Game Thread
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Madagascarter wrote:
Welcome to the War of Moving Cities! PM's will come shortly but I'll get this post up properly first

History (click to show)

The Daily Traction
Lady Naga has been kidnapped!

She was on tour going to Zagwa, a static city in the south of Africa when terrorists hijacked the plane she was taking and she has gone. What we do know was she was kidnapped over Tractionist territory but no body as of yet has been found. General Naga has reacted strongly to Lady Naga being taken. He blames the Tractionists and declared that peace cannot be achieved until they Lady Naga back and if she was murdered peace won't be possible as long as he lives. The Mayor of Manchester is taking statements from all the traction cities in the area but none said they knew anything to do this and say it was either an isolated incident or a Green Storm plot. All this tension that has suddenly built up over such a short time is a dagger to the hopes of peace. Hopefully we can resolve this matter quickly, we've been at war long enough.
Signed by a reliable journalist

Game mechanics - Please Read (click to show)
Money and Coin Usage (click to show)
Slave Mechanics (click to show)
Stalker Mechanics (click to show)
Basic Rules + Game specific rules, please review (click to show)
I'm adding this outside the spoiler because I'm adding a rule of No Copying and Pasting Role Pm's. I wrote 3600 words for all the Role PM's combined for all the role PM's so I think they are pretty hard to fabricate. But what you can do is rewrite the PM in your own words. This includes Actions, Win Conditions and info

Potential Characters - Names don't fit the actual story but most are based off actual characters (click to show)

Players list (click to show)
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Madagascarter is online.
elysium5 wrote:
First to post. Not Inactive!
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Tennesseelogman wrote:
well - it seems that hood has made a preemptive strike already. i will certainly be trying to gain allies but think we should wait until the game actually starts and roles are assigned. however - since role claims can not be trusted - i will not be initially be looking for members of my faction but just a small group to huddle in the corner with that might provide some group protection from hood and his bloodthirsty gang - remember - there is safety in numbers. a chat group to help sort out the mechanics of this game would be nice and maybe share plans on buying things so as to avoid a bidding war. since hood seems to be already on the rampage = i think we should keep the members of our group private for the first few phases until we can actually find some of the members of our own faction to work with. beware of joining hoods gang - many can testify to the double dealings of hood.
if allowed - i will send out a chat invite to all soon.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
well the posted game mechanics kinda changes my chat plans - i will not be sending a chat invite to everyone. just tell me here if you want an invite
mada - does the chat cost 1 coin per player invited or 1 coin for the chat room from the player who initiated the chat room or 1 coin from each player who joins?
Live long and prosper
Madagascarter wrote:
The Chat rooms cost 1 coin per room. So a 3 person room costs the same as a 2 person room. You have to tell me in the Winter phase who you want to chat to in the Summer Phase
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Madagascarter is online.
Madagascarter wrote:
Unfortunately, it is 2:15PM right now and I'm super tired. I really don't want to get anything wrong in the Role PM's so I'll leave that till tomoz. Really sorry, but I need to sleep. I have a really busy day so I probably won’t get around to it till 10pm tomoz. Which is fine cause I wouldn’t be answering your questions in that time anyway, I would’ve just had an extra long deadline
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Madagascarter is online.
Rockbert wrote:
this promises to be interesting
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
all green storm members come unto me - we will elect a spokesman and devise a plan for victory - the wise use of our coins will be the path on which we shall trod
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Deers run yello. Although green is my favorite color i.e. my avatar ;)
2ofclubs wrote:
When you get your PM Role, contact me I am of the same faction. At the least will work with you until end game ;) ♣︎♠︎
Tennesseelogman wrote:
if anyone wants to get lynched - contact me - i can make that happen in exchange for services rendered :)
Live long and prosper