• 648 posts
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robit wrote:
Hmm, find it sus to talk a lot but not find any info and just throw out accusations. Those that are most active could be most likely the bads? They know each other are bad and are able to talk more open and free and try to entice others to join in and reveal pertinent info. Good cop/bad cop routine, calling people out for not doing what is expected, etc.

Got a feeling the clues are in front of us now...

MacEohaid wrote:
Owls deal in absolutes.

and Mac you remind me of a man on the run, keep your head on a swivel Riddler.
Owls deal in absolutes.

and Mac you remind me of a man on the run, keep your head on a swivel. -Riddler.

What I if told you
that you read the
first line wrong?
Rcomer727 wrote:
These players are awfully quiet. You new guys need to get more involved here. Don't be shy. C'mon in, the water is fine.

5 - robit
7 - pdbq
9 - hs0602
10 - calebdecker
14 - Rcomer727
15 - thepriceisright
17 - Hoodlum

Maybe they have jobs.......right?
Probably not, they are just afraid to participate because the big bad owl will gash their eyes out if thy joke around.
This is very true.

i like to stay a little quiet to start but I have some suspects of who may be up to no good
MacEohaid wrote:
Rcomer727, Yeah, I understand, if you participate to much you get killed most games.
Rcomer727 wrote:
Rcomer727, Yeah, I understand, if you participate to much you get killed most games.
Rcomer727 wrote:
So I'm gonna come out hot right now.
I think ryo is a bad guy. He has been quiet in here and is not really making any real conversation in pm about the game. Only pleasantries.
#lynch ryo
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i am caught up on night actions i think but not on other PMs nor the forum. i will read them all soon to see if i missed any questions
if i missed your request - please let me know

after a busy night of inquiries and doings

nobody died
it is now day 2 - get you lynch votes in anytime
Live long and prosper
Abs wrote:
Ok I will start :)

#lynch Ryomyr

Why? Because he is dirty mafia SCUM!

NB - I reserve the right to change my vote
MacEohaid wrote:
Ok I will start :)

#lynch Ryomyr

Why? Because he is dirty mafia SCUM!

NB - I reserve the right to change my vote

Wow! Okay, interesting. Hey Abs, what are your thoughts on the fact that nobody died last night?
Did the mafia put a hit on someone and someone with protective powers shielded them?
Just thought for sure someone was going to die, at least that is how the last 3 games I played went.
KC321 wrote:
Okay friends, I agree with what Mac is saying. Usually the mafia has one person able to kill. Given that a kill didn’t take place, I think one of two things could be happening:

Spoiler (click to show)
Abs wrote:
Okay friends, I agree with what Mac is saying. Usually the mafia has one person able to kill. Given that a kill didn’t take place, I think one of two things could be happening:

Spoiler (click to show)

Or they tried to kill someone but that person was saved?

I can tell you they are up to no good as I had an action on me….

Someone “confused me” which meant I didn’t know any answers to my night action….

They are not out to lunch at all!
KC321 wrote:
Goood call abs. I didn’t even think of that option! Glad we’re collaborating here.
Rcomer727 wrote:
we are not in lynch phase until Tenn says so.

Fine. Now I will
#lynch ryo
ThickTalon wrote:
I need to publicly apologize to Mac, I... uh... misinterpreted the wording of a post that those of us posting during daylight didn't work and and got a bit ahead of myself..

Back to regularly scheduled programming. Take it easy Mac:)