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Kyla wrote:
Ok so heres my logic in case I die.
Mad said "I'm on my phone again so I can't give you a role PM but it is the same as BETA's and Sygmassacre's." So this shows that all mafia have the same message, so they have no back story (by back story I mean my job, like mine says I'm the town baker).

Cheekys Death //baker kills her
Spoiler (click to show)

Sgy death //Dentist kills him
Spoiler (click to show)

FraSurs death //carpenter kills him
Spoiler (click to show)

Now I have claimed being the town baker and Jimi has claimed being the town carpenter. Mayba claims bar-man. Not sure where this bar man came from. Carpenter and baker are in mads story but a mysterious bar-man? Who knows I could be wrong ;)
FraSur wrote:
Just an eco from beyond...
Did Frasur claimed that he was the Doctor? Just pointed that out...
Jimi wrote:
Mayba my friend, i was loud the whole game, u just started to talk when u found urself lonely,
Hood my friend I don't mind lynching me next, but I don't want the village to lose one more day for the wrong person.
I strongly believe that mayba is the last mafia, because he started to join the chat really late when he found himself alone.
Plus I was the first one to accuse sygma, and if i was a mafia i would have known that beta is out so why would i make my team out numbered.
I was so reasonable toward your arguments gentlemen and my lady.
I copied my role as I received it, i can screenshot it if you like. And i have no experience in editing or even in using any program, I barely know how to use Facebook.

This is my case the whole game, i am a regular villager that wants to enjoy the game for the first time, i have nothing to hide.

Thank you


“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Mayba wrote:
My Village role:
Spoiler (click to show)
If I'm looking at grammar, hoods role PM fits my own more, just a little detail I noticed. But I am still worried about Hood. I'm unsure, he could be a massive criminal mastermind, who knows in this village?
I would like to formally apologize to our lost mayor since I am the town baker which executed CheekyTeeky, we hope to correct our mistake!

How do you have an "AM" time stamp on your copy and paste? The time on here is set in military time, is it not? Everyone else has provided a copy paste without any "am" or "pm" indicated because there isn't any. 

Your role states you are "working in a bakery", not that you are a baker , All of our other villager roles have specific actual jobs "bar-man, dentist, schoolmaster, carpenter", except yours....
Kyla wrote:
Hmm might have to ask Matty if I get special ''AM" and "PM" things because I'm a programmer on the site.
I think I'm the baker because I work in the bakery :P So who is the baker if I am not then?
Hoodlum wrote:
nice. thanks kyla.
but good attention to detail mayba.
i also clear the baker thing because, kyla tells me she is baker before cheeky was revealed to have died by the baker
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Mayba wrote:
Mayba my friend, i was loud the whole game, u just started to talk when u found urself lonely,
Hood my friend I don't mind lynching me next, but I don't want the village to lose one more day for the wrong person.
I strongly believe that mayba is the last mafia, because he started to join the chat really late when he found himself alone.
Plus I was the first one to accuse sygma, and if i was a mafia i would have known that beta is out so why would i make my team out numbered.
I was so reasonable toward your arguments gentlemen and my lady.
I copied my role as I received it, i can screenshot it if you like. And i have no experience in editing or even in using any program, I barely know how to use Facebook.

This is my case the whole game, i am a regular villager that wants to enjoy the game for the first time, i have nothing to hide.

Thank you


I've been fairly active after we started receiving some concrete facts (Syg's role did not look right) and now that we have almost every role narrowed down, I am helping pinpoint the liars out. 

I'm actually trying to look at facts and what people have said and provide solutions to figure out the Mafia. All you've done is say "you're silent, you must be mafia" or "you're talking a lot now because you are mafia". I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, I'm just saying we should all reveal our roles in the open so we know who's lying or not. I've already know either you or Kyla are lying about being a villager.
Jimi wrote:
nice. thanks kyla.
but good attention to detail mayba.
i also clear the baker thing because, kyla tells me she is baker before cheeky was revealed to have died by the baker

Dude I revealed my role before frasur was killed

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi wrote:

I've been fairly active after we started receiving some concrete facts (Syg's role did not look right) and now that we have almost every role narrowed down, I am helping pinpoint the liars out. 

I'm actually trying to look at facts and what people have said and provide solutions to figure out the Mafia. All you've done is say "you're silent, you must be mafia" or "you're talking a lot now because you are mafia". I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, I'm just saying we should all reveal our roles in the open so we know who's lying or not. I've already know either you or Kyla are lying about being a villager.
Mayba I don't want to accuse u, hood had revealed something to me pm last day, but i am not sure if it was u who he meant or someone else, i am just trying to figure that out.

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Hoodlum wrote:
To me, mayba is asking all the right questions though. I don't really know why kyla suspects mayba so much lol. To narrow it down. I think we seem to agree that it's between kyla mayba and jimi. I trust kyla 99.999% so it's between mayba and jimi still.
kyla has cleared up the am/pm thing, and I admit it I thought it was odd, why would she put an am in there?
I know kyla told me she was a baker before cheeky's will was given that she was lynched by the baker. So, the theory that kyla borrowed an idea to fake a role doesn't make me go hmmm on that speculation.
I haven't found anything to doubt mayba yet.
If it is coming down to the roles. Jimi's is the most similar to sys fake one. The capitalization things.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
Jimi wrote:
I have nothing more to say...

I am innocent that's all

Copy paste that's all that I did.

I hope the village win with or without me

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Kyla wrote:
Im basing my vote on the story.

 A carpenter killed FraSur in our lynch vote
Jimi said he was the carpenter
If someone else says they're a carpenter I may change my mind
But there HAS to be a carpenter
Mafia don't have jobs if we're following the theme. (Sgy, BETA and Damage have the same role PM)

When Mad tells us the story he's never mentioned a bar man. But he has mentioned the roles me and Jimi have claimed.
Mayba wrote:

Spoiler (click to show)

There was also a schoolmaster role that never showed up in the story (possibly cause of early death). I'm not sure the roles have much to do with anything besides make the story a little unique and I'm not sure if they correspond to our roles. Regardless, my role is a bar man and I'm not going to pretend to be a different villager role.
Mayba wrote:
There can't be anyone else that says they are a carpenter or a villager role - we already have 3 people vouching for 2 roles. The only way that happens is if the doctor pretends to be a villager and comes out as your carpenter.