Game Thread!
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2ofclubs wrote:
@ all c/o anaxagor wild comments !!!
My PMs
To: Virtuosity98, Madagascarter haunted PM (5)   Yesterday, 01:46
To: Madagascarter, Anaxagore Haunted House (1) 04 Jan 2021, 07:04
To: elysium5, Madagascarter Haunted H ely only (48) 53 minutes ago

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Virtuosity98 wrote:
Lynch Tennesseelogman
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Ready4war wrote:
Anax might be on to something here

Win Conditions
Village - Get rid of all the mafia and neutrals
Mafia - Get rid of all the neutrals and enough Villagers
Neutral - Ambiguous

I will have to ask mada, but the wording: get rid of all neutrals and enough villagers vs get rid of enough villagers and all the neutrals might mean something
We will not appreciate water until the well runs dry -Benjamin Franklin
Tennesseelogman wrote:
do not lynch me - some of you know that i am village and have the power to turn the tide - i may be the only hope for a village win - and i am in the process of trying to make that happen behind the scenes. . vote for me only if you are mafia or neutral!
Live long and prosper
Bluegoetz wrote:
So this didn't go perfectly last time but once again its lynch time and i'm just not sure. so based on my (possibly flawed) opinion, i'm going to vote on v98. once again i'm open to changing my mind if you want to message me privately or even here. and this time i'm going to do better on time and keeping up.
#lynch V98
Anaxagore wrote:
The neutral is a threat to the scum team too. And right now they have a much higher chance to win than us so let's keep the neutral alive for now and shoot scum.

Unless the last neutral can kill, (why 3 deaths?) But even if he can he probably wanna shoot scum
2ofclubs wrote:
I have 3 players all claiming a 100% that some one different is mafia or neut. But none offer proof.
So I say nothing is 100% in this game especially with madagascarter game mechanics. ;)

UNlynch Tennessee

Lynch Anaxagor

Subject to change
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remlburc wrote:
Finish up my real life lunch break, trying to catch up on this book y’all have wrote. I’ll vote later once I finish and make my analysis. It’s 1pm my time so it’s hard to be on the same schedule of the rest of the folks.
2ofclubs wrote:
5pm here just ask anaxagor he will verify through V98   LOL
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2ofclubs wrote:
UNlynch Tennessee
UNlynch Anaxagor

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2ofclubs wrote:
whats the pre poles on votes less the fraud factor?  :P
8 hrs to go.
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