Game thread
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Tennesseelogman wrote:
Welcome to the Star Trek mafia game. This is only the 2nd game i have hosted, so please be tolerate of my mistakes and oversights.

here are the parameters of the Star Trek mafia game. Be prepared to go where no man has gone before.
This is a forum and private message based role playing game. Comments can be made over the ship wide intercom system (public forum) or by way of personal communicators (PM) at all times unless an announcement is given that all communications have been jammed by somebody, something, or by some spatial anomaly.

There is an ion storm on day -1 = all communications aboard ship have been disrupted until all players have purchased their abilities. it will announced over the ship wide intercom system when the ship is clear of the storm and Day zero begins. No actions may be taken on day zero = only discussions and questions.

Upon commencement of the game, the Starship Enterprise has just become trapped in a time loop. All experiences are real but the consequences will not be realized until the end of the 3rd phase. Only then will normal time be restored and all actions and results that occurred during the 1st 3 days will be announced. I will announce deaths that occurred in the forum as soon as possible at the end of each day. I will let you know by PM any other actions that occurred that included you asap. Only announcement of kill results will be delayed until after day 3. other actions can take place and the results will be given if possible. for instance - you may request a mind meld on day 3 but if you were killed on day 2 = you will get no results. if you stun somebody on day 3 = they will be stunned. if you use a force field on someone = they will be protected.

Most normal mafia game rules common to this site apply except where noted differently.

PM's and forum posts are allowed at all times
All actions and lynch votes must be submitted in your individual Role PM to the moderator - lynch votes statements made in the forum will not count toward the final tally.

The game begins in Day Zero. Initial abilities must be purchased Day -1 by everyone before Day 0 can begin.
No Actions will take place during Day Zero but discussions can begin both in PM's and also in this Game Thread.
Days will switch over at 22:00 Server Time and day phases will be every 24 hours hours.

You must include me, the moderator, in all PM's

There are at least 2 factions some of which may be = Starfleet/Federation, Romulan Empire, the Dominion, the Cardassian Union, and Borg - under certain rare conditions, one can be converted/recruited to a different faction. Any species can belong to any faction. Some species that may exist are Human, Vulcan, Romulan, Klingons, Bolian, Betazoid, Vorta, Cardassiuns, Bajorans, this is not a complete list.
Day phases will be 24 hours long and will be referred to as "days". There is no separate night phase. All actions, abilities, and lynches will occur in order each day. This may result in an overlap of demises for some victims. There are no day actions and night actions - just actions.

Players do not have names. All players are nameless red shirt characters with the rank of ensign - which means you are expendable. Any name chosen by any player does not insinuate their abilities since abilities are purchased at the discretion of each player.
Each player starts with 3 bars of Latium. Each ability/item cost 3 bars payable to Quark (the moderator). Each ability is available to each player for purchase regardless of faction. Some players may have innate abilities that do not need to be purchased. The abilities are not limited in their number available. The names of each ability may be changed to make the game more interesting but the effect will be the same. The abilities available to purchase are:

A - a force field stops all attacks but not lynches - upon purchasing a force field = you must decide if you want the force field to automatically protect you the first time it is needed or if you would like to have 4 days of protection that you specifically ask for that can be used on yourself or others. Force fields take priority over all other abilities.

B - a phaser - the phaser has enough energy for 1 shot set to kill or 3 shots set on stun. The kill shot will kill the target unless shielded and the stun shot will immobilize the target such that they can not use their ability that phase. If stunned, the target could not use extra votes and could not investigate others. If 2 or more players simultaneously stun each other, the results would be that each targeted player is stunned and could therefore not use any additional abilities that phase except that the phaser can be set on wide dispersal and stun more than one player at a time (all 3 stun shots can be taken simultaneously). If 2 or more players simultaneously shoot each other but 1 or more of the phasers is set to kill, the results would be that each player hit with a kill shot would die unless otherwise protected.

C - telepathy - grants you 2 telepathic investigations to reveal the subject's faction (the subject will not be told that they have been investigated) or can be used once to mind meld with a target and learn their current faction, species, purchased ability , and whether the ability has been used yet, and will implant a subconscious command to reveal to you any changes to the aforementioned for the rest of the game. During a mind meld, you may choose to reveal any of the above to your subject through the moderator after you receive your information about them or keep it a secret that they have been probed. If you are not a species that has inherent telepathic abilities such as Vulcan, Romulan, Ocampa, Species 8472 or Betazoid then a medical tricorder will be provided that will yield the same information.

D - take command of the ship - grants you 6 extra lynch votes to be used anytime - all together or on separate occasions.

The sequence of events is force field then phaser and mafia kill then telepathy then ship command then lynch vote results

Players are encouraged to make up different names and variations for their abilities and the moderator may include them in the game at his discretion just for fun.

kill attempts that are unsuccessful will be reported to both players but the target will not know who attempted the kill. stuns attempts will not be reported. telepathic probes will not be reported.

Three additional bars of Latium will be given to each player that does not use any of there their purchased or innate abilities during the first 3 phases. These can spent immediately or banked to be used later.

all lynch votes will be placed anonymously and posted after the deadline. I like this concept since it does make it easier to count the actual votes, it prevents last second vote change schemes, takes out the time zone effect/ influence, and somewhat prevents band wagoning. Votes should be submitted by PM to the moderator and say 1 - # lynch xxx (or lunch xxx or vote for xxx) OR 2 - # no lynch OR 3 - # abstain = #no vote. Not voting and abstaining will not be counted in the final tally. However, abstaining will indicate activity vs not voting will indicate inactivity. The player that receives the most lynch votes will be jettisoned out the air lock into open space.

The dead can still communicate - dead players can post one 20 word maximum in the forum per phase and send one 20 word maximum PM per phase. The dead can be included in any chat and can listen but not speak beyond their single 20 word contribution. The dead can not be the one to open a chat room. upon your death = your role and the ability(s) you acquired will be revealed. The dead can not copy paste from PMs w other players. If a player dies that requested a mind meld = the meld is broken and no further info will come from it

if you are lynched = you will put into a space suit, put into an airlock and, jettisoned into space - - you will have enough battery to last until the end of the game and just enough oxygen to breath and make your 20 word statements. If you are killed = your spirit will remain on the ship floating around trying to communicate with the living by way of 20 word statements. The dead will not be given any special insights into the happenings on the ship and there will not be a dead player's chat room.

only one purchased phaser kill and one investigation may be used each day by the entire compliment of the Enterprise. if 2 or more requests are made for the same day = a random drawing will be held to determine whose request is implemented. all others will be informed that their request was not processed. there is no limit on the use of extra votes and the shielding

any hint of species is simply to add to the fun of the game and not indicative of faction since there are always double agents in Star Trek. You may morph into any species you want to or be surgically altered to appear as any species of your choosing without affecting your abilities or faction. Likewise, abilities that accomplish the same things may have different names. For instance, instead of using a phaser set to stun, the term "Vulcan nerve pinch" may be used since this technique can be learned by many species/factions.

i will try to underline any changes or clarifications that i put here by editing this post

player list

1 - Madagascarter - Borg
2 - ABS
3 - Rockbert
4 - ThickTalon - Starfleet
5 - Rcomer727
6 - 2ofclubs - Starfleet
7 - jkl3699
8 - MacEohaid
9 - notoriouspat - Starfleet
10 - KC321 - Starfleet
11 - pygmyhippo277
12 - Ryomyr
13 - Bluegoetz - Borg
14 - DreamStreet - Starfleet
15 - elysium
16 - hooboy11Starfleet - Borg

Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
it is now day -1 and there is a ship wide communications blackout. = No forum posts and no PMs until day 0. this time is only for you to study and purchase your abilities by PM to me.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
this is also a time where i can make sure all are active by sending me your choice on ability before i randomly select roles
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
these good questions were asked


1. Must I purchase an ability?

2. If #1 is Yes then; N/A. If #1 is No then; If I don't purchase an ability or use an innate one for 3 days, I get 3 more bars for a total of 6?

3. If I do purchase an ability but don't use any for 3 days, I get 3 more bars and do I also have the original purchase banked?

4. If I do purchase an ability but don't use any for 3 days, I get 3 more bars and does my innate ability get banked(meaning I can now double up on my innate ability) as well?

5. In the case of #3 being a yes, does that also apply to banking purchased votes?

6. In the case of #3 being a yes, does that also apply to activating a force field in any manner* of the outlined options but it was never actually needed?

*When activating the automatically protect you the first time it is needed force field option, does it stay active indefinitely until needed/used or is there a time limit of any kind?
1 1st money can not be banked - so yes if you want one
2 n/a
3 the 2nd set if earned can be banked for later use
4 no banking of innate abilities - they are time specific
5 votes can be banked and used anytime
6 auto force field is used 1st time it is needed - if you choose 4 self called = you can use them anytime for the current phase/day
^ no time limit but you will have to decide if you want it to block all attacks or just those that would kill you. in other words - do you want it to auto block a mind probe, stun attempt, extra vote block, or force field against you. Also the auto force field will not count as using your ability in regards to earning an extra ability by not using an ability unless it is activated per your instructions.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
waiting on 1 player to respond and a few responses from people i invited last minute - Day 0 will start at 22:00 either way
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
there should be no changing of avatars, signatures, or Insignia colours (unless you want a gold outline around yours which you get for buying premium) after the game begins at 22:00
bribing or betting with the other players is not allowed. bribing or betting with Quark is encouraged but know that i will be abiding by the 285 Rules of Acquisition :)
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
normally people not playing are not allowed (but we can not stop them) to comment on the game. i am going to start a new role in this one of observer. observers will be able to try and figure out who are the bad guys by posting in the forum and by private messaging other players. they will have no powers and will not be able to vote but can advise others. there is no real expectation of involvement from them so they could pop in and out as wanted and nobody should mind their lack of involvement.

this role is designed primarily for people who are not sure if they want to play or not. they can be added after the game starts if you know of anyone interested

engage !
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
elysium5 wrote:
Aye aye
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Tennesseelogman wrote:
clarification on the following
Upon commencement of the game, the Starship Enterprise has just become trapped in a time loop. All experiences are real but the consequences will not be realized until the end of the 3rd phase. Only then will normal time be restored and all actions and results that occurred during the 1st 3 days will be announced. I will announce deaths that occurred in the forum as soon as possible at the end of each day. I will let you know by PM any other actions that occurred that included you asap.

should read
Upon commencement of the game, the Starship Enterprise has just become trapped in a time loop. All experiences are real but the consequences will not be realized until the end of the 3rd phase. Only then will normal time be restored and all actions and results that occurred during the 1st 3 days will be announced. I will announce deaths that occurred in the forum as soon as possible at the end of each day. I will let you know by PM any other actions that occurred that included you asap. Only announcement of kill results will be delayed until after day 3. other actions can take place and the results will be given if possible. for instance - you may request a mind meld on day 3 but if you were killed on day 2 = you will get no results. if you stun somebody on day 3 = they will be stunned. if you use a force field on someone = they will be protected
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
the number of extra votes (if any) will not be reported nor there source at the end of the days but will be counted in the final tally
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
KC321 wrote:
#lynch TLM… sorry it’s just a habit at this point :)

Good luck everyone. Have fun!