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Tennesseelogman wrote:
a good question was just asked
another quick question: did you disclose the count for villains and superheroes? Is it an even split?
- i did not and will not
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Hi everyone and good luck! FYI -- I am the player formerly known as rheisel ... (I asked for a name change a couple of months ago) ... good to see some new players and excited to be playing with this group again!

Hello my love from games past.
Rockbert wrote:
It's getting cozy in here. haha
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i have been asked for more clarification on the charmer options

option 1 - minus 6 votes total throughout the game to be used whenever you request them and will be applied immediately (unless you pm me back and reverse your request). so if you see the lynch vote is 6 for you and 5 for other players x = you can use 1 minus vote to tie which would = no lynch that phase or use minus 2 and lynch the other player. Thing is there are extra votes out there and you may actually have had a lynch vote of 8 (2 you did not know about) and you are dead. OR somebody may switch there vote and the last minute and you not have time to react. Lynch votes will be made in the public forum for all to see - BUT, extra votes will be sent to me in PM and will be intended to effect the outcome secretly.
option 2 - With the automatic minus 4 , you would be covered but have only minus 4 throughout the game to be applied as needed to keep you alive.

also related
if you have extra lynch votes - you can pm me to apply them whenever you want to use them. they would not go in this public forum. you of course have the option to state in the public forum that you used some of them and on who - but so do others that did not use any :)
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i expected a lot of questions, comments, and requests for clarifications - - and i am getting them. that's all good. if i do not respond to you question or acknowledge you request to activate an ability in a timely - feel free to resend it to me as i may have overlooked it in the shuffle. new and experienced players make mistakes in these games and since i am a newbie at hosting i have already made a few and WILL make more. bear w me - i will try to not allow my mistakes to influence the outcome of the game.

Night 1 begins at 21;00
Live long and prosper
clarkenfeld wrote:
Hi all! Last time I played mafia I was swinging in a hammock in an olive grove.
clarkenfeld is online.
Rockbert wrote:
alright, so let's get a head count, we'll have the superheroes line up over here, and the villains line up over there. :)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Tennesseelogman wrote:
ok - before it comes up - another clarification

just for some of you who may try to keep count on the number of each ability used/left

i stated that there were only 4 of each ability to be given out BUT the
- manipulator can exchange for ANY other ability even if the 4 original abilities were issued. so in essence, there could be more than 4 that come into play.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
sorry if i am posting too much - this is really for the players to use mostly
 - but i want the new players to know that this is a team game - you win if your team wins - even if you are dead - you are still on the winning team.
Live long and prosper