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- Posted: 7 years ago
- Modified: 7 years ago
Post #1
Hoodlums Clock - Midnight to Midnight Phases
Initial Faction count.
3 x Mafia (mafia win when they eliminate the coven and village)
1 x Vampire (vampire wins when he converts the town to a coven)
12 x Town (village wins when mafia and the vampire coven is dead)
**Most Town members can change to Coven or back to Town again (except Coven Detective). You win when only your faction is alive.
You are currently a Town Jailkeeper. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Jailkeeper.
You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills and be prevented from using their own action, during that night phase. You cannot target yourself. If you target the Vampire you will be bitten and converted to Coven. One night during the game you can execute your target if he is not of your faction. If you attempt to execute your own faction member, you will be executed instead.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Gravedigger. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Gravedigger.
You may target one dead player per day phase and use their night action during the night phase.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Transporter. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Transporter.
You may target two players per night phase. These players will swap locations and if they are targeted at night by other players in the game, those actions will be swapped between the two players you choose. You can target yourself. You can not target a jailed player.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Witch Doctor. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Witch Doctor.
You may target one player per night phase. This player will be controlled by you and his night action target/s will be replaced with your new target/s selection for him.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Raging Steroid Bodybuilder. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Raging Steroid Bodybuilder.
You may target one player per night phase. If your target is not of your own faction, this player will be beat up by you and will be sent to hospital and unable to lynch vote the following day. If you target the same player on consecutive night phases, you will kill the player.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Witness. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Witness.
You may choose one area of Token to witness activity. See map
Each member lives in a certain region (red labels) on the map. You will know who visited who in that area at night. You won't know their faction.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Sheriff. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Sheriff.
You may choose one area of Token to check face recognition camera surveillance. See map
Each member lives in a certain region (red labels) on the map. You will know of any player/s in that area during the night. You will know if they are 'suspicious' or 'not suspicious' according to your current faction.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Vistor named Mr Sobres. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven player.
At any time during the day phase you can override the voting system once, by selecting a player to lynch, and no other lynch votes will matter for that day.
At any time during the night phase you can override the night phase once which will cancel all actions and start the next day phase.
Neither of your abilities can be roleblocked.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Alien Wookie named Chewbacca. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven player.
You may target one player per night phase. You will steal this players vote, and make your own vote count as two the following day. Your target will not know if their vote was stolen. If you are jailed, you will steal the Jailkeepers vote.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are a Town Alien Jedi named Mace Windu. You can not be converted.
You may target one player per night phase. You can use the force to convert any coven player back to town if you know their role. You will know if you converted them back to town.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are a Town Vampire Hunter. You can not be converted.
You may target one player per day phase. You will know if this player is currently coven.
You may target one player per night phase. You can kill the player, but if you kill a town member you will die of guilt. Only you can kill the Vampire at night.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Retributionist. If you are bitten by the Vampire your role will change to Coven Detective. A new role description will be given to you if this happens.
You may target two dead players during any phase at any time during the game. These players will be revived and spawned back into the game as unknown Town Roles.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
These will remain unknown.
Welcome Mafia! PLAYER, PLAYER & PLAYER. This is your factional private thread. You share a factional kill each night.
The game thread is here.
PLAYER. You are a Mafia Godfather.
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You are detection immune. You can not be killed at night.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
PLAYER. You are a Mafia Consigliere.
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You may target one player per night. You will know their initial TOWN role.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
PLAYER. You are a Mafia Blackmailer.
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You may target one player per night. This player will be prevented from performing their own action at night and can not participate in the game thread the following day.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
You are the Coven Vampire. You can not be converted to town by the Jedi. You can only be killed by the Vampire Hunter at night.
You may target one player during the night. You can bite most Town players and convert them to your Coven.
You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
-------EXTRA ROLES------- Coven Detective. If Retributionist has been converted.
You are now a Coven Dectective. You can not be converted to Town.
You may target one player during the night. You will know their faction (except the Godfather who is detection immune and will display as Coven)
You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
You will know when you have been converted to the vampires coven. Players that can't be converted won't know if the vampire attempted to bite them.
Vampire -
The vampire will know if his target was converted. It is up to him whether or not to tell you or not. The Vampire won't know if his coven member has been re-converted back to town by the jedi.
Jedi -
The jedi will know if his target was converted. It is up to him whether or not to tell you or not. The Jedi won't know if his a player has been re-re-converted back to coven by the vampire.
Town Jailkeeper -
The Jailkeepers action is essentially a day one, as he hauls off a player to jail for the night so any player hauled off to jail will have a high defense. This also prevents all users from using their Night role, except for Mr Sombes & Town Retributionist. The Godfather/Vampire can be jailed, but can not be executed by the jailerkeeper.
Mr Sombres -
His actions can not be roleblocked
Town Retributionist -
His actions can not be roleblocked
If the retributionist is a coven when he revives a player, the player revived becomes a coven player.
Mafia Consigliere -
If a consiglieres target was manipulated either by the witchdoctor/transporter, the consigliere will not know. Will assume that he got the right information for his selected target.
Mafia Blackmailer -
The Blackmailers target will be allowed to still use private message, but will not be allowed to chat in the game thread the following day. No vote.
Mafia Group kill order. Godfather (if dies) then Consigliere (if both GF and C are dead) then Blackmailer. **Purposes of being seen in an area, if witnessed by the witness
This is the public discussion thread where anything can be said about the game and here is where you participate mainly during the day phase. There are Two phases. NIGHT & DAY
DAY PHASE is 24 hours. This is when you vote a player to Lynch. This thread is where you vote. You have 3 options.
1. Lynch Hoodlum
2. No Lynch
3. Abstain from voting.
*Please make the votes in BOLD
*Some players may have an extra unknown vote.
The player with the most votes is out of the game. A No Lynch can outnumber a Lynch, meaning there was no one eliminated for that day phase.
NIGHT PHASE is also 24 hours. This is when you send me instructions of how you use your power role. You may be given feedback on the outcome, depending on your role type. eg: investigation results.
Private message discussion is allowed. Please add @Hoodlum to all your private discussions.
@Hoodlum Australian Eastern Standard Time MIDNIGHT
D12 Server time Universal Time Coordinated 2PM
01. @Vicious Central Daylight Time 9AM
02. @dough_boy Central Daylight Time 9AM
03. @Anaxagore Central European Time 4PM
04. @Madagascarter British Summer Time 3PM
05. @elysium5 Eastern Daylight Time 10AM
06. @Kyla New Zealand Time 3AM
07. @Skarni Central European Summer Time 4PM
08. @MarcESK Central European Time 4PM
09. @Sygmassacre New Zealand Time 3AM
10. @jimmy1066 Pacific Daylight Time 7AM
11. @huskers01 Eastern Daylight Time 10AM
12. @Whatmough Mountain Standard Time 8AM
13. @LooseCannon Eastern European Time 5PM
14. @midi Australian Eastern Daylight Time 1AM
15. @NotSoFast Eastern Standard Time 10AM
16. @Mayba Pacific Standard Time 7AM
Initial Faction count.
3 x Mafia (mafia win when they eliminate the coven and village)
1 x Vampire (vampire wins when he converts the town to a coven)
12 x Town (village wins when mafia and the vampire coven is dead)
**ALL ROLES** (click to show)
All initial roles (click to show)
Vampire, Godfather, Consigliere, Blackmailer, Gravedigger, Transporter, Witchdoctor, Raging Steroid Bodybuilder, Vampire Hunter, Jailkeeper, Witness, Sheriff, Retributionist, Mr. Sombes, Chewbacca, Mace Windu,
**Most Town members can change to Coven or back to Town again (except Coven Detective). You win when only your faction is alive.
ALL TOWN ROLES (click to show)
You are currently a Town Jailkeeper. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Jailkeeper.
You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills and be prevented from using their own action, during that night phase. You cannot target yourself. If you target the Vampire you will be bitten and converted to Coven. One night during the game you can execute your target if he is not of your faction. If you attempt to execute your own faction member, you will be executed instead.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Gravedigger. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Gravedigger.
You may target one dead player per day phase and use their night action during the night phase.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Transporter. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Transporter.
You may target two players per night phase. These players will swap locations and if they are targeted at night by other players in the game, those actions will be swapped between the two players you choose. You can target yourself. You can not target a jailed player.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Witch Doctor. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Witch Doctor.
You may target one player per night phase. This player will be controlled by you and his night action target/s will be replaced with your new target/s selection for him.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Raging Steroid Bodybuilder. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Raging Steroid Bodybuilder.
You may target one player per night phase. If your target is not of your own faction, this player will be beat up by you and will be sent to hospital and unable to lynch vote the following day. If you target the same player on consecutive night phases, you will kill the player.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Witness. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Witness.
You may choose one area of Token to witness activity. See map
Each member lives in a certain region (red labels) on the map. You will know who visited who in that area at night. You won't know their faction.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Sheriff. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Sheriff.
You may choose one area of Token to check face recognition camera surveillance. See map
Each member lives in a certain region (red labels) on the map. You will know of any player/s in that area during the night. You will know if they are 'suspicious' or 'not suspicious' according to your current faction.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Vistor named Mr Sobres. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven player.
At any time during the day phase you can override the voting system once, by selecting a player to lynch, and no other lynch votes will matter for that day.
At any time during the night phase you can override the night phase once which will cancel all actions and start the next day phase.
Neither of your abilities can be roleblocked.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Alien Wookie named Chewbacca. If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven player.
You may target one player per night phase. You will steal this players vote, and make your own vote count as two the following day. Your target will not know if their vote was stolen. If you are jailed, you will steal the Jailkeepers vote.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are a Town Alien Jedi named Mace Windu. You can not be converted.
You may target one player per night phase. You can use the force to convert any coven player back to town if you know their role. You will know if you converted them back to town.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are a Town Vampire Hunter. You can not be converted.
You may target one player per day phase. You will know if this player is currently coven.
You may target one player per night phase. You can kill the player, but if you kill a town member you will die of guilt. Only you can kill the Vampire at night.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
You are currently a Town Retributionist. If you are bitten by the Vampire your role will change to Coven Detective. A new role description will be given to you if this happens.
You may target two dead players during any phase at any time during the game. These players will be revived and spawned back into the game as unknown Town Roles.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
These will remain unknown.
MAFIA ROLES (click to show)
Welcome Mafia! PLAYER, PLAYER & PLAYER. This is your factional private thread. You share a factional kill each night.
The game thread is here.
PLAYER. You are a Mafia Godfather.
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You are detection immune. You can not be killed at night.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
PLAYER. You are a Mafia Consigliere.
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You may target one player per night. You will know their initial TOWN role.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
PLAYER. You are a Mafia Blackmailer.
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You may target one player per night. This player will be prevented from performing their own action at night and can not participate in the game thread the following day.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
VAMPIRE ROLE (click to show)
You are the Coven Vampire. You can not be converted to town by the Jedi. You can only be killed by the Vampire Hunter at night.
You may target one player during the night. You can bite most Town players and convert them to your Coven.
You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
The game thread is here.
-------EXTRA ROLES------- Coven Detective. If Retributionist has been converted.
You are now a Coven Dectective. You can not be converted to Town.
You may target one player during the night. You will know their faction (except the Godfather who is detection immune and will display as Coven)
You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated.
Extra Game Dynamics Info (click to show)
You will know when you have been converted to the vampires coven. Players that can't be converted won't know if the vampire attempted to bite them.
Vampire -
The vampire will know if his target was converted. It is up to him whether or not to tell you or not. The Vampire won't know if his coven member has been re-converted back to town by the jedi.
Jedi -
The jedi will know if his target was converted. It is up to him whether or not to tell you or not. The Jedi won't know if his a player has been re-re-converted back to coven by the vampire.
Town Jailkeeper -
The Jailkeepers action is essentially a day one, as he hauls off a player to jail for the night so any player hauled off to jail will have a high defense. This also prevents all users from using their Night role, except for Mr Sombes & Town Retributionist. The Godfather/Vampire can be jailed, but can not be executed by the jailerkeeper.
Mr Sombres -
His actions can not be roleblocked
Town Retributionist -
His actions can not be roleblocked
If the retributionist is a coven when he revives a player, the player revived becomes a coven player.
Mafia Consigliere -
If a consiglieres target was manipulated either by the witchdoctor/transporter, the consigliere will not know. Will assume that he got the right information for his selected target.
Mafia Blackmailer -
The Blackmailers target will be allowed to still use private message, but will not be allowed to chat in the game thread the following day. No vote.
Mafia Group kill order. Godfather (if dies) then Consigliere (if both GF and C are dead) then Blackmailer. **Purposes of being seen in an area, if witnessed by the witness
This is the public discussion thread where anything can be said about the game and here is where you participate mainly during the day phase. There are Two phases. NIGHT & DAY
DAY PHASE is 24 hours. This is when you vote a player to Lynch. This thread is where you vote. You have 3 options.
1. Lynch Hoodlum
2. No Lynch
3. Abstain from voting.
*Please make the votes in BOLD
*Some players may have an extra unknown vote.
The player with the most votes is out of the game. A No Lynch can outnumber a Lynch, meaning there was no one eliminated for that day phase.
NIGHT PHASE is also 24 hours. This is when you send me instructions of how you use your power role. You may be given feedback on the outcome, depending on your role type. eg: investigation results.
Private message discussion is allowed. Please add @Hoodlum to all your private discussions.
Player List - Time Zones (click to show)
@Hoodlum Australian Eastern Standard Time MIDNIGHT
D12 Server time Universal Time Coordinated 2PM
01. @Vicious Central Daylight Time 9AM
02. @dough_boy Central Daylight Time 9AM
03. @Anaxagore Central European Time 4PM
04. @Madagascarter British Summer Time 3PM
05. @elysium5 Eastern Daylight Time 10AM
06. @Kyla New Zealand Time 3AM
07. @Skarni Central European Summer Time 4PM
08. @MarcESK Central European Time 4PM
09. @Sygmassacre New Zealand Time 3AM
10. @jimmy1066 Pacific Daylight Time 7AM
11. @huskers01 Eastern Daylight Time 10AM
12. @Whatmough Mountain Standard Time 8AM
13. @LooseCannon Eastern European Time 5PM
14. @midi Australian Eastern Daylight Time 1AM
15. @NotSoFast Eastern Standard Time 10AM
16. @Mayba Pacific Standard Time 7AM
[color=orange][i]Hoodlums [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/australia/gold-coast]Clock[/url] - Midnight to Midnight Phases[/i][/color]
[b][color=black]MOB[/color] vs [color=red]VAMP[/color] vs [color=green]TOWN[/color][/b]
Initial Faction count.
3 x [color=black][b]Mafia[/b][/color] (mafia win when they eliminate the coven and village)
1 x [color=red][b]Vampire[/b][/color] (vampire wins when he converts the town to a coven)
12 x [color=green][b]Town[/b][/color] (village wins when mafia and the vampire coven is dead)
[spoiler=**ALL ROLES**]
[spoiler=All initial roles][color=red]Vampire[/color], [color=black]Godfather[/color], [color=black]Consigliere[/color], [color=black]Blackmailer[/color], [color=green]Gravedigger[/color], [color=green]Transporter[/color], [color=green]Witchdoctor[/color], [color=green]Raging Steroid Bodybuilder[/color], [color=green]Vampire Hunter[/color], [color=green]Jailkeeper[/color], [color=green]Witness[/color], [color=green]Sheriff[/color], [color=green]Retributionist[/color], [color=green]Mr. Sombes[/color], [color=green]Chewbacca[/color], [color=green]Mace Windu[/color],
**Most Town members can change to Coven or back to Town again (except Coven Detective). You win when only your faction is alive.
[spoiler=ALL TOWN ROLES]
You are currently a [color=green]Town Jailkeeper[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Jailkeeper.[/i][/color]
You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills and be prevented from using their own action, during that night phase. You cannot target yourself. If you target the Vampire you will be bitten and converted to Coven. One night during the game you can execute your target if he is not of your faction. If you attempt to execute your own faction member, you will be executed instead.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Gravedigger[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Gravedigger.[/i][/color]
You may target one dead player per day phase and use their night action during the night phase.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Transporter[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Transporter.[/i][/color]
You may target two players per night phase. These players will swap locations and if they are targeted at night by other players in the game, those actions will be swapped between the two players you choose. You can target yourself. You can not target a jailed player.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Witch Doctor[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Witch Doctor.[/i][/color]
You may target one player per night phase. This player will be controlled by you and his night action target/s will be replaced with your new target/s selection for him.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Raging Steroid Bodybuilder[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Raging Steroid Bodybuilder.[/i][/color]
You may target one player per night phase. If your target is not of your own faction, this player will be beat up by you and will be sent to hospital and unable to lynch vote the following day. If you target the same player on consecutive night phases, you will kill the player.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Witness[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Witness.[/i][/color]
You may choose one area of Token to witness activity. See [url=http://oi65.tinypic.com/2l8jlzk.jpg]map[/url]
Each member lives in a certain region (red labels) on the map. You will know who visited who in that area at night. You won't know their faction.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Sheriff[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven Sheriff.[/i][/color]
You may choose one area of Token to check face recognition camera surveillance. See [url=http://oi65.tinypic.com/2l8jlzk.jpg]map[/url]
Each member lives in a certain region (red labels) on the map. You will know of any player/s in that area during the night. You will know if they are 'suspicious' or 'not suspicious' according to your [i]current[/i] faction.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Vistor named Mr Sobres[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven player.[/i][/color]
At any time during the day phase you can override the voting system [b]once[/b], by selecting a player to lynch, and no other lynch votes will matter for that day.
At any time during the night phase you can override the night phase [b]once[/b] which will cancel all actions and start the next day phase.
Neither of your abilities can be roleblocked.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Alien Wookie named Chewbacca[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire you will be a Coven player.[/i][/color]
You may target one player per night phase. You will steal this players vote, and make your own vote count as two the following day. Your target will not know if their vote was stolen. If you are jailed, you will steal the Jailkeepers vote.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are a [color=green]Town Alien Jedi named Mace Windu[/color]. You can not be converted.
You may target one player per night phase. You can use the force to convert any coven player back to town if you know their role. You will know if you converted them back to town.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are a [color=green]Town Vampire Hunter[/color]. You can not be converted.
You may target one player per day phase. You will know if this player is [i]currently[/i] coven.
You may target one player per night phase. You can kill the player, but if you kill a town member you will die of guilt. Only you can kill the Vampire at night.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
You are currently a [color=green]Town Retributionist[/color]. [color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire your role will change to Coven Detective. A new role description will be given to you if this happens.[/i][/color]
You may target two dead players during any phase at any time during the game. These players will be revived and spawned back into the game as unknown Town Roles.
You win when all threats to the [color=green]Town[/color] have been eliminated.
[color=red][i]If you are bitten by the Vampire. You win when all threats to the Coven have been eliminated. [/i][/color]
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
[b]-------UNKOWN REVIVED TOWN ROLES-------[/b]
These will remain unknown.
[spoiler=MAFIA ROLES]
Welcome [b]Mafia![/b] PLAYER, PLAYER & PLAYER. This is your factional private thread. You share a factional kill each night.
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
PLAYER. You are a [b]Mafia Godfather[/b].
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You are detection immune. You can not be killed at night.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
PLAYER. You are a [b]Mafia Consigliere[/b].
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You may target one player per night. You will know their initial TOWN role.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
PLAYER. You are a [b]Mafia Blackmailer[/b].
You can not be converted to any other faction.
You may target one player per night. This player will be prevented from performing their own action at night and can not participate in the game thread the following day.
You win when the Town and Coven has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.
[spoiler=VAMPIRE ROLE]
You are the [color=red]Coven Vampire[/color]. You can not be converted to town by the Jedi. You can only be killed by the Vampire Hunter at night.
You may target one player during the night. You can bite most Town players and convert them to your Coven.
You win when all threats to the [color=red]Coven[/color] have been eliminated.
The game thread is [url=https://dominating12.com/forums/5/off-topic/2917/mob-vs-vamp-vs-town]here[/url].
[b]-------EXTRA ROLES-------[/b] Coven Detective. If Retributionist has been converted.
You are now a [color=red]Coven Dectective[/color]. You can not be converted to Town.
You may target one player during the night. You will know their faction (except the Godfather who is detection immune and will display as Coven)
You win when all threats to the [color=red]Coven[/color] have been eliminated.
[spoiler=Extra Game Dynamics Info]
You will know when you have been converted to the vampires coven. Players that can't be converted won't know if the vampire attempted to bite them.
Vampire -
The vampire will know if his target was converted. It is up to him whether or not to tell you or not. The Vampire won't know if his coven member has been re-converted back to town by the jedi.
Jedi -
The jedi will know if his target was converted. It is up to him whether or not to tell you or not. The Jedi won't know if his a player has been re-re-converted back to coven by the vampire.
Town Jailkeeper -
The Jailkeepers action is essentially a day one, as he hauls off a player to jail for the night so any player hauled off to jail will have a high defense. This also prevents all users from using their Night role, except for Mr Sombes & Town Retributionist. The Godfather/Vampire can be jailed, but can not be executed by the jailerkeeper.
Mr Sombres -
His actions can not be roleblocked
Town Retributionist -
His actions can not be roleblocked
If the retributionist is a coven when he revives a player, the player revived becomes a coven player.
Mafia Consigliere -
If a consiglieres target was manipulated either by the witchdoctor/transporter, the consigliere will not know. Will assume that he got the right information for his selected target.
Mafia Blackmailer -
The Blackmailers target will be allowed to still use private message, but will not be allowed to chat in the game thread the following day. No vote.
Mafia Group kill order. Godfather (if dies) then Consigliere (if both GF and C are dead) then Blackmailer. **Purposes of being seen in an area, if witnessed by the witness
This is the public discussion thread where anything can be said about the game and here is where you participate mainly during the day phase. There are Two phases. NIGHT & DAY
[b]DAY PHASE[/b] is 24 hours. This is when you vote a player to Lynch. This thread is where you vote. You have 3 options.
1. [b]Lynch Hoodlum[/b]
2. [b]No Lynch[/b]
3. Abstain from voting.
*Please make the votes in [b]BOLD[/b]
*Some players may have an extra unknown vote.
The player with the most votes is out of the game. A [b]No Lynch[/b] can outnumber a [b]Lynch[/b], meaning there was no one eliminated for that day phase.
[b]NIGHT PHASE[/b] is also 24 hours. This is when you send me instructions of how you use your power role. You may be given feedback on the outcome, depending on your role type. eg: investigation results.
Private message discussion is allowed. [size=20][b]Please add @@Hoodlum to all your private discussions.
[spoiler=Player List - Time Zones]
@@Hoodlum [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/australia/gold-coast] Australian Eastern Standard Time [/url] MIDNIGHT
D12 Server time [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/timezone/utc] Universal Time Coordinated[/url] 2PM
01. @@Vicious [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/texas] Central Daylight Time [/url] 9AM
02. @@dough_boy [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/kansas-city-kansas] Central Daylight Time [/url] 9AM
03. @@Anaxagore [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/france] Central European Time [/url] 4PM
04. @@Madagascarter [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/colchester] British Summer Time [/url] 3PM
05. @@elysium5 [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/@5884472] Eastern Daylight Time [/url] 10AM
06. @@Kyla [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/new-zealand] New Zealand Time [/url] 3AM
07. @@Skarni [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/spain/salou] Central European Summer Time [/url] 4PM
08. @@MarcESK [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/germany] Central European Time [/url] 4PM
09. @@Sygmassacre [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/new-zealand] New Zealand Time [/url] 3AM
10. @@jimmy1066 [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/canada/maple-ridge] Pacific Daylight Time [/url] 7AM
11. @@huskers01 [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/ohio] Eastern Daylight Time [/url] 10AM
12. @@Whatmough [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/canada/alberta] Mountain Standard Time [/url] 8AM
13. @@LooseCannon [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/egypt/cairo] Eastern European Time [/url] 5PM
14. @@midi [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/australia/victoria] Australian Eastern Daylight Time[/url] 1AM
15. @@NotSoFast [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/new-jersey] Eastern Standard Time [/url] 10AM
16. @@Mayba [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/california] Pacific Standard Time [/url] 7AM