Message: Aquarius chat V98 Kordalinge
From: Virtuosity98
To: Anaxagore, Kordalinge
Virtuosity98 said:
04 Jan 2019, 15:07
![smile :)](
Kordalinge said:
04 Jan 2019, 16:14
Hey!! How are you?
Virtuosity98 said:
05 Jan 2019, 16:21
Doing good thanks
![smile :)](
Any juicy news? I have some if you are willing to share
Kordalinge said:
05 Jan 2019, 21:28
haha great!
Well the only thing i managed to get so far is the identity of Hoodlum.
He revealed to me that he is Caligula, but i cannot prove it for now.
What did u manage to get?
Virtuosity98 said:
05 Jan 2019, 23:39
Yeah Hoodlum also claimed to me that he is Caligula. He could just be trying to stop mafia attacking him though by making them scared to visit him. He could also be mafia trying to avoid inspection. We'll never know until someone chances it... I see that this is your first mafia game on this site... You should know that Hoodlum has an incredibly long history of deceiving everyone. How he keeps on doing so amongst such suspicion I'll never know... But one thing is sure: he's claiming Caligula for a very good and thought-out reason.
Virtuosity98 said:
05 Jan 2019, 23:42
I've been doing some minor investigating and I've found two people claiming inspector roles Alexander the Great and Saladin. That just leaves Shâh Jahân as the last inspector (assuming no-one is lying). If the three inspectors work together they can easily find out if their inspections are true, false, or random. So I'm trying to find the last inspector Shâh Jahân. Do you know who it is? Is it you?
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 00:59
Thanks a lot for this precious information!
I am the last inspector, Sha Jahan.
Would you mind sharing the name of the other two inspectors, so that i can try working with them?
As for Hoodlum, i am warry of him as well, but it seems very risky to go investigate on the man
I don’t have a death wish.
I guess we could either try to find the help of someone who would be able to deny his ability and investigate him safely, or go the long way and investigate everybody to guess if his claim is true or false...
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 01:10
I really don't know if I should trust you... I'm just really cautious about these things because I've been stung by revealing things to too many people in previous games. Also, I think at least one of the inspectors is a fake, just because there are three of them so it seems likely.
Answer this question first:
Have you chosen who to inspect yet?
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 01:18
I haven’t yet... to be honest i really want to investigate on hoodlum, but that seems a bit dangerous for now until i can get some help.
So i guess i’m gonna pick someone at random amongst the « good » players i’be been hearing about.
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 01:19
Any suggestion?
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 01:19
Ok I'll tell you stuff that I don't feel entirely comfortable sharing but tbh I feel like I have no choice
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 01:23
U don’t have to tell me everything
U can give me just one name if u wish
Or even just a suggestion as to who i should investigate on to start with.
If u don’t fine by me i’ll just pick some ràdom player and hope it willbe useful
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 01:30
KoE_Doja is Saladin, and I am Alexander the Great. So we know the three inspection roles.
I'm assuming one of these is a fake role, so a mafia. So I think either you or Doja is mafia. But I have no choice as far as I can see other than to come clean.
Anyway, I have already told Anaxagore that I'm inspecting MYSELF. That way I'll know for sure whether my inspect is True, or at least know that it's either False or Random. Now, if you also choose to inspect me, we'll be able to compare our results to find out your inspection type. If Doja also chooses me, then we'll have even more info to work with. In fact, if all three inspections choose me, I'll probably be able to tell you all what your inspection type is.
All this is assuming you trust me of course, which I understand is an extremely big ask.
Here's the important part: I haven't told Doja about my role. You're actually the only one I've told. Please don't share this information with anyone, because it is something Hoodlum doesn't know yet and I really don't trust him yet.
I seriously hope you're not mafia...but if you are then at least you won't bother killing me because with what I've told you you now have ammunition to deceive me for a good few rounds...
So, will you inspect me please?
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 09:52
Alright, this will be my play then, did you get any response from doja?
Is he willing to work together?
So far he won’t tell me anything.
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 13:58
You seem way more trustworthy than doja. Don't tell him anything. He's acting so suspicious. He doesn't know who I am, and I don't want him to know yet.
Here is our conversation so far, sorry it's a bit hard to read:
V98 - KoE_Doja conversation (click to show)
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 13:59
As you can see he's not replying to my questions which just seems so suspicious
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 16:06
Hey what did your inspection say?
Here's what Anax sent me:
Anaxagore said:
06 Jan 2019, 14:25
"Virtuosity98 is in your Faction".
So I'm either the truthful inspector or the random inspector (assuming you believe me saying I'm innocent).
Please don't share any of this info with Doja, I'm not ready to share with him yet.
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 18:38
So what did your inspection say?
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 21:02
Hey!! What’s up?
Well i got some result from my investigation, but this info kinda make me insecure...
The answer from anaxagore was that you are IA...
I hope this means i either got the random or the false investigator, and that you’re not lying to me... But somehow i doubt you are, here is why.
Based on what you told me about doja being saladin, i talked to Hoodlum and he revealed to me that he found out the identity of one of the investigator (other than me) and the identity of the jailer.
So i asked him if it was doja. To this he replied positively, and asked me where i got this info, of course i didn’t tell him you gave me this hint.
Doja still refuses to tell me anything, and i as well am starting to get suspicious of him...
Anyway i’m looking for some info to trade to Hoodlum for the identity of the jailer.
Any idea?
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 22:20
Wow nice work
Let me think OK?
Kordalinge said:
06 Jan 2019, 22:33
Sure thing!
One thing though, keep in mind that is is Hoodlum we are talking about, he could have lied to me... just to get some intel
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 23:02
First things first, I'm going to analyse the inspections assuming I am innocent - which you have to believe in order to work with me.
I inspect myself - comes back true.
You inspect me - comes back false.
Therefore, one of these 3 is true:
Mine is true, yours is false
Mine is true, yours is random
Mine is random, yours is false
So there's a 67% chance I'm the True inspector, and a 67% chance you're the false inspector. (assuming you believe that I'm innocent) But we can't discount the chance that one of us had random inspection result.
So, who do we inspect?
If we inspect me again, our results have a (0%+16.5%+16.5%=33%) chance of changing.
If we inspect me again, our results have a (33%+16.5%+16.5%=67%) chance of being the same. If the results stayed the same I think it's a 67% chance that neither of us are the random inspection (I sat for 20 minutes trying to work that one out so it may be wrong... Maths hurts lol)
Basically, if we inspect me again, and the results change (33%), we know for sure what type of inspection we have. If the results stay the same (67%), we can make a pretty good guess.
But I guess that's a question for next night phase. Right now we're in the day phase and we need to lynch someone.
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 23:07
For right now, maybe you could get something out of hood by pretending to be suspicious of me... Because I've been pretty hostile to Hood in the forum thread, he might confide in you.
Virtuosity98 said:
06 Jan 2019, 23:10
You could tell Hoodlum I've sent you this when asked who I was (I actually sent this to someone else):
I've been stung in the past by revealing myself too early and getting manipulated hardcore by really cunning players. I'm a little scarred by that experience haha. So this game I've opted to tell just one player my role. If it's leaked to everyone I'll know who did it and therefore have a strong indicator he's mafia. If it's not leaked I can probably trust him.
See if he takes the bait.
Info on the jailer would be nice, but any info would be helpful tbh.
And if hood knows who doja inspected and what the result was, that would be SUPER helpful. You could say you're trying to work out your inspection so you need doja's.
Kordalinge said:
07 Jan 2019, 09:11
First things first.
We could reinvestigate you this night, but i believe that as long as we can’t get Doja to work with us we will only be guessing or role as true, random, or false. So maybe it might be more useful to match our investigations on someone else.
That way we could still try to figure out which of us is true false or random, and at the same time try to learn something new.
But for that we need to target somebody who we think is not lying to us.
As for Hoodlum, i copy pasted the passage you wanted me to share to see his reaction.
Still didn’t reveal it was you though, nor told him i was suspicious of you.
Last thing (no solid proof) but i might have found out who Salomon is.