Map Submission
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Star0Dweller wrote:
My friend aaronfever and I have been co-creating a map featuring the universe of Avatar/Korra. Before getting started on details, we have sent multiple emails to Nickelodeon requesting copyright permission and have yet to receive a response over the course of approximately six months.

The map features 52 territories and 10 regions, bonuses of which have been derived using Vexer's formula. We have yet to add boundaries between territories. Rivers are impassable. We would like to include a unique gameplay mechanic whereby owning more than one of the four air temples on the map grants a troop bonus according to the following: 1 extra soldier for owning two temples, 2 troops for three temples and 4 troops for owning all four. This would promote a strategy in which players may want to spread out their forces more than usual. Further, the temples will be connected: the northern air temple with the southern, and the eastern with the western.

You can find the map here: As this is our first map any feedback is appreciated.
Hoodlum wrote:
Well I'll start. Good that you read the map making guide, and doing the right things to go about it. You've made good progress to introduce the map. Usually a suggestion would come first to see if there is interest and not too much wasted time, but you and friend probably enjoyed the time put into it anyways. I think avatar/korra fantasy map will have interest and the gameplay sounds interesting. Looking forward to other comments
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naathim wrote:
*fanboys at the mouth*

Awesome! Awesome!

Shame on you for forgetting Kyoshi Island!! Throw out the southern islands one and change it to Kyoshi lol (I know that's not really where it goes, but it's close enough!)

I'd throw out KoLau range or Gaoling and replace it with Zaofu, it's around that location.

I'd cut out the connection between the North and South Poles unless you're trying for an 'after harmonic convergence' thing. But you don't really NEED it, especially if you're going to link the air temples.

If you do cut the connection lines between the two, add one in the North from Ice Peak to North Forest. Then make both poles +2 for the symmetry.

Copyright is a problem. That's the head honcho's deal. I'd seek out the creators on tumblr. I don't think either of them have twitter or I'd suggest that.

Good looking start!
aaronfever wrote:
Thank you Hoodlum and naathim for the comments so far.

naathim - Mar 5, 06:08 AM
I'd cut out the connection between the North and South Poles unless you're trying for an 'after harmonic convergence' thing. But you don't really NEED it, especially if you're going to link the air temples.

If you do cut the connection lines between the two, add one in the North from Ice Peak to North Forest. Then make both poles +2 for the symmetry.

Star0Dweller came up with connecting the temples, I came up with the poles. Both make sense within the universe. In a pre-100 year war, the four temples were very connected, and post-Korra, the North and South Pole are literally connected through the spirit portals. We're looking for commenter ideas before making a decision.
Proud creator of the map Battle of the Elements
Cireon wrote:
I think the map is amazing! It probably still needs a lot of graphical work, but I already like the outlines a lot and I hope we can stick to the simple style we currently have, because it really fits the franchise.

But yes, copyright is indeed an issue. I think you would have to ask Nick and not the original creators for this, as Nick has all the rights to this franchise.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
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PsymonStark wrote:
Guys, they say they have been asking for copyright for about 6 months to the rights owners! For Tamriel I asked for it once and after a week I was told it was ok to follow. The only thing they have to bare with is that if they send any notice, we'd have to put it down.

I like a lot this map (while being completely ignorant about the story, though) so if you need someone's help for anything, shoot a PM!

Someone can tell me if we can award negative troops for owning regions? Because to fit the 2 temples +1, 3 temples +2, 4 temples +4 I'll need it. Otherwise, the way it is coded would mean 2t->+1, 3t->+3, 4t->6 and it would be too much.

That would need to be added like this so they add to the meant bonus:
Spoiler (click to show)

I keep editing :P

I don't like how the 3 looks in the Southern Pole, I would make it a 2 for symmetry, and also because it can make a superregion with Northern Pole for a total 5 with just 3 borders. I like though the N-S connection.

Also, Western and Eastern Air Temples should be worth only 1, especially if they have the special bonus. They are just much easier to hold than Northern and Southern for that matter. You will need to add a piece of text saying that N-S and E-W temples are connected so players know it beforehand.

The longer I write my first post on a map usually the better idea I think it is. Great work. I am curious in how will you add the divider lines for territories.

Last but not least, please use an online imageposting service... that's because dropbox reduces quality for previewed files, and it's a bore to have to download every file! I've found that is quite a good one.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Cireon wrote:
Oh, I fail at reading.

Then let's get this map going please! :D
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Cireon is online.
Matty wrote:
Keep a copy of those emails you sent, then if they do get problems with the map, we have something to show them, otherwise it'll be fine.

I like where the style of the map is going already, overall gameplay looks good (though hard to say exactly right now).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
aeronautic wrote:
@Psymon, I have thought of a way to create bonus regions for special bonuses using the existing cartographer panel that would not require any special programming.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
aeronautic wrote:
Psymon has explained to me the accumulation problem with the current programming for bonuses.
For now, I think it is best to stay with the way Vexer made temple bonuses in Ancient Realm and make it something like +3 for owning all 4 Temples.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
I don't really know, it may work, actually. I guess Vexer will need to tell us, or we should try with the test map. It's an interesting way of rewarding players and I think it's worth a shot. Remember we just need to check if the system allows negative bonus, so we can correct the accumulative problem.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
PsymonStark wrote:
You have a white pixel on both top and right sides of the map. Quote me to see how to embed a map on the forums:

Battle of the Elements 2 (click to show)

If you delete the -T1200800 part of the filename, it will be featured in its original resolution, again, quote me to check how.

Well on the map itself, I believe that you have mistaken the Vexer formula. The formula takes into account the number of territories of the studied regions which border another region, and not the number of territories that can attack the region. For these means, Western and Eastern Air Temples should be a 1, Northern and Southern Air Temples should be a 2, and Water Tribes should be 2 each. The rest of the bonus are right.

Before gameplay can be further studied, you need to create the internal borders. I based previous comments on the fact that the only region-region connections will be the marked ones. If you want, I can do a quick draft of them that will try to follow the clean curved style of the map, but will be up to you to adapt them to the map.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Clarke wrote:
So fill me in. What comic book, tv show, movie, or other thing does this map come from?
naathim wrote:
Don't you have children Clarke? You have failed as a parent if you don't know what it's from :P

It's only the best Western cartoon in history!