Map of the World - 26 territories
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
EDIT: Now finished! View the final page for the map.

Many of the spoilers early in this thread are dead links. To see the map, look at the most recent posts - the map can be seen in the spoilers there.

I like to come up with alternative ideas, so here's my most recent one! I feel that Dominating12 needs a new small map, so I quickly sketched this one out - give me your opinions!

Obviously territory names are needed. Comment on the usual - territory borders, region bonuses, textures. I especially want people's opinions concerning the inclusion of Australia into Asia.

Sorry about my recent lethargy towards my Northern Hemisphere Map of late - hopefully this makes up for it??

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cbt711 wrote:
I'd lump iceland / UK into one territory and split out Scandinavia as its own. I'd still split Asia / Europe and treat Asia like Cuba on Caribbean, main body everyone has to traverse to attack anyone else. That would be some good gameplay.

Europe and NA should be worth 3 and have 3 borders like they already do (similar to Africa in World classic).

Split Oz to it's 3 territory region worth 2. That would be great for small caps games like Caribbean plays with 3 players. I would try to reduce Asia's western border to just two territories somehow so it has 4 borders total and make it worth 5 bonus.

That would make it a more balanced map that people would want to play. I also want to start making a small map, but have been way too lazy. Love this idea.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
About bonuses:

You say you want Europe to have its bonus reduced to +3? This would make Europe very undesirable compared to Africa, as Europe would have 3 borders whereas Africa would only have 2 borders. Therefore, Africa would need another border territory. Since I wanted this map as diminished as possible, I do not want to split a territory to give Africa another border (I would have had less than 26 territories, but I thought that that was the smallest amount of territories that would actually be playable).

Besides, I stand by my current Europe bonus of +4 - in the Caribbean map, the Bahamas Region has only 2 entrances and is worth +3. Europe has 3 entrances and therefore has a +4 bonus. Furthermore, how can Europe be reduced to +3 if America remains a +5 with only one more interior territory? I'm fairly certain I've got Europe/America correct.

About Asia/Australia:

Like I said in the 1st post, I'm not sure about Australia being included or excluded from the Region: Asia. I will wait for more opinions. I have no preference either way, so the most popular opinion will be employed.
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cbt711 wrote:
I guess I was incomplete.
Africa should be 2, Europe and North America both 3. Technically SA and Australia could be 1, but you'd have to play it out to see what works best there. World expanded math, they'd be 1 bonus, Caribbean math, they'd be 2 bonus.
PsymonStark wrote:
First, I would call it World Reduced. I think it is more elegant and understandable, and just opposite to expanded. Diminished would be the opposite of increased.

I would make Oz a continent because it's fairer than having only one region with 1 border... Essentially, I like all the suggestions that cbt made, and the map itself. But I think America shouldn't be worth 5. 4 would be better in my opinion as this is a map with big bonus like Caribbean.

Another thing is that Greenland is only the island, and the territory also comprises the Canadian region of Nunavut...
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Matty wrote:
Or call it world mini

I'd make australia a seperate region, because it's a continent in real life after all. Especially because SA also has only one border. (Because of that, they should get a bonus of 1, NOT higher - 1 border is pretty overpowered).
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Virtuosity98 wrote:

"(Because of that, they [Australia & S. America] should get a bonus of 1, NOT higher - 1 border is pretty overpowered). "

I reference you to the Caribbean Map, where both the Florida and D. Republic Regions have 1 entrance, 2 interior territories, and a +2 bonus. This is the same as my S. America and Australia Regions, with both maps being exactly the same size.

"World Mini" isn't a bad name, but, as Psymon said, "World Reduced" goes better with "World Expanded".

Anyway, the purpose of this post:

Spoiler (click to show)

I have added Australia, reduced N. America's bonus, and sorted Europe's territories out. I'm not sure whether to include the UK in Mainland Europe or with Iceland. If it was with Iceland, how would I show this?

Hopefully the gameplay of this map is balanced. About regions, this is the way I see it:

  • S. America and Australia have a +2 bonus (see Caribbean map for comparable regions)
  • Therefore, Africa has to have at a minimum a +3 bonus, as it has 2 entrances and is clearly far less obtainable than S. America and Australia. Also, the Bahamas region in the Caribbean map has only 2 entrances but still has a +3 bonus
  • Europe and N. America have 3 entrances, and therefore cannot have the same bonus as Africa, so they must have a +4 bonus
  • Asia is far less obtainable than both Europe and N. America, so must have at least a +6 bonus. Personally, I feel that it should be a +7 bonus, but I knew you wouldn't like that :P

In my opinion, all of the bonuses are fair in relation to each other, which is the key factor in making bonuses work for gameplay.
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
I have a new idea: To make Europe and N. America exactly equal (atm Europe has 3 entrances & 1 interior territory whilst N. America has 3 entrances & 2 interior territories), I could split the Iceland/UK territory into Iceland + UK and engulf the Mongolia territory with the China/SE. Asia territory. This would make Europe and N. America equal and also make Asia slightly more obtainable. Then again, it is not necessarily a bad thing that Europe is slightly better than N. America, or that Asia is difficult to hold - opinions please!
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Matty wrote:
I think all the bonusses should be 1 lower. You keep compairing with Carribean, but that's a pretty weird map.
Apart from that, most maps that have a region with 4 territories and 2 borders will give that a +2, not a +3.
Giving a region of 4 terirtories a bonus of +4 is also insanely high.

Virtuosity98 - Jun 26, 07:48 PM
I'm not sure whether to include the UK in Mainland Europe or with Iceland.
Having Iceland and UK one region and scandinavia one region is more logical than scandinavia together with middle europe while iceland gets his own.
It'd be even more logical if iceland goes with scandinavia, and UK stays solo.

Virtuosity98 - Jun 26, 07:48 PM
If it was with Iceland, how would I show this?
How to display that? Simple, put the territory circle in between the islands and have a territory name that sais "Iceland and Scandinavia" (Or whatever territories you decide to choose).

Edit: If you want to merge territories in Asia it makes more sense to merge Russia I think.
But personally I like it now, not nescessary to balance out, or to make Asia obtainable. The whole idea of Asia is that it is a grazy region like that.

Also, I might still prefer america over Europe right now, because Europe is so central, so I think it's alright like this.
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
Bonuses as proposed by Matty:

Spoiler (click to show)

Please voice your thoughts concerning this proposal!
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cbt711 wrote:
I like it obviously :) Sounds familiar somehow. Asia now seems high though but I don't think anyone will ever hold Asia like no one holds Cuba in Caribbean. (yes another caribbean comparison Matty - it happens)

Africa should be 2, Europe and North America both 3. Technically SA and Australia could be 1

And if you really wanted the opposite of "World Expanded", it would be "World Condensed"
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I think that "World Reduced" and "World Condensed" are equally effective, but the font that I am using for the title has a really strange capital "C" (it looks like a lower-case "e"!). I found that out when I intended this map to be called "World Contracted". "World Reduced" will suffice, methinks ^^
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U_WOT_M8 wrote:
I can tell that this map will go down very well with the community. I think it should be prioritised, as i'm sure there are many others who, like me, would like to play a 'classic risk' game but in a shorter time - and the smaller map caters to these players.

Great map, like your others so far!
cbt711 wrote:
Call it Small World and we can sing It's a small world after all when we play it?
TIPlatypus wrote:
I think a map with out-of-proportion bonuses would be very interesting to play on. I like the original bonuses better:
NA: 4
EU 4
Africa : 3
Asia: 7
Australia: 2