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Tennesseelogman wrote:
the day phase has been shortened and is now over
since there are not enough heros left to out vote the villains = backdoor has the most votes and is dead - he was a hero and died holding on to thief.

 it is now night 14
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:

there is no possible way for the heros to win now with all 3 living villains active.

The surviving villains are JKL, ABS, and Vicious. Other members of the winning villain team are Ely, Hood, and Anax.

i do not have a MVP but the MIP (most influential players) are the inactives = they had the most effect on the game.
many players used their abilities well - especially to protect themselves and others at the right times

the villains were very organized and worked their plan well. the identities of 3 of the 6 villains were learned very early on but they still managed to spread confusion among some of the players. there was also the normal suspensions in the game but somehow 2name got brought in and i kept doubting myself that i had somehow missed putting in a player - but he never even considered joining - i thought he was about to get lynched? ? ?
a few of the heros had enough info to win the game early but could not convince enough of the others to join them.
it seemed that every time a player died = there was despair on one side and over confidence on the other.

well it was fun anyway. good game all
Live long and prosper
Abs wrote:
Gg guys, very enjoyable, glad I managed to bring it home for us villains!
Tennesseelogman wrote:
it could have easily gone either way up until about 4 days ago. at a certain point it was practically a done deal but the villains did not know they had it in the bag and needed to sweat a little so i did not call the game - i just shortened the phases.
Live long and prosper
Abs wrote:
Gg Pygmy! I’m glad you wrote what you did about 2ofclubs a while back as was only ammo I had to get the semi active hero’s to turn on you!

Was tough as we were down to 3 so quickly but I think fact I managed to hide my villian status so long allowed me to get the info I needed to make the right shots count

It did frustrate me you didn’t die though haha
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
MVP should go to clubs, he rallied the heroes at the beginning, and helped me time my abilities right.
Eat my dust.
Hoodlum wrote:
gg. i think giving players a chance to play, rather than get killed the first night was a good implementation that could be added to future games. 2ofclubs was the first target as i predicted he would be a lot of noise, and he was, he chose to xray the right people, and then it was just ahh, no point trying to hide the fact..cover is blown. so noise vs noise was the strat.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Rockbert wrote:
gg villains. Good job on the assist inactives. you lost us the game.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
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