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periwinkle wrote:
i wasn't part of a faction...i'm a counterfeit artist....but now i'm a car dealer. i had to buy a car and a pet then it takes me two days to reproduce them to sell them at a lower price. 
periwinkle is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)

peri is probably not town

Based on Peri's posts I'm 70% sure Peri is town. But idrk.
Interesting no faction but a nomad. "Peris Nomad Hover Sales" what's the real price these days?
Ps I wonder if they can actually use mine with out proof of ownership.

periwinkle wrote:
pygmyhippo277 said:
01 Jun 2022, 16:48
You are now the car dealer btw.
periwinkle is online.
periwinkle wrote:
because i was annoyed that i got ripped off....i'm completely happy with one pet but if you are going to charge me for 2 i might as well take 2 and sell the other.
periwinkle is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Anax I know your town but are you going to hard claim car thief. I mean you did price gouge Peri.
periwinkle wrote:
Tennessee just bought a car so.....and since the opera crew just gained an extra $20k...all they need is a pet and they are out of hoodlum is opera so it's a good idea to lynch him or he isn't....which is also good idea to lynch him.
periwinkle is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Ouch peri isn't part of a faction...didn't ya learn the lesson from mada/elyTalon.. :) looks like it donesky. I will find out what TLM says he wants to do.. yay Johnny depp
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Tennessee just bought a car so.....and since the opera crew just gained an extra $20k...all they need is a pet and they are out of hoodlum is opera so it's a good idea to lynch him or he isn't....which is also good idea to lynch him.
oh, and when has peri ever had a good idea hehe
Hoodlum is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
vote count
hood - 5 - ryo, anax, 2oc, jkl, peri
2oc - 1 - tenn
anax - 1 - hood
no vote - 1 - orz
not voted - 3 - blue, ant, abs

congratulations anax and ryo and lando
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Tennessee just bought a car so.....and since the opera crew just gained an extra $20k...all they need is a pet and they are out of hoodlum is opera so it's a good idea to lynch him or he isn't....which is also good idea to lynch him.
That explains the urgency and Tens push I mentioned. Also why Hood says he won't die..
So we the cop to kill and drop a 2nd piece, doctor bill, the thief still their car and hack their account.
If anax took Tens deal, he would have been doubled cross.