The Thread
  • 275 posts
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Sygmassacre wrote:
To all the Townies
We need to save Kyla. I am planning to do this by asking Jimi to Heel her (now that his great secret ability has been revealed). We have to take the bet that he is a townie.
So Let's bet on Jimi and Lynch a certain mafia member.

You have to help us and Lynch the same player as us. Virt and i are going for Sygmassacre. Are you in favour of lynching him / her? if not who? we do not have much time left.

#LYNCH Sygmassacre

Heres the read. Jimi is mafia and wmatar/v98 are the lovers. Jimi im afraid your mafia team mate has turned on you and even gotten you to expose yourself in a panic. He thinks its clear sailing from here on in having lynched a mafia like its gonna get him town cred....aint happening.

So get jimi to heal kyla?, yeah right. More like tell her you will and then let her die. One less town to worry about. I urge all town to use one action on knifing either wmatar or v98 to force them to defend which uses up one of the actions they will surely now use to kill us off
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Virtuosity98 wrote:
To all the Townies
We need to save Kyla. I am planning to do this by asking Jimi to Heel her (now that his great secret ability has been revealed). We have to take the bet that he is a townie.
So Let's bet on Jimi and Lynch a certain mafia member.

You have to help us and Lynch the same player as us. Virt and i are going for Sygmassacre. Are you in favour of lynching him / her? if not who? we do not have much time left.

#LYNCH Sygmassacre

Heres the read. Jimi is mafia and wmatar/v98 are the lovers. Jimi im afraid your mafia team mate has turned on you and even gotten you to expose yourself in a panic. He thinks its clear sailing from here on in having lynched a mafia like its gonna get him town cred....aint happening.

So get jimi to heal kyla?, yeah right. More like tell her you will and then let her die. One less town to worry about. I urge all town to use one action on knifing either wmatar or v98 to force them to defend which uses up one of the actions they will surely now use to kill us off

Wow Sygmassacre, you must be really desperate... You survived a close shave then but the noose is closing around your neck. You are now saying Jimi's mafia friend is betraying him - when his mafia friend is you! As for your "town strategy", you have asked people to kill WMatar and myself... WMatar has been consistently brilliant this game, I think everyone will agree with that. And I don't want to speak for myself because obviously I will say nice things. But it's funny that you are urging town to kill their two most proactive players :'):')
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Kyla wrote:
So oooooooo, would appreciate it if someone would save me tonight :)
Sygmassacre wrote:
Wonderful analysis Sygmassacre. What's your secret ability?
Youve been actively seeking everyones secret ability, gathering as much info as you can before you guys start to kill at night. Very smart for a first timer!

@V98 ive been tunnelling jimi since the first lynch. I even retrospectively voted him (the day you and wmatar voted off a townie, huskers btw) since i wasnt given time after waking up to post before the deadline. You said in post #184 that im refusing to give the results of my actions when in fact i have after both nights with exception of my 2nd move last night. Mafia wont get to know all actions to make their planning easier. Rest assured i will be defending again though. Trying to paint me as frantic and desperate to hide your own panic-filled mistakes is laughable
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
WMatar wrote:
2 posts made by Jimi and Alexcheckmate were made after Anax stoped the day.

Let's suppose those 2 posts where accepted by Anax.
Then you would be the lynched one, and Alexcheckmate would be the one urging the townies to knife wmatar and virtuosity98.
To the townies: In this case would you have beleived Alexcheckmate? We all know now that Alexcheckmate was mafia.

WMatar wrote:
So oooooooo, would appreciate it if someone would save me tonight :)

Notice that Sygmassacre asked the townies to knife me but didn't bother asking them to heel you. 
I will try to save you, we are on the same side.
Sygmassacre wrote:
Just in case ely and hood are too busy to really read the game so far

Spoiler (click to show)

So yeah i asked for the 3 of you to be random targeted with knife attacks to at least force each of you to use one action on defence, hoping that ely and/or hood would also save kyla to have as much chance as possible for the heal to go through. Usually i can rely on them to make the right play but neither have been particularly active so im not sure how much they have followed along up to this point
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Hoodlum wrote:
gg alex

voting patterns correct lynches

@Hoodlum lynch AlexCheckMate lynch AlexCheckMate unlynch alex, lynch jimi unlynch jimi, lynch alexcheckmate
@Virtuosity98 #LYNCH Huskers01 #LYNCH SYGMASSACRE
@Sygmassacre lynch huskers #LYNCH Jimi #Lynch jimi #Lynch jimi #lynch elysium5 to save my own skin.
@Jimi Lynch Alex (to make vote balance) after vote -> Unlynch Alex Lynch sygma
@Kyla lynch syg #No lynch #Lynch Alexcheckmate #unlynch Alexcheckmate
#Lynch Jimi #unlynch jimi #Lynch elysium5 #unlynch elysium5

@AlexCheckMate lynch kyla #UNLYCH Kyla, #LYNCH Hoodlum #LYNCH WMatar #UNLYNCH WMatar #LYNCH ELYSIUM after vote --> #UNLYNCH ELY, LYNCH SYG

@WMatar #NOLYNCH #LYNCH Alexcheckmate #UNLYNCH Alexcheckmate #Lynch huskers01 #LYNCH Sygmassacre #unlynch sygmassacre
#Lynch Alexcheckmate
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
i think the lovers are WMatar and Jimi, because WMatar believed that Jimi is town (earlier post), or wants us to believe he is so that we don't kill him (how was he going to prove it when jimi gave his action?). lovers can win together in the end. but they can win in death to either town or mafia.

Jimi is mafia and WMatar is town from how the votes went down. can Jimi revive himself if killed at night like he says? that is likely, for game dynamics sake, so it'd be best to lynch him..that means we say goodbye to WMatar. the sole mafia would know that he has a low chance of winning now and will try to work with Jimi for the mafia win. Jimi is in a tug of war with which win clause to go with,,the lovers or mafia!

my read is. Virtuosity as the other Mafia. he had safe vote on huskers and lynched sygmassacre who i get a strong feel is town., V98 used his tracking on hood/syg/elysium for night 1 which makes me think that ely is in the clear.

V98 = Mafia
Jimi = Mafia/Lover 
WMatar = Town/Lover

Hoodlum = Town
Sygmassacre = Town
Kyla = Town
elysium5 = Town.

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Jimi wrote:
Wow hood, that's very cute of you as a mafia.

Well here is your plan, you feel uncomfortable from WM, vir and me (very convenient) because we shared info together and felt the same about you (a mafia of course) and now since i can live twice you are trying to lynch me... Because you know killing me at night wont jave an effect, and will reveal that i am towni. So here is my dare to you or anyone with a gun:

Kill me at night and you will see the truth of me. :)
It will be a good news for the town if i died at night because they will have an assured friend, and a bad news for the mafia because they will be exposed,, as in hoods case.

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi is online.
Jimi wrote:
it's all d :roll: wnhill from here jimi ;)

I sincerely did not understand this comment.

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi is online.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
2 posts made by Jimi and Alexcheckmate were made after Anax stoped the day.

Let's suppose those 2 posts where accepted by Anax.
Then you would be the lynched one, and Alexcheckmate would be the one urging the townies to knife wmatar and virtuosity98.
To the townies: In this case would you have beleived Alexcheckmate? We all know now that Alexcheckmate was mafia.

So oooooooo, would appreciate it if someone would save me tonight :)

Notice that Sygmassacre asked the townies to knife me but didn't bother asking them to heel you. 
I will try to save you, we are on the same side.

These two posts are spot on. The fact that Syg is recommending that everyone knifes WMatar and myself, yet he doesn't seem to care about healing Kyla, is a strong indicator.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Hoodlum wrote:
distracting alex two nights in row and lynching to vote him off 2 days in a row. i sound like mafia for sure!
what kind of discussions are jimi wmatar and v98 having about me? lol
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman