Game Thread
  • 239 posts
  • Page 13 of 16
2ofclubs wrote:
2ofClubs – FBI agree
Tennessee – Cabal FBI Kap
Jkl – Cabal CABAL
Rockbert – FBI cabal not Kap
– FBI Kap cabal
Chipmunk – FBI very slight chance Kap
Now I am a definitely a target for the Cabal. I am not asking for Kaps protection what I am doing is forcing Cabals shot on FBI (possibly protected) or unknown possibly hitting non risk Kap, protected Kap or other protected FBI. So they are shooting in the dark. Sorry Kap I don't know whom is 100% FBI. The decision is yours. I will say in advance that I wont hold it against you.
Does any other FBI have an idea? PM me but I will be off line for awhile until I get back off river in about 4hrs.
2ofclubs wrote:
Nice Jkl taking away US FBI informant and outing yourself. Sweet & sour though. We don't have anyway to confirm now.
As I said from the start 1♣︎♣︎% out for Cabal.
All are votes were hunches - some good hunches based on post.
I would like to add if Chip was Cabal or Kap, Ely may have intervened..
I think we finish off Jkl and hope FBI kill is a mis on on self healed Kap. It also doesn't matter who Kap protects as long as its not a Cabal we still end up in the same spot if night kill is successful. How do we get Cabal to the saved one?
I see 2 fishy/wolfy/mafia posts.
Jkls vote on Hood and Rocks after Hoods death.
Corrected typo: How do we get Cabal to not be the saved one?
jkl3699 wrote:
Right now, I believe there are 3 cabal and 3 fbi. With me dead, there will be only 2 more fbi. Well played cabal, you've effectively won the game.
2ofclubs wrote:
Sstrange 183 post!! No mention of Kap and in game opening its states 2 Cabal 6 FBI 1 Kap and 1 Red = 10
Maybe absent Chip is Cabal and Jkl is playing solo? That would be nice for us FBI.
2ofclubs wrote:
i am kap
do not kill me tonight cabal - it is not part of your win clause
Is that a Hard Claim!! Lol
I guess that will confuse Cabal even more on who to hit. :P
Possible Cabal chat. Cabal 1: we cant hit Ten who may be self protected and cant hit 2oc he asked to be protected. Also Kap may protect a 3rd FBI knowing we won't risk wasting shot on T & 2. So who do we target? Cabal Jkl: "IDK maybe Chip, they won't protect an inactive but you better make hit count because I am being lynched. GL"

I think we got this fellow FBI. ;)

2ofclubs wrote:
Vote Jkl = 4 - ♧♧, Rock, TLM, Jkl
Chip in active and Ryo hasn't voted

I may not get back on before dead line but will check sometime time tonight. Friday is my biggest day of vacation with a 10 hour kayak padal on the river, so involement will be almost nill.

2ofclubs wrote:
Vote Jkl = 3 - ♧♧, Rock, TLM, Jkl
Clubs = 1 Jkl
Chip in active and Ryo hasn't voted

I may not get back on before dead line but will check sometime time tonight. Friday is my biggest day of vacation with a 10 hour kayak padal on the river, so involement will be almost nill.

elysium5 wrote:
Day three is over.

Vote count:

jkl3699- 2ofclubs, Tennesseelogman, Rockbert
2ofclubs- jkl3699
Did not vote- ChipmunkWarrior, Ryomyr

The group voted and jkl3699 has been Killed.

jkl3699 was an FBI agent.

GG, jkl3699

Night three has begun. No communication allowed in this thread or in PM except for the Cabal which can communicate at night through PM.

Day two will begin at 02:00 server time.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Tennesseelogman wrote:
well - i am glad i did not stay up past my bedtime to see if i had been shot at.
ely - will i be notified if cabal tried to shoot me?
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
I may be a ghost. IDK I did checked a few times and was hoping for news. I will be able to check once more before I go into the valley .
If a live, inactive Chipmunkwarrior is still likely a possible FBI vote.
For now, I will vote
 #No vote .
Rockbert wrote:
I can't believe Jkl was FBI. That means that either Tennessee or Clubs is cabal. That or Ryomyr has fooled us and his inactivity was just a ploy while he picked us off one by one.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann