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Tennesseelogman wrote:
Welcome to the Batman Mafia Game

Basic Rules + Game specific rules
- You must do your best to help YOUR faction/team win.
- Do not post after you die
- Do not post in the game thread if you aren't in the game.
- Please do not edit posts.
- Votes take this format in this forum: # Lynch xxxx (in Bold please)
- PM me your Actions In Bold
- No bribing the moderators or other players
-The moderator is always right. If there is an issue, respectfully bring it to their attention, but do not argue it.
- No ScreenShots
- The deadline of 21:00 is the deadline. Any votes or actions taken after 20:59:59 will not be counted, even if the moderator is late. Chat can continue by all players even if the results have not been yet posted. Once you have been pronounced dead by forum post or PM = please do not share any information by PM or in the forum (except for something like "good game" )
- Forum chat and PMs are allowed at all times. Include the moderator in all PMs. If a player starts a PM with you and I am not included = please kindly remind him and start a new chat with me in it.
- No players can be prevented from using their ability for 2 nights in row, nor can they be protected for 2 nights in a row by the same person

We are now in Night Zero.

No Actions will take place during Night Zero but discussions can begin both in PM's and also in this Game Thread.

Day One will begin at 21:00 Server Time and night/day phases will be every 24 hours each
Bad guys/Mafia
1. The Joker
2. The Riddler
3.The Penguin
4. Catwoman

Not Bad guys
5. Batman
6. Robin
7. Alfred
8. Aunt Harriet
9. Commissioner James Gordon
10. Police chief Angel Rojas
11. Batgirl
12. Reporter Vicki Vale
13. Police officer Ethan Bennett
14. Police officer Ellen Yi
15. - Dr. Leslie Thompkins
16. Concerned citizen Peter
17. Concerned citizen Clark
18. Concerned citizen Tony
19. Concerned citizen Diana

Players list

1 - bluegoetz
2 - rockbert - good guy - Commissioner James Gordon - killed night 3
3 - thicktalon - good guy - police chief Angel Rojas - killed night 3
4 - 2ofclubs
5 - robit - good guy - CC Tony - killed night 2
6 - elysium5 - good guy - officer Ellen Yi - killed night 4
7 - pdbq - good guy - Concerned citizen Peter - lynched day 7
8 - abs
9 - hs0602 - good guy - aunt Harriet - killed night 7
10 - calebdecker - good guy - Alfred - lynched day 3
11 - pygmyhippo277 - good guy - police officer Ethan Bennett - lynched day 5
12 - notoriouspat - good guy - Batgirl - killed night 4
13 - KC321 - bad guy - Catwoman - killed night 2
14 - Rcomer727 - neutral - Superman - lynched day 8
15 - thepriceisright - bad guy - the Penguin - lynched day 4
16 - MacEohaid - good guy - Batman - killed night 2
17 - Hoodlum - good guy - Vicki Vale - killed night 4
18 - Ryomyr - bad guy - the Riddler - lynched day 2

No roles have been sent out yet. All of the roles will be sent out asap but may take a while. General discussion may begin.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
answers to the riddles

1 - what is 2 π r²
A - 2 π r = the circumference of a circle (which is irrelevant it this case) and π r² = the area of a circle; therefore, 2 π r² = twice the area of a circle

2 - there are 9 coins. 8 gold coins and 1 counterfeit coin that is exactly identical as the 8 except that it weighs 1 gram less. how can you correctly identify the counterfeit coin by using a balance scale only 2 times?
A - take any 3 of the coins and put them on one side of the balance scale and 3 coins on the other. If one side is lighter than the other = the counterfeit coin is in that group of 3. If the 2 groups are equal = the counterfeit coin is in the group of 3 left on the table. Either way, you now have it narrowed down to 3 coins. Repeat with only 1 coin on both sides of the scale and you have the answer.

3 - Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, within 5 minutes of each other, in the same month and year, and yet they're not twins. How can this be?
A - They are 2 out of a set of triples.

4 - A bus driver goes the wrong way down a one-way street. He passes the cops, but they don’t stop him. Why?
A - The bus driver was walking

5 - Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
A - Mt. Everest

6 - If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt, what relation is she to you?
A - Your mother

7 - In the USA during a leap year, which month has 29 days?
A - All of them

8 - One of my friends likes to smoke but he can not afford to buy cigarettes so he collects cigarette butts and takes the unburnt tobacco out of them and rolls his own. He has got this down to science by now. It takes him 7 used butts to get enough tobacco to make a cigarette. He has now collected 49 butts. How many cigarettes can he make?
A - He can make 8. He will make 7 out the 49 and save the 7 butts and be able to make another one

9 - If you were put in a room that had 2 doors, one marked A and one marked B, and there are 2 computers there also, one marked 1 and the other marked 2. You are told that one of the doors leads to death and the other leads to life and that one of the computers always tells the truth and the other one always lies. There is no other difference between the doors or the computers. These computers have all knowledge of your current situation. You are allowed to ask one question of either computer to get out of the room alive. What is it?
A - You ask either computer "which door leads to life?" and then whatever it says = take the opposite door since it will tell you the wrong door.

10 - There are 10 unmarked bags of coins with between 20 - 30 coins in each bag. 9 of the bags contain counterfeit coins which weigh 10 grams each and 1 bag contains real gold coins the weigh 10.1 grams each. There is no other discernable difference between the coins. You are on a ship which is rocking slightly so you can not tell by feel any difference in weight nor can you use a balance scale to check them out. The only thing you can use is a digital scale which is almost broken. It will work only 1 more time and it is finished. You can put as many coins on the scale as you want and then push the button and it will give you an accurate reading down to the tenth of a gram. How do you decide which bag of coins has the real coins in it?
A - You should line up the bags and then take 1 coin out of bag #1, 2 coins out of bag #2, 3 coins out of bag #3, and so forth. Place all 55 coins on the scale and weigh them. Whatever the decimal point is = that is the number of the bag that contains the real gold coins. So, if it reads 55.1grams = it is bag #1, or 55.9 = bag 9, or 56.0 = bag 10

11 - Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Sunday, Wednesday, or Saturday?
A - Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

12 - 15 people are stuck on a ship that will sink in 20 minutes. The only way to get off the ship to safety is via the only raft on board that holds a maximum of 5 people. A trip to the nearest island and back takes 9 minutes, how many people will survive?
A - 13 will survive. 5 people row to safety and one must return with the raft (so 4 are saved), he now picks up 4 more to save, and lastly returns and gets 4 more to save plus himself. He is 2 minutes away from the ship on his 3rd trip when it sinks with 2 people left on it but the last group of 5 still make it to the island. We may never know what happened to those 13 people stranded on the island, but at least they are alive for now. :)
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Hmm ? #9 if I take the opposite door to truth computer asking it wich is life I die. You must Ask what door leads to death.
Lying computer will say life door is death
Honest computer will say death door is death door.
So I take the opposite of what either computer either computer claims is death door.

2ofclubs wrote:
Does NOT* sorry hard to phrase it correctly. lets say door A is life
Honest PC will tell me door A doesn't ≈ death.
 Lying PC will say the door B doesn't lead to death.
So I take door A
If door B ≈ life
Honest PC will tell me door B doesn't ≈ death.
 Lying PC will say the door A doesn't lead to death.
So I take door B.
Clear as mud ?
MacEohaid wrote:

Here is what I wrote for #9:
Ask one computer which door the other computer says will lead to life and take the other door. Both will tell me the same door.
MacEohaid wrote:
For instance if I ask the computer that lies to tell me what the computer that tells the truth says (take the door that leads to life) then he will tell me the opposite door which leads to death, so I take the other which leads to life. If I ask the computer that.tells the truth which door the computer that lies would suggest then I know it is the death door, so I take the other.
Hope that helps.
Rcomer727 wrote:
My wife's answer for #4
The cops were sleeping, obviously
#6 your uncle is by marriage to your blood aunt, so his sister is simply your uncle's sister

Lol. She's a pain sometimes
Tennesseelogman wrote:
all roles Pms have now been sent out - i should be awake for about another 2 hours to answer questions.
i think we can keep the end of night 0 for 21:00 tomorrow.
everyone please check in here if you have not already to let others know you are active
No night actions now - night actions start on night 1
Live long and prosper
Rockbert wrote:
Present and accounted for
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Ryomyr wrote:
Hey oh!

I will be on for quite a bit tomorrow. The weekdays will be a bit tougher. Popping on once around 6am (MST), 12:30, and a for a bit in the evening. 
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i have referred to the bad guys as "bad guys" but you can call them villains or mafia or scum or whatever
and others as "good guys" but again the terms village, town, townies, heros or whatever applies.
Also you can # lynch xxx, or lunch, or vote to kill
During the day (lynch phase) you can # abstain which indicates activity but will not be counted in the vote tally. Likewise, missing the vote will not be counted.
Voting # no lynch is a valid vote and will be counted. Tie votes will result in a no lynch
Live long and prosper
HS0602 wrote:
I will be online mostly at 5:30 am CST
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.