilated players bring unused abilities w them
your win condition is to kill or assimilate all non-borg.
borg can consult before picking abilities
normal lynch voting will not count as using an ability when it comes to earning an additional ability but the daily kill attempt will.
jkl picked a phaser kill and shields then earned another and picked 6x votes
looks like [b][size=18px]the game is over[/size][/b] and Starfleet wins since there were 2 Borg left and both ABS and JKL just got killed
the vote was abs 4x from ryo, rc, rock and ely then rc added 3 extra votes from his ability for 7 total - - the vote was ely 1x from jkl but he added 6x from his ability to make it 7 total - - but pyg shot jkl before his lynch vote or extra votes could be processed = abs died and jkl died
The Borg had a kill on rock and rc had an inspection on rock - but rock had a shield up. JKL died holding on to 3x shields that could have saved him from the kill shot and saved abs from getting lynched
abs was close to getting the MVP for organizing the Starfleet but once he got assimilated = he basically dropped out of the game. he would have had a great opportunity to gather intel for the borg and direct the attack.
the game started w 3 borg = blue, jkl, and mada. 1 Q = rock , and the other 12 were Starfleet
here is kinda how the whole game went down
[b]Day 0[/b] - i accidently did not make it clear that the game had started and the forum was open - delayed by 12 hours but didn't affect anything
Dream messed up in the forum ask to inspect hooboy but it did not hurt him
The borg were able to chat before picking abilities but did not get very well organized on that.
[b]Day 1[/b] - species were added to the role assignments just for fun (and it says that in post #1) but a lot of speculation wnt on about them
The borg assimilated hooboy (see assimilation requirements later)
there were 4 requested inspections = dream to hooboy, notor to kc, thick to ely, and abs to jkl = dream found hooboy (who had just been assimilated) to be borg but never relayed that info to anyone
all 3 borg voted for hooboy when only 2 were required to which i thought would draw sus on them
[b]Day 2[/b] - there was a comment in the SF group chat about how i should not change the rules mid game to balance the game - little did they know i had a neutral built in to balance the game so i would not be tempted to.
blue claimed to be romulan and non-starfleet to throw people off - but it just put a target on his back
mada copied and pasted the wrong SF PM which they got from hooboy's assimilation and that doomed him
2oc was killed by blue using his 6x votes on him
Rock shielded himself from being assimiated
there were 2 requests for invetigations = abs wanted to mild meld w 2oc who was shielded but the lot fell to notor inspecting thick who was SF
mada shot thick dead but it was not reported until the end of day 3
[b]Day 3[/b] - mac wanted to mind meld mada and abs wanted to mind meld jkl. mac won but learned nothing new since mada was lynched
the borg assimilated abs
rock investigated jkl and found him to be Borg
i thought i was making assimilation expensive and they might try 1 or 2 times - but they kept trying and it failed twice and succeeded twice
[b]Day 4[/b] - the dead of mada and thick were announced and the borg role assignment PM was exposed
borg tried to assimilate kc but failed due to shielding
6x votes were used from hooboy to lynch dream
ely shot blue in the face
jkl shot notor
rock investigated ely
kc tried to investigate rock but failed due to shielding
notor tried to inspect ely but he was already dead
rock investigated ely
[b]Day 5[/b] - jkl wanted to put 6x votes on ely which would have lynched him but rock stunned him along w hooboy so it did not go thru
rock had his shield up every day rc wanted to inspect kc, and kc wanted to inspect ely = both did not go thru - instead rc inspected jkl and found him borg
borg killed kc
ely put 5x votes on hooboy which sealed his lynch
[b]Day 6[/b] - rock requested mind meld w abs
borg try to kill rock
rc tried to inspect rock
jkl tried to put 6x votes on ely which would have lynched ely but pyg shot an unshielded jkl and end the game. if jkl had shielded himself = he would not have died, abs would have been lynched, and ely would have been lynched.
this is what the SF PM looked like
[spoiler]Tennesseelogman said:
05 Sep 2022, 22:01
Your faction is Starfleet and your species is Cardassian
Your win condition is to eliminate all players who are not in your faction[/spoiler]
this is what the Borg PM looked like
[spoiler]Tennesseelogman said:
05 Sep 2022, 22:01
You have been assimilated by the Borg.
You started the game as Betazoid but were immediately assimilated by the Borg queen. Your designation is Five of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix Zero-One. You now have a Borg interlink node that allows you to communicate with the other Borg on the Starship Enterprise that you have managed to board. Several members of your borg sub-group were blown out into space when the cargo bay was decompressed. To aid you in the take over of the ship, you are able to acquire 2 abilities/items from the same set of 4 as the not-yet-assimilated but the 2 must be different. The Borg have 1 kill attempt per day as an innate ability. Any Borg can put in the kill request in the Borg chat room but it can be over ruled by 2 others if there is discord among the collective.
You are able to assimilate other individuals to become Borg during the game. This is accomplished by a 4 pronged attack on another player = use any 2 the phaser, force field, or telepathy abilities on them (purchased extra votes - take control of the ship - do not meet this requirement) plus a Borg kill attempt plus 2 regular lynch votes - all used simultaneously on the same unshielded target - you must tell me that you are making an assimilation attempt.
Since you have no need to learn of other players factions = using the telepathy ability will tell you of their purchased ability.
if a borg gets a force field = it can be used as a containment field to hold a non-borg in place to facilitate the assimilation process
borg can not assimilate dead players. for instance - if a assimilation attempt is made on a player on day 2 and that player was killed on day 1 or 2 = the procedure fails
assimilated players bring unused abilities w them
your win condition is to kill or assimilate all non-borg.
borg can consult before picking abilities
normal lynch voting will not count as using an ability when it comes to earning an additional ability but the daily kill attempt will.[/spoiler]
this is what the PM to Q looked like
[spoiler]Tennesseelogman said:
05 Sep 2022, 22:00
Your faction is the Q continuum and your species is Q - your goal is to keep the game in balance for you entertainment. You win if the game gets down to a 1 Starfleet and 1 Borg tie and you are still alive. You are practically immortal. To aid you in your new self amusement of watching the mortals fight without a victory, = you have at your disposal 2 each of the abilities they can buy = 2 force fields, 2 phasers, 2 telepathic abilities, and 2 ship commands (12 extra votes total). You can demand 1 more if you do not use any during the 1st 3 days. If you are investigated and are unshielded, = you will revealed as faction = Q continuum, species = Q, and abilities = many and you will be told that you have been investigated but not who did it. You do have knowledge that the others do not have = there are only 3 factions in the game = several Starfleet, a few Borg, and one Q.
Q can not be assimilated but can be killed. if an assimilation attempt is made and you are unshielded, the Borg will be told who you are and you will lose a remaining ability of the Borg's choosing.
Q has 1 use of the genesis devise to bring 1 player back to life immediately after death to be used on any player including yourself. You must tell me in advance when you want to use it so that i do not reveal the players role info in the forum. It will used on yourself the first time it is needed unless you say otherwise. For instance, you may see that the game is becoming unbalanced and tell me to resurrect the next Borg to die.
only one purchased phaser kill and one investigation may be used each day by the entire compliment of the Enterprise. if 2 or more requests are made for the same day = a random drawing will be held to determine whose request is implemented. all others will be informed that their request was not processed.
- you are not included in this limitation concerning the whole ship but you personally can use only 1 of the 4 abilities per day.
you are considered both Starfleet and Borg and neither Starfleet nor Borg - therefore, you are not part of either of their win clauses.
This is a very important and complex role - even i do not understand all of it or how it might play out. ask any questions and we will discuss it - good luck :)[/spoiler]
there were many unused abilities left on the board that could have changed the game
open to questions or comments
GG all