Game Thread!
  • 595 posts
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
Anax I don't want to lynch you because if we fail this lynch it is almost certainly game over. If actual intelligence emerges that incriminated you, I would happily lynch you though.

I've exchanged messages with a few, but not extensively enough to say I'm "chatting" with anyone. Fake Role PMs meant that I had no intention of exchanging PMs this time, since it will just lead to a web of confusion and lies. Especially now since 5 out of 11 players still alive have fake role PMs.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

elysium5 wrote:
Well, here is some roundabout info. I said earlier that I mostly have been talking to Tenn and 2ofC who both have groups and I am in no group. They have both messaged me since I was last online.

The interesting thing is that they have both said that they both trust me as Village.

So instead of asking in reply to their PM's, I will ask here in public. Why still no invite into your group(s)?

I have to go again for a few hours but I'll be back as soon as I can.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Ready4war wrote:
In response to tennessees post.
I messaged mdhaglund a Jan 5th because he messaged me late in the reindeer game to set up communication.
I told him we should set it up earlier this game and gave him some info about myself.. and have got no response
We will not appreciate water until the well runs dry -Benjamin Franklin
2ofclubs wrote:
@ ely your welcome to join the shrinking group I am in.  It wasn't a non invite or lack of trust.
 I have shared vital info with you that included group info as if you were in the group cuz you are village. I was under the impression you didn't want to be a group that could have FPM scum.  There is another player who seems to be reserved in joining in that sense also.

I am pretty sure most if not all have seen my role and abilities even a lying mafia scummmm. The mafia know i am village and also know I am low on the abilities target - hence still being a live. 

I am not giving up but also not sure how the village will survive the gauntlet.  
But "I feel lucky you mafia Punks" even if I am the last villager standing  :P

2ofclubs is online.
Anaxagore wrote:
If you are village stop posting in your secret groups and share everything here
I don't have access to these info too but you can be sure mafia did
2ofclubs wrote:
@ virt you say lynch Virt and Yourself.  Previously u said
Anaxagore wrote:  Posted: Yesterday, 23:55 
Post #197
I'm in 0 groups, no one has sent me any info so i play only by reading players.

If i die: Lynch Vicious, and CheckMate.

Your all over the place.

What is your vote? I don't realy care why just what is it.
Do you have a summary of the days lynch vote
2ofclubs is online.
Anaxagore wrote:
I was wrong about checkmate and vicious. So what?
I'm still town. My activity proves it. And I would never have killed vicious if I was scum..
He was an easy lynch

What about you? Why are you so much online when Virt is?
If you don't want to be the next one to get lynched, you should vote now
2ofclubs wrote:
Wow on line when virt is.  LOL 
Time zone maybe
Wait whats your back up?  No merit or weight !!!!
I am on line pretty much 9 am to 2am Central Time. Also on line a lot when ely is on line.

I always wait to the end to vote.

But I will pacify you.

Lynch Tennessee
of course with disclaimer subject to change as more is revealed.

Oh and i am going off line to drive to work a 12hr on 2nd shift and may monitor from phone there.  :roll: Maybe i should PM the now sane alcoholic player for my D12 addiction. :roll:
2ofclubs is online.
Rockbert wrote:
#Lynch Tennessee.

He is neutral, and neutrals have to go as much as mafia.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
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