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Kyla wrote:
Ok I would like the clown to come out and say he visted Hood (unless he's on the mafias side?)

It seems like there is only 10 of us left (and BETA), 4 mafia. If we kill the wrong one tonight we will be overpowered by the morning...

11.Damage Inc.
Hoodlum wrote:
Fact. Cheeky claimed she knew the inspector
Fact. Hoodlum claimed he knew the inspector
Fact. Cheeky was the mayor
Fact. Doughboy was the inspector
Fact. Doughboy voted to lynch cheeky. because doughboy knew she was either a lieing or lied to.
Fact. Sygmassacre supported cheeky in lynching me. A mafia wouldn't care where the vote went. But the fake inspector would have had to show some sort of support for cheeky in the lynching phase to continue to convince her.

My Facts. Night 0 - Doughboy inspected me, and told me my own role. That's why I know.
My Facts. Night 1 - I am vigilante. I shot at Sygmassacre but I was distracted by the clown.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Sygmassacre wrote:
Yeah right you did lol. Now that the wolf has gone it's time to come clean.

Message: Role PM
From: Madagascarter
To: Sygmassacre
Madagascarter said:
18 Jul 2017, 10:38
Sygmassacre, you are the Vigilante.
You are sided with the Village. Your win clause is to help the Village survive all threats against it. You have been hired by the Mayor to clear the imminent threat from the Werewolf loose in the village as he tries to turn the fine citizens into his pack. When searching for the Werewolf you have discovered a Mafia clan let loose in the village. With threats from all sides, but only one bullet you must shoot wisely. As a result you may #Shoot USER once to remove a player from the game. You cannot kill on Night zero.
Sygmassacre said:
18 Jul 2017, 11:53
Can I just confirm it's only one shot for the entire game mada?
Madagascarter said:
18 Jul 2017, 14:32
Only one shot in the whole game so make it count.
Sygmassacre said:
18 Jul 2017, 14:41
Ok got it. Thanks
Madagascarter said:
18 Jul 2017, 14:50
Sygmassacre said:
20 Jul 2017, 15:03
I'm still unsure if I get a shot if the wolf gets me. Can he then use me to shoot at other people?
Madagascarter said:
20 Jul 2017, 15:06
No you're just a wolf slave
Sygmassacre said:
20 Jul 2017, 20:03
Are we allowed to change our vote before the day phase ends? E.g if I was to #No vote at first but change it before the day ends?
Madagascarter said:
20 Jul 2017, 20:03
Yes you can

So now villagers I make the ultimate sacrifice by outing myself and my one shot to avoid another town lynch. We've lost 2 villagers already to hoods lies. If you're wondering how hood could know he was targeted by the clown is because as mafia he has the night kill action of the Mafioso. Also, there is a power of a mafia in other games which gives the ability to hand over a fake role pm when inspected. He even cleverly (or not) alluded to this in his original message sent to all.

If you're wondering why I still have my shot it's because shooting hood is pointless since he is so obviously mafia and I needed at least one more night to work out who else is mafia. But my hand has been forced so I've outed myself. This will do one thing......make the mafia scramble to cover themselves. They will even attempt to turn on hood to avoid detection. Kyla, eli, dough you three are the ones I trust the most. I'm sorry for calling you guys out but I need to publicly ask for your support
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Kyla wrote:
Ok so to compare.

What Hood said his role PM was:
Spoiler (click to show)
What Syg said his PM was:
Spoiler (click to show)
Kyla wrote:
My Village role:
Spoiler (click to show)
If I'm looking at grammar, hoods role PM fits my own more, just a little detail I noticed. But I am still worried about Hood. I'm unsure, he could be a massive criminal mastermind, who knows in this village?

I would like to formally apologize to our lost mayor since I am the town baker which executed CheekyTeeky, we hope to correct our mistake!
Hoodlum wrote:
nice editing there sygmassacre haha. your playing well. too bad once again that cheeky can not tell us who the fake inspector was. i bet syg posted an edited chat to cheeky in the same way..saying..Sygmassacre, you are the Inspector, bla bla bla. 

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
Once again..I remind everyone. Doughboy knew cheeky had a fake inspector. We KNOW doughboy is the REAL inspector.
Doughboy KNEW I was the real vigilante and that's why we voted against cheeky, to try and get her to reveal the fake inspector, or assume she is the mafia. Now that we know she was infact the mayor, we know she was lied to. And I can now see probably how sygmassacre do this. Don't fall for it like cheeky did. We will lose if you fall for it. Have a look at your own roles, and kind of compare how madagascarter writes them.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
i told kyla that i was vigilante and I was going to shoot sygmassacre, because I expected mafia to kill me, so I decided, well I will use my bullet before I die, I will be dead unless the doctor saves me. There was no guarantee i will be saved. Jimi suspected that doughboy was inspector, but perhaps many of you did. The mafia did and that's probably why they killed doughboy instead of me. I do not know why the clown chose to distract me. I expected to see sygmassacre dead in the morning, and maybe myself too. 1 mafia 1 village. I didn't expect that my bullet would miss because of a clown making me laugh so hard. lol, even though that's annoying, the clown is a villager, so if you are the clown. YOU KNOW that you distracted me, and you know that someone still died. So clown you KNOW that I did not kill mafia. Only mafia can kill at night, and also a vigilante.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Hoodlum wrote:
* So clown you KNOW that I did not kill doughboy. Only mafia can kill at night, and also a vigilante.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Mayba wrote:
I agree that the grammar for the role Sygmassacre has provided doesn't match mine nor the roles that were revealed for everyone that died. Unless it was done on purpose by the moderator to throw us off, Sygmassacre's role is the only one that has a constant capitalization on certain words such (Mafia, Village, Werewolf) that are not capitalized on any of the roles that were revealed to be real.
Sygmassacre wrote:
Of course you didn't kill him. You tried to hit me with your mafia kill but thankfully the clown knew what you were up to. So are you the framer then? It makes sense since you were able to fool doughboy once inspected. If only he was more experienced he would have asked what your role pm was instead of just coming straight out with his inspection results, thus giving you a perfect template with which to attract more villagers to you. Well played but hopefully not quite enough to fool our good village folk
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Kyla wrote:
Sygmassacre, why did you not try shoot Hood last night?