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elysium5 wrote:
the mechanics on this game were set up mainly to accommodate the new players - making it simple enough so as not to frustrate them too much but still adding a couple of twist to make it interesting for others. all 3 new players either started w a power role or were offered a power role later. forum chat and PMs were allowed 24/7 to make it easier to communicate and respond. there were no neutrals.
if and when i host again (hopefully i will get to play a few games 1st) - i have some ideas to help some players who feel that they might be early targets for no reason related to the current game. perhaps a penalty (self kill) for killing someone in your own faction or starting the lynch on somebody in your own faction. or needing to present some kind of evidence against a target - not just a hunch. i am open to suggestions. maybe the theme would be a courtroom. maybe each player starts with xx units and each player requires a different number of units to kill them based on the number of games they have played = therefore attacking a player (anaxagore for instance) just because he might be a bigger threat of figuring out something or organizing a team against you would be twice as costly as attacking a newer player (sorry lizmag). anyway - this is just in the consideration phase.
i typically do not award mvp. many played the role they were given well. mafia started very well w a nightly kill and a nightly investigation opportunity however could not kill on night 1. their 1st investigation revealed the town investigator and their 2nd found the pawn shop owner. mafia had the potential to have their 1st member replaced but that did not work out. town had 3 nightly protection opportunities (counting blues self-save option) and 2 guns (although mafia had the slim opportunity to get the guns also). town had an nightly investigator and the pawn shop owner could investigate 2 players also. town would also get their investigator replaced when killed. win clauses were worded the same so that was not an easy option for outing mafia.

so who is hosting next? sign me up.

I feel like this has been done before, to help extend the game for those 'early targets.'

My feeling is that in doing so, those games became overly convoluted and overly long.

I felt like I spent TOO MUCH time trying to figure out things that were not even possible to figure out due to fluid game mechanics, rather than having established ones that could play out, regardless of who's faction got an early tactical or lucky start and not having the rules changing along the way.

This game was MUCH better!

Even though I died early (I knew I would), I had just enough time to unload both of my guns and build a base for town, doing whatever I could to help my team.

The game continued at a relatively fast pace and was completed in 12 days.

To me, that's a win, as a new game can start, everyone can get back in and it doesn't feel like a long time between games.

Great game, Tenn!
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 wrote:
The real challenge when hosting is to provide a playable game for both new and experienced players, which in itself is not complicated if you stick to the basics for the most part.

This challenge was met.

What makes it even better is the STORY to keep everyone better engaged and to use the story to provide some diversity, as opposed to making the game itself the diversity by trying to make the game as difficult as possible to play.

And the story was great!

To be clear, I'm not saying the overly complicated games have no place but they do not appeal to a wider variety of players with varying degree's of playing experience and tend to cater only to the much more experienced, thus dissuading more players from participating.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
2ofclubs wrote:
you were 1 of 10 town winners - you do not have to be alive to win - there are times where it is best for your team for you to die and all should be willing to do that
That's what I did this game by choosing not to be protected acting like I had a gun to draw attention away from the real gun. To the point that even letting some town think I had it. ;)
2ofclubs is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Also being targeted, also is a challanged I accept for now to over come.
Ditto on no fluid mechanics. I also love story lines real or fiction.
2ofclubs is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Also being targeted, also is a challanged I accept for now to over come.

you'll always be a target after so many games, then it doesn't become enjoyable anymore :)

Dogbreath wrote:
Tenn , In your summary of the game on page 20 . It says on night 4 dogb shot clubs but blue saved clubs . Then on night's 2 , 3 and 5 it says blue saved cw . My question is who shot cw on night's 2. , 3 and 5
Tennesseelogman wrote:
It says on night 4 dogb shot clubs but blue saved clubs .
yes dogb did shoot at clubs night 4 but did not die because blue saved him
Then on night's 2 , 3 and 5 it says blue saved cw . My question is who shot cw on night's 2. , 3 and 5
blue placed his save on cw each of those nights but nobody shot at him so it did not result in an actual save - therefore, blue did not earn a self save either of the following nights
Spoiler (click to show)
Live long and prosper
Dogbreath wrote:
Sorry Tenn I'm just trying to figure out things . This is a great game . So does the doctor tell you who he'll save before he knows who has been shoot ? Also have you ever thought of saving a Lynched man one in every 10 hangings or so .
histoplasmosis wrote:
in this modern world poor soldiers die for their countries and the rich and government officials get rich off their blood, just my opinion, and its evil and sad too if you ask me
Tennesseelogman wrote:
So does the doctor tell you who he'll save before he knows who has been shoot ?
yes the doc submits his request to save a player during the night phase by name = # save dogb. other players submit their requests to use their night abilities also = # shoot clubs, # jail blue# investigation ely. all are then processed at the end of the phase and reported just after the next phase starts. = blue you were jailed and therefore you were not able to save dogb. but in this example - dogb was not shot at so it did not matter.
Also have you ever thought of saving a Lynched man one in every 10 hangings or so
in this game (and most) , the doc could not save a player from being lynched. in other games, that might be possible with vote manipulation abilities.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
so what's up? i am ready!
was the last one so bad that nobody wants to play again or so good that nobody thinks they can follow it?
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
It was good. Real life is to busy to host but I can, willing and want to play (help my faction).
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