Game 1 thread
  • 232 posts
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2ofclubs wrote:
It's not a bad idea Ten. Where have yo been, conferring with your mafia pals. LoL. I don't need a vest now. I met with some doubt when I brought it up last phase but worked through it. Now it works even better. I will concure (WE Faction - no I in team) before spending the coin or deviations.
As for doubt of a player, I have 1% doubt only on Thick as not scum. If wrong, it won't be the 1st time but we have the numbers and it will be sad collateral damage (shame on Thicks suspicious play).
As for faction split 6/3 is highly probable. I will likely mis deadline c/o sleep and won't be able to relay the investigate results to some so it will have to be shared through the secondary channel. No matter what happens, stick with the vote plan.
Jacob24 wrote:
6 hours to deadline

Some notes on coin donations since they've come up in forum:
1. Coin donations require a 1 coin payment to the bank (as noted in post 1). For instance, if you want to give a player 3 coins, you will be deducted 4 coins. If you have only 1 coin, you can't give players coins.
2. Coins donated won't be able to be used until the following phase as the transactions aren't processed until phase end.
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
MackN wrote:
Just letting everyone know I'm still here. (:
I prefer listening and watching, but if anyone needs me involved in anything just ask.
“Hope in the shadow of fear is the world's most powerful motivator.” - Honorable Scythe Faraday
ThickTalon wrote:
It's not a bad idea Ten. Where have yo been, conferring with your mafia pals. LoL. I don't need a vest now. I met with some doubt when I brought it up last phase but worked through it. Now it works even better. I will concure (WE Faction - no I in team) before spending the coin or deviations.
As for doubt of a player, I have 1% doubt only on Thick as not scum. If wrong, it won't be the 1st time but we have the numbers and it will be sad collateral damage (shame on Thicks suspicious play).
As for faction split 6/3 is highly probable. I will likely mis deadline c/o sleep and won't be able to relay the investigate results to some so it will have to be shared through the secondary channel. No matter what happens, stick with the vote plan.

I challenge anyone to go back and reread the thread. my Play is not unlike any other play from any other game I have played inb the first few phases. Clubs took a wild shot and has stayed on me. THIS IS THE ONLY SUSPICION......HIS SUSPICION. His reasoning is that I didn't Open a chat with him"?????? Come On Clubs. You are further cementing my distrust of you for good. Not that it matters.
ThickTalon wrote:
WHat do you want?" All my coins?

I can mail you over my role? or Pony Express? What you have done is allowed Mafia to zero in on me and you, nothing more. Great work pal.
ThickTalon wrote:
Just letting everyone know I'm still here. (:
I prefer listening and watching, but if anyone needs me involved in anything just ask.

gonna take this approach
2ofclubs wrote:
@ Thick and Town.
It wasn't a wild shot and you know it. It's more then thread post. I said suspicious play not post. You are always willing to chat w/ me if you are good or bad (you played me before). As for defending against me, I said it but all town agree. You already posted 'A' role after I posted mine. Similar play as to past game where you posted yours after calling a mafia out and then the mafia post a fake one (song an dance). Yore tune Thick is all defense, nothing about finding scum or game mechanics theory where's those post on how to unit town "we have the numbers play slow and be willing to sacrifice yourself".
I also labeled others as scum and they are not defending at such levels as you. We may make it to 3 phase - I am willing to die for Town and its apparent you just don't want to die.
What's my ability¿ I called you out without a single word spoken between us! CORRECTION 0.01% You are Town.
The town is confident you are caught.

2ofclubs wrote:
Lol thick goes off line now. Shall we take it as a white flag.
ThickTalon wrote:
@ Thick and Town.
It wasn't a wild shot and you know it. It's more then thread post. I said suspicious play not post. You are always willing to chat w/ me if you are good or bad (you played me before). As for defending against me, I said it but all town agree. You already posted 'A' role after I posted mine. Similar play as to past game where you posted yours after calling a mafia out and then the mafia post a fake one (song an dance). Yore tune Thick is all defense, nothing about finding scum or game mechanics theory where's those post on how to unit town "we have the numbers play slow and be willing to sacrifice yourself".
I also labeled others as scum and they are not defending at such levels as you. We may make it to 3 phase - I am willing to die for Town and its apparent you just don't want to die.
What's my ability¿ I called you out without a single word spoken between us! CORRECTION 0.01% You are Town.
The town is confident you are caught.

I guess since you speak for town I will fall on the sword. No worries.

I have had to defend myself from the get so how do you expect me to play.

I just hope for our sake you are who you say you are. After tonight I supposed you and your town will be killing me, and Mafia will be shooting me/you. Either way we as town are in the weeds once again early. 

I implore ANYONE to investigate me if I am not shot tonight. 

Clubs if the only reason you suspect me was because I didn't reach out to you??? Then you might as well suspect me moving forward, this is blasphemy.

I dont have any chats so I guess follow Clubs town,
ThickTalon wrote:
Lol thick goes off line now. Shall we take it as a white flag.

working Pal.
2ofclubs wrote:
Nothing personal feathered friend.
I dont have any chats so I guess follow Clubs town,
I am sure this is not a true statement.
 Don't lose focus on KC (with 1 post #20 of nothing) that includes nothing in wrong in wrong thread. He is active in behind the scene chats.
Rockbert wrote:
fyi, I am working today and manning the phones, so I will be able to participate sporadically
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
notoriouspat wrote:
for once what clubs is saying makes sense and he seems to be 100% town. something like this is what mafia fears most. i suggest we let clubs lead the town group. if you have coins = donate them to clubs - your current 2, 3, or 4 coins can be better utilized as part of a larger kitty. clubs can buy a vest for himself or whoever he thinks is a target and/or the most valuable to town. he can buy investigations for those he is unsure about. sending him coins will almost guarantee you are town. the thing that mafia wants most is to stay hidden and for town to stay disorganized. for you newer players - this is why i am often one of the 1st mafia targets. i do not mind getting killed if it is for the good of my faction (town) and it helps us to win. i know how to break mafia. i think there are 6 town and 3 mafia. if we each send him 2 coins = he can buy a vest and an investigation. send more if you have it. i am sending mine now. he may even choose to report who has sent coins to keep us all in the loop. mafia already knows who is town and who is mafia so don't feel like you are telling them anything. for the most part - we can talk out in the open.
explain to me how this is a bad idea?

I agree but dont want to be the only one sending coins his way. Anyone else already do this or should I just send my 4 (3 with transaction fee) over his way?
MackN wrote:
I agree but dont want to be the only one sending coins his way. Anyone else already do this or should I just send my 4 (3 with transaction fee) over his way?
Personally, I'm not sending all of my money to somebody I cannot fully trust.
“Hope in the shadow of fear is the world's most powerful motivator.” - Honorable Scythe Faraday