In Berlin the optimists are learning English, the pessimists, Russian...
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Sygmassacre wrote:
3 nazi, 1 british spy and 1 unknown spy gone from the game.
Why has this game not ended?
Were there 4 mafia to begin with?
Why did everyone jump off dough?
Was it kyla or hood that shot anax?

There must be another end game or another mafia. It cant just be a nazi spy left. Who are they supposed to spy for?

So many questions to answer. If the Americans still have a spy it would be nice to hear from them
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
AlexCheckMate wrote:
Events thus far:

Day 1 is now over. The vote was a tie, and therefore the undecided verdict led to No Lynch.

Lynch tallies:
AlexCheckmate: 5 votes (Sygmassacre, Hoodlum, elysium5, dough_boy, huskers01)
No lynch: 5 votes (Tennesseelogman, Jimi, Bluegoetz, WMatar, AlexCheckMate)

Players abstaining: @Anaxagore, @Kyla, @Vicious, @CheekyTeeky

It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 22:00 server time (countdown). If desired, submit your night actions to me via your Role PM.

Night 1 has ended. Please await feedback for any night actions that you submitted.

During the night, it was reported that a Spy was found dead in a Soviet army base. They were able to confirm that he was not Russian, but since he spoke German, English and French impeccably it was impossible to know from which country he originated.
Anaxagore was killed. He was either a German, British, American, or French Spy.

It is now Day 2. If desired, vote for someone you wish to lynch using the format: LYNCH [player X]
Day 2 will end at 22:00 server time (countdown).

//kill claimed by hoody - noone fought the claim.

Day 2 is now over. CheekyTeeky was lynched. She was General Weilding, Commander of the Berlin Defence Area, and allied with the Third Reich.
Role PM (click to show)

Lynch tallies:
CheekyTeeky: 6 votes (Jimi, Kyla, Vicious, elysium5, Tennesseelogman, AlexCheckMate)
AlexCheckmate: 5 votes (Sygmassacre, Hoodlum, dough_boy, Huskers01, WMatar)

Players abstaining: @Bluegoetz, @CheekyTeeky

It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end at 22:00 server time (countdown). If desired, submit your night actions to me via your Role PM.

P.S. sorry for the delay :3

Night 2 has ended. Please await feedback for any night actions that you submitted.

During the night, a Spy was killed in Berlin. It is assumed that he was not German, but since he spoke Russian, English and French impeccably it was impossible to know from which country he originated.
Tennesseelogman was killed. He was either a Russian, British, American, or French Spy.

Furthermore, an army headed by Field Marshal Montgomery launched a massive and decisive nighttime offensive against the city of Berlin. The beleaguered German forces capitulated under the devastating speed and precision of the attack. Berlin was taken by the British military, and Adolf Hitler (WMatar) was killed while attempting to escape. The other leaders of the Third Reich were neither captured nor reported dead.

It is now Day 3. If desired, vote for someone you wish to lynch using the format: LYNCH [player X]
Day 3 will end at 22:00 server time (countdown).

elim on tennee prolly by the nazi team? kyla?
elim on WM/hitler claimed by syg (who tricked saying to shoot ely)

Kyla was lynched. She was Ernst Kaltenbrunner – Director of the Reich Main Security Office, and allied with the Third Reich.
Spoiler (click to show)

Lynch tallies:
Kyla: 6 votes (AlexCheckMate, Hoodlum, huskers01, Jimi, Vicious, dough_boy)
dough_boy: 3 votes (Sygmassacre, Kyla, Bluegoetz)
Bluegoetz: 1 vote (elysium5)

Players abstaining: [none]

It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 22:00 server time (countdown). If desired, submit your night actions to me via your Role PM.

I'm guessing we've got 1 nazi & 1 german spy left to go for
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
Sygmassacre wrote:
Hood and I both claimed a kill but neither could be countered either way since mafia would expose themselves. But then there is no reason for us to lie because that would still make us targets for a night kill. As it stands we are just bystanders now looking for mafia. So far I've tried to lynch alex twice and dough once. Inadvertently this trapped mafia into exposing themselves through their lynch choices. It must really annoy mafia that they can't waste a shot on either of us yet they haven't been able to hit a power role. And now that their gun is dead do we need to just lynch correctly from here on in?
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
AlexCheckMate wrote:
Well, from the roles left, I assume the opposition of the 3rd reich still have some aggressive power left - who should they target this night?

9 players left - still 3 on my list who i can think of that might have bad intentions :o

Can someone write here, if they know about the existance of Citizins of Berlin? - whoever writes a yes, does not necessarily have to claim to be one of those themselves - I'm just wondering whether we should assume they're around. Ty
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
dough_boy wrote:
The first post says it doesn't end until all victory points can be earned (at least that is how I take it). Virt also won't tell me mine to know if things have transpired as we thought.
Jimi wrote:
If it counts like this

2 British left
2 American left
3 Russian left
1 Eisenhower
1 citizens

Then there is no german left

(2 citizens no Eisenhower, leaves no german)

 there is 1 citizen and no Eisenhower it makes 1 German left.

 or no citizens but Eisenhower,it leaves 1 German.

Or no citizens no Eisenhower, 2 Germans one is a spy

Let's put this way (my assumption not a fact)

Russians : Hoodlum, vicious (spy)??
British: Jimi, Sygmassacre
Americans: AlexCheckMate, Bluegoetz??

Eisenhower: Huskers

Citizens : Elysium and Doughboy

It makes sense that db and ely are citizens bcz they were active in the lynching phase, since that is supposedly yhe only thing they can do, and it explains the weird way and the lack of judgment they presented in the thread.

In the second scenario where no citizens, it means one Eisenhower is there( we don't know his abilities, but if it was huskers, then he cleared someone from the citizens, which leaves the other one as a mafia maybe. (this is very likely)

In the third scenario, no citizens, no Eisenhower.. Then huskers and the other guy he cleared are the mafia. Whixh makes the last one the third Russian.

Or no citizen and Eisenhower, and he was mistaken to clear anyone and 2 mafia are still there.

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi is online.
AlexCheckMate wrote:
Thanks for your elaborate schedule Jimi!

I agree with most of it, but I think there's another nazi left and probably a German spy too (or do we have reason to believe a German spy has been eliminated?) - if so... then a 3rd spy from a different nation?
2 spies were taken out - first one Anax, prolly by both Hood (Russian) and Kyla? & 2nd logman (by Kyla (nazi)). If Anax was German, I would assume he wouldve managed to sweettalk the nazi's into keeping him alive?

Would love to hear more from everyone who's not talking so much... please provide some information about yourself , so we can determine who to lynch tomorrow (and who to not eliminate this night) - still no information on possible CoB either...
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
Sygmassacre wrote:
Sygmassacre said:
04 Mar 2020, 18:43
So who have you inspected so far?
Tennesseelogman said:
04 Mar 2020, 18:50
only 1 inspection and it was Anax 1st night. he died that night. only info i got was that he was the german spy
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
AlexCheckMate wrote:
Sygmassacre said:
04 Mar 2020, 18:43
So who have you inspected so far?
Tennesseelogman said:
04 Mar 2020, 18:50
only 1 inspection and it was Anax 1st night. he died that night. only info i got was that he was the german spy

i guess that leaves 1 (russian) spy around and no more german ones - so just 1 nazi player left (i dont think it was 3 nazi + 1 german spy - or?)
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
AlexCheckMate wrote:
So you are saying there is no Churchill?

Huh? How what/why am I saying that? I've got no clue about Churchill, lol.
Just saying I do not think we started with 3 maffia, i think we had 4. Apparently the german spy has been taken out too and there seems to be a claim on a British and Sovjet spy.

Just need to narrow down who is the last remaining maffia - guess it's time to check through lynching patterns?
“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
dough_boy wrote:
There are 3 British roles...however, Jimi stopped with just two. We know Syg's role, and I can assume that since he specifically called out Eisenhower Jimi knows there is no Churchill?

Are you vouching for bluegoetz like Jimi has aligned you with? I can assume that you guys started in a team chat? If so you would know if there is an Eisenhower role right?
Jimi wrote:
Alex, 2 British and one spy.

Why do you care about the role guys?

I believe Eisenhower is not from my team.. He is a neutral western ally

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi is online.