Zombies etc
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dough_boy wrote:
I know. But the thing is that I am not hearing anything from anyone other than "it isn't me". No one is suggesting anyone else. We know it isn't just me against everyone else as there could only possibly be 2 rebels left.
skarni wrote:
As promised and explained tje reasons before

Lynch huskers01

Jimi i see your point also. Dough it is strange that you come with exactly the same list than Syg after we saw he was Mafia.
Llibertat Presos polítics catalans. Love Democracy.
dough_boy wrote:
Dough it is strange that you come with exactly the same list than Syg after we saw he was Mafia.
Because I was inspected the first night I didn't communicate with anyone other than sbs and hood. I only have my suspicions based around what others have said in the forums.

#LYNCH huskers01
dough_boy wrote:
Now that I think about it I wonder if we are just hunting one person.

Miller x 1
He/she will think they’re a normal camper but will appear as rebel on cop reports. If lynched he will also appear to be a rebel. If the rebels kill him everyone will see he’s the miller.

The cop never inspected anyone that came back as rebel. The rebels never killed anyone that turned out to be the Miller. Also, the Miller doesn't even know they are the Miller. So chances are the Miller has a "fake" Role PM given to them and wouldn't know they are the Miller, so there would be likely no way that Hood could sniff out Mayba as a Rebel but Mayba actually be Miller.

I think we are just hunting the Alchemist...
Jimi wrote:
#lynch husker

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Kyla wrote:
The only thing huskers does is cry... "I just want to go home". The camp feels bad but agrees to throw him of the cliff and then goes through his tent for evidence. The only thing they found was model sculptures of cars and buildings. Anyone who has spent this much time on model building could only be a camper.

~ Night for 48 hours or till all actions are in ~
dough_boy wrote:
I went back and looked at all of the votes. 

He has voted every time for the Rebel...BUT was also one of the last each time.

I could only find Vicious voting once for a rebel and that was Ultra...I don't think she voted anymore either (she did vote but then unlynched).

I only see one vote from skarni and it was on Ultra towards the end

Henris has repeatedly voted, but only once on a rebel and that was syg

Just in case I die tonight I think that the next lynch should be on skarni.

(I did not put myself on there nor dw because I think he is vig...)
Kyla wrote:
The camp wakes to a shot being fired and find dwcalvert lying in his room with a bullet in his chest. Under his bed we find the camps missing weaponry, I guess with no cops he thought he could take the law into his own hands as the vigilante.

~ Day time for 48 hours or till a majority lynch ~
dough_boy wrote:
Here is my Role PM:

dough_boy (click to show)

I submitted my night action at 22:19. At 22:34 I rescinded it so I could make my previous post and I never sent my night action again. Kyla just told me it was too late that the other night actions came in and it didn't matter. I find it hard to believe that there could be 2 rebels submitting their night action that quick so I believe it is only one.

Both of the last two nights I have done my night action but both times I was stopped. 

Spoiler (click to show)

The Alchemist is all that can do this and they know my role, but yet they are stopping me and killing others.

Between the 22:06 (when Kyla posted the huskers result) and 22:34 window (when I rescinded my night action)...

Henris was last active 8 minutes ago (no clue if during this window)
Skarni was last active at 22:17 (in the window)
Jimi was last active at 21:13 (not in the window)
Vicious was last active at 22:27 (in the window)

So it is not possible for Jimi to have done it. I do not believe it was Henris. He doesn't have the history of Mafia to know that I have usually only made it one "turn" so I think it would be a veteran who knows and wants to save me until the end.

So...skarni...what do you have to say for yourself?
dough_boy wrote:
Oh...and just on the off chance we do still have 2 Rebels, Vicious would be the next choice.
dwcalvert wrote:
Shucks... I work a double-shift and come back to find I'm dead... By a bullet to the chest no less. How ironic (as the vigilante!). Good game everyone- This one was very fun while it lasted (for me).
Henris_1 wrote:
Dough_boy, when you posted the potential rebel list: Jimi, huskers01, vicious, skarni, Henris_1 it was everyone but you and dwcalvert.

So, we lynched huskers01and he was from that list.

Well, at least you removed Jimi

And I am almost always active (I often sleep with computer on ^^ ) after my job season is over and I am not busy