Game Thread!
  • 595 posts
  • Page 18 of 40
Tennesseelogman wrote:
unlynch mdhag
honestly - i will jump on which ever band wagon will keep me from getting lynched. although i have strong feelings about several players. better them than me
Live long and prosper
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Guys I'm afraid I'll have to sleep now, I'll try to wake up for the deadline but I make no promises. Just remember, if the town is split 50/50 on the lynch vote then it's the mafia who get to decide who dies.... They will vote near the deadline to control who dies. So please follow the lynch on Tennesseelogman, he is the neutral.

(I know the mafia are the bigger threat right now, but not as big as the threat of mislynching - of we lynch a villager, it's as good as game over unless there's some crazy ability I'm not aware of)
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Virtuosity98 wrote:
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Virtuosity98 wrote:
Well Tennessee, you could have at least tried someone else - I'm the only one who's been 'cleared' by an inspector role (Hood). Yet you vote to lynch me?
Clearly you don't have village's interests at heart.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Rockbert wrote:
Tennessee is NOT neutral. #Lynch Tennessee
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Anaxagore wrote:
Either tenesse was inspected and appeared scum (but if that's the case why not say something?) or the whole scum team is voting him
Anaxagore wrote:
I spent the whole day trying but no one except tenessee is talking to me so even if he is neutral. I prefer to ally with him
Rockbert wrote:
Tennessee is NOT neutral. #Lynch Tennessee

Oh man, I am so tired. Sorry guys, been a long few days. I meant to say Tennessee is NOT VILLAGE. dang it. I can back it up. I guarantee he IS NEUTRAL and therefore, he is hurting village.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Tennesseelogman wrote:
concerning virt98

hood made a statement - that statement was not in any way verified as true . if you go back and read post #95 and 103 on page 7 you will see.
Once per night you can review the footage of 1 player to view 3 things that that player has said in Private Convosations. These will be announced in the main forum at the start of the day.
Hood was never given the results of any investigation he did and nothing was announced in the main forum.
i'm just saying virt98 may be village, neutral, or mafia based solely on that argument which is the only thing he has been hanging on to.
if anybody else agrees with this logic (not necessarily the conclusion) please back me up
Live long and prosper
Anaxagore wrote:
Rockbert, thé scum team also wants to kill thé neutral. Let's use his vote tonight before we become a minority