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Anaxagore wrote:
Anax...again your logic is 100% false. Not to mention you telling the world that you are a cop guarantees you will be dead tonight (unless you are mafia). I have never steered you wrong and everytime I try to win the game for village you continue to undermine because it wasn't your idea.

Dude, I am not trying to undermine you.. I don't care about having any kind of leadership.
I just don't trust you 100% therefore sharing all the cops results to you is to my mind not the best idea.
But if people think it's better to do your method, I'll follow it.
Madagascarter wrote:
Why would a mafia kill an inspector. If I were mafia I would think safety in numbers which does to suspicion on Anax, I wonder who else is Cop.

Also I usually send tactics no matter whether mafia or village but this game, I’m low on time.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
dough_boy wrote:
Dude, I am not trying to undermine you.. I don't care about having any kind of leadership.
I just don't trust you 100% therefore sharing all the cops results to you is to my mind not the best idea.
But if people think it's better to do your method, I'll follow it.

I am not asking for all results to be shared with me. I am asking for all cops to inspect me...then they can share with me if they want. At least one will show true. If all 3 show true then all we have done is validate they are actually the cops and have 4 in the circle of trust. We still don't know their cop flavour though. We can choose another person to be the "spokesperson", but it should be someone who isn't a valued target for the mafia.
Hoodlum wrote:
i don't expect vicious to be lynched today. it was a good ole provoke vote. I'm just hoping she is lynched today. let's all just lynch her! it'll be fun.
Vicious wrote:
ya fun when you win?  all on your lonesome cuz dough boy thinks he knows how vicious plays when visious dont even kno how she plays cause I'm just learning btw I was mafia ONCE  I have always been quiet on the forum even when I was Mafia. all 3 or 4 games I have played. So no foundation for this strategy. If you go back an check I always chk in at the beginning of every game an only respond when some one addresses me or wrongly accuse I defend myself period. this game started out exactly like ALL the other games I've played. There is someting very fishy about your accusation in General.
 FYI Cucco is Playing Deja Vu 
Except you forget 1 thing hoodlum you have burn everyone so badly in the past I think sum smart villagers are on to you.
Vicious wrote:
Hoodlum wrote:
we are both fishy, faking a dispute, so the town don't suspect us.
there is no WE 
your all alone an yes your highly suspicious
Sygmassacre wrote:
I just want to make sure you all know where i stand
#Lynch Vicious
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Sygmassacre wrote:
Madagascarter wrote:  Posted: Today, 17:02 
Post #19
Why are you lynching Vicious without any evidence. I didn't know Cuco was playing this game!

It's possible one of them is the Lyncher and would stand to benefit greatly with Vicious being lynched. As we really have no information at this point, I'd rather not risk letting the Lyncher win this early with a blind lynch. That's why I voted for a no lynch.

No lynch gives us no info so how can we stop the lyncher from winning next day? We cant trust any inspections and they wont even be released because they cant be trusted. Oh, we can wait for mafia to kill someone N1. But then even if its only a villager we still have no info and we will blind lynching D2. And if its a cop we dont know which one so still blind lynching. Since inspections cant be trusted our best source of info is from lynches
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
CheekyTeeky wrote:
It also doesn't make sense or it's too convenient that Vicious is acting fishy/different in the forum AND Hoodlum is the lyncher. Odds of that are approaching zero methinks.

So I feel safe

#lynch Vicious
You have a keen military mind Pod...
CheekyTeeky wrote:
Hi checking in people I am happy to share that I am sided wit the town. Skarni has a pretty sensible idea I think. He has obviously given it sum thought. But whew Glad I'm not mafia again. I dont know who to lynch so maybe later.
Good Luck Townies Have fun!!

1. Since when has vicious ever said Hi at game start?
2. How many times does one post need to emphasize someone is villa to not be genuine?
3. Why is she wishing us good luck, is she trying to get on our good side so that we hesitate to lynch her?
You have a keen military mind Pod...
skarni wrote:
#lynch madagascarter

No time madag... bad smell
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
skarni wrote:
One of the town cops has already claimed by pm to me.

Please the other 2 can do it so that we create a circle to check which investigations are cleared.

This is the best way because after first night even if i am death they can contact between thrm
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
Sygmassacre wrote:
One of the town cops has already claimed by pm to me.

Please the other 2 can do it so that we create a circle to check which investigations are cleared.

This is the best way because after first night even if i am death they can contact between thrm

It will also be helpful to say how many have claimed village to you too. Ill even tell everyone i claimed it to you. The more info, the better. If youre gonna assume the role of informer then you need to release all info otherwise its wasted if mafia kill you like you foretold
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator