jungle map idea. input needed.
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Vexer wrote:
are you going to reduce the color saturation on the regions and jungle so they match the mountain?
Thorpe wrote:
Boy that was a nice comment Vexer...better than what you write to me...LOL
The colors are too saturated for the mountain..just does not look right...do you know what Vexer is saying?

The colors need to be toned down. Not darken, but not so much color in them.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
not the background the regions...territories
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
I don't like the trees yet...you need some more texture on the land...text could probably be smaller and the territories with multiple words should be less separated...at the moment the lake looks like a tar/wet-cement pit...you could expand some territories on the sides if you need more room for territory circles and names...I think you got the region bonuses really wrong but I don't feel like looking at it at the moment...
Pntbttr is online.
marcoxa wrote:
i am well aware of the lousy lake but it being 1:00 AM in the morning i had to call it quits. i will work on it some more trust me.
Votazap was in charge of the bonuses which vexer assigned him to do. vexer said that there was enough room for circles and names. plus that kind of change now would take to much time in this stage.

The whole point i had in mind for this map was it being an actual map. so adding 3D like textures would ruin it. i don't know whose word i should take here because it seems what you and vexer have in mind are two different things
Pntbttr wrote:
I love the map...just saying that I think a few things need improvement...about the bonus, I am not sure how you should do bonuses on this map...I've never had such big regions...

I think there is a yellowish tinge to the map or something...I just can't stand that bit...I love the rest of the map...

Love the map keep up the good work...
Pntbttr is online.
marcoxa wrote:
your exactly right. the affect adds a tad of orangeish/yellowish. i guess i could tone that a bit down if you want
Matty wrote:
Maybe you should have one less border territory on the top-right one, and increase all other bonusses by one :)

10 territories with 3 borders for a bonus of 4 - world map's amerika has less territories for more bonus.

Or maybe have the top-right region one bonus and border territory less

nice lake ;)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Fendi wrote:

First off, interesting location for a map. Secondly, there are a few things..

- You need to change some territory lines because you have the 4 corners problem on several places. (marked with red) http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/2632/junglemap13corners.jpg
You also need to edit some territory lines and move around some labels to make it more clear which territory can attack which. Its also hard to see which label belongs to which territory circle on some territories.

- I am not a fan of the lake, it does not fit with the style of the map. But if you must choose a lake texture then choose a picture where the waves are smaller and reduce the opacity because the picture you have chosen now looks like a close up whilst the view of the map is from a birds eye view. In short, there are two different perspectives. The mountains work on this map because they are on the background and do not have a link to the map itself whereas the lake does.

- The numbers for the region bonuses are too big, they are covering the entire mini map and also taking away space needed for the region names. It looks like chaos up there. I am also not a huge fan of the glow around the mini map, it looks a bit cheesy. And personally, I think the map label is too big. The territory labels are also big, but maybe thats just me..

The colour scheme that you have going on is ok and this version looks better than the previous one. The colours are much easier on the eyes, especially when looking at the red region, however it feels like you have unsaturated it a bit too much. Nothing is standing out anymore except for the mini map.

Fun to see an unique map and sorry for sounding mean.

Take care.
Votazap wrote:
Now that I look back the red should be seven but I do disagree with fendi about the
Minimaplooking cheasy I like it!( no offense fendi!) As for the lake, I do like it but it may just have to be changed to fit the map more.
marcoxa wrote:
Colors Adjusted.
Lake Fixed.
Territory Lines Fixed.
Text Size Fixed.

Vexer wrote:
update looks better.

maybe try reducing the opacity of the glow around the mini map and see if it appeases fendi.

marcoxa do you understand the 4 corners problem that fendi brought up? are you working on it?

Could you try adjusting the green color for the forest so that it looks less puke colored -- make it more of a 'happy' green.

Shouldn't Electric Ell be Electric Eel? also chimpanzee is spelled wrong. iguana needs to be capitalized. There may be other errors, please double check all of them.