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Dogbreath wrote:
Crywolf , you have been messing with people the entire game . Now it's time to say good-bye to you . # LYNCH Crywolf
Crywolf wrote:
Crywolf , you have been messing with people the entire game . Now it's time to say good-bye to you . # LYNCH Crywolf
I only mess with Mafia
New Mafia game coming
2ofclubs wrote:
i will be traveling to North Carolina today for Memorial Day weekend and will not be online until after the deadline. so results will likely be 2-3 hours late.
yet to vote - 5 - cw, jacob, dogb, blue, histo

Wolf 1 - Dog
Dog 2 - Wolf & Blue
Yet to Vote 2 - Histo & Jacob.
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
finally he speaks - but too little too late. George Hamilton was lynched - it could have been due to his orange skin or more likely to his ignoring requests for information. several town members felt pretty good about each other but had no info on dogb - he was about the best guess they could make. with 2 votes = dogbreath is dead. good game dogb. he was somewhat active in the mafia chat

Name = George Hamilton
Faction = Mafia
Role = Mafia shooter = you may target any player each even numbered night

with that all mafia are dead and town wins. left alive are town blue, cwolf, histo, and jacob but all town members win. here are the remaining roles

Name = Tennessee Williams
Faction = Town
Role = Doctor = each night you can save another player from a gunshot. you can not save yourself but if you save the a player that was targeted by the mafia = you save yourself the next night

Name = Carl Perkins
Faction = Town
Role = Vanilla = no special ability

Name = Morgan Freeman
Faction = Town
Role = Vanilla = no special ability

Name = Jerry Lawler
Faction = Town
Role = Sheriff = each night you may jail another player. while jailed, that player can not use an ability nor have an ability be used on him. before jailing him, you will search him and if a gun is found = you may confiscate it for your own use. as sheriff, you may have more than 1 gun but you start with zero.

additional info on
i hope you are having some fun and want to continue. several have told you that it can be confusing and frustrating at first. if you want to continue to be active = i can make it more interesting for you = i had a plan for you from the very beginning but did not tell you. i was waiting to see if you liked the mafia game or not. it is still early in the game but things are starting to heat up and lines are being drawn.
you have several options
1 - continue as you are and be as active or inactive as you want to and just see how the game is played out
2 - drop out of the game by just not playing anymore - your role is not a power role and this would not affect the game very much
3 - take me up on this offer to get a new power role which would need a little more involvement. you could (and should) continue to claim (in the public forum and in PMs) frustration with the game but secretly become a key player. if you agree to this = i will assign a veteran player to coach you.

what do you say?
he said he would take option 1 - he was to be offered the mafia role of Abs

this is what his actual secondary role offer was exactly - i changed the wording posted after his death to avoid implicating the other 2 new players
since you are a new player = once another player dies = you may be given the opportunity to assume his role/abilities if he has any. normally , when a player dies = his abilities die with him but in this case, i wanted you to be able to experience a little more of the game. please be as active in the game as possible to retain this special ability. and it would probably be best not to tell any other player in the game about this option.
you now have the investigation ability that rock had =
Investigator = each night you may investigate the name, faction, or role of any 1 player
this is a move that gives town an advantage. rock had already investigated 2 players but i will not tell you who nor the results. you can tell this to anybody you want to or keep it to yourself.

here is was happened
day 0 - mada asked for a gun from histo, 2oc asked for a gun from rock but then changed to ely and got it, cw asked for a gun from abs.
night 1 - rock investigated cw's faction
day 1 - no lynch
night 2 - blue asked for a gun from abs, blue saved cw, rock investigated cw, dogb shot rock, abs investigated ely, jacob jailed clubs and took his gun, cw got a gun from ely
day 2 - abs was lynched, blue asked for a gun from npat
night 3 - lizmag inherited rock's investigation and investigated ely, npat shot ely, jacob jailed lizmag, jacob shot mada, blue saved cw
day 3 - thick was lynched
night 4 - lizmag investigated clubs, dogb shot clubs but blue saved clubs and earned a self save
day 4 - lizmag was lynched
night 5 - cw shot npat, npat shot clubs, blue saved cw
day 5 - dogb was lynched
game over

good game all
Live long and prosper
Dogbreath wrote:
Lol GG all . I new it was Lynching time for me and I was hoping to get one player to cross over the picket line and vote with me .
2ofclubs wrote:
Again Thank You Tennessee
Gg all
Reminds of the D12 Style game when Thick was shooting all his town buddies.
Thick we should still be good ( I wasn't hoodwinkeing or back stabbing you my friend).
Nice job town working the save abilities and hiding the guns.
To the new players - you all did well!!! Hope you you join us again.
So who is hosting next game (maybe summer time blues at the lake theme).
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
the mechanics on this game were set up mainly to accommodate the new players - making it simple enough so as not to frustrate them too much but still adding a couple of twist to make it interesting for others. all 3 new players either started w a power role or were offered a power role later. forum chat and PMs were allowed 24/7 to make it easier to communicate and respond. there were no neutrals.
if and when i host again (hopefully i will get to play a few games 1st) - i have some ideas to help some players who feel that they might be early targets for no reason related to the current game. perhaps a penalty (self kill) for killing someone in your own faction or starting the lynch on somebody in your own faction. or needing to present some kind of evidence against a target - not just a hunch. i am open to suggestions. maybe the theme would be a courtroom. maybe each player starts with xx units and each player requires a different number of units to kill them based on the number of games they have played = therefore attacking a player (anaxagore for instance) just because he might be a bigger threat of figuring out something or organizing a team against you would be twice as costly as attacking a newer player (sorry lizmag). anyway - this is just in the consideration phase.
i typically do not award mvp. many played the role they were given well. mafia started very well w a nightly kill and a nightly investigation opportunity however could not kill on night 1. their 1st investigation revealed the town investigator and their 2nd found the pawn shop owner. mafia had the potential to have their 1st member replaced but that did not work out. town had 3 nightly protection opportunities (counting blues self-save option) and 2 guns (although mafia had the slim opportunity to get the guns also). town had an nightly investigator and the pawn shop owner could investigate 2 players also. town would also get their investigator replaced when killed. win clauses were worded the same so that was not an easy option for outing mafia.

so who is hosting next? sign me up.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
Was there any significance to the names?
no - just randomly assigned from the list in post 1 - all male
however, in some games, there is a significance. the very smallest, seeming unimportant thing can mean a great deal in some games - like your date of birth in one game where a lot of biographical info was provided in the role assignment PM. in several other games, certain abilities were added if you found a specific character or even killed a character = so be careful in the future - reveal your name only to me and i will help keep it safe :). i might even co-host the next game - - if you know what i mean.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
you were 1 of 10 town winners - you do not have to be alive to win - there are times where it is best for your team for you to die and all should be willing to do that
Live long and prosper