Solar System map thread. Feedback very welcome.
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cbt711 wrote:
Thanks Psymon!

Any caps vets have any words of wisdom on the caps? I like these personally, and will input them as such probably later tomorrow.
cbt711 wrote:
I lied, this is the latest caps configuration. I would like to get a 3 player caps version with no caps on the border of a region, especially a small region. This would allow one cap to get 5 troops and not be blocked all game. So I need 3 off Trident. Any suggestions? Same problem with 4 player. I need 4 off Mercury.

Proposed 3 player: Aphrodite, Neptune, Jupiter Major - Steps are either 6 or 7. I think that slight difference more than makes up for no one being able to pull a bonus without trapping themselves.

Still need a 4 player suggestion.
PsymonStark wrote:
Deimos, Saturn Major, Africa for 3P: All 6 steps away.
Deimos, Aphrodite, Africa, Neptune for 4P (slightly uneven)
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
cbt711 wrote:
That's good too. Same thing - 6 or 7 step (mostly through Main Asteroid Belt) between each. 8 if you go around the belt. EDIT: wow it's actually 6 each through the belt. Ok, I'll use this for sure. Thanks.

4 Man suggestion is pretty good. 4 steps between all caps linearly, but that gives a big advantage to the outer caps, Neptune and Deimos, since the inner caps are pretty much a road to get to the other caps. So they will be targeted first. Close though, if I can't find anything else, I could use this. It's not like this isn't an issue in every other 4 man caps game for at least 1 poor cap in the middle.
cbt711 wrote:
I'm going to go with:
Dark Side
Western Belt

For 4 player caps. It's 5 between then in a circle, then it's 6 between the opposite corners through Main Asteroid Belt.
PsymonStark wrote:
For 4P caps, all caps have only 2 exits except Western Belt. It would be fairer to change it to the Red Spot, so all of them would have 2 under the same conditions.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
cbt711 wrote:
Interesting point Psymon, I will give it a look for sure. Thanks Ultras.
UltrasPlot wrote:
I concur with Psymon, I started a 4p caps and everyone but the player on Western Belt had to split a significant force from cap for cards.
cbt711 wrote:
Changed it to Red Spot. At first I thought it was rather annoying everyone was trapped. Honestly, it's just different. Just means it plays unlike any other caps game, where you have to take chances with forces off the cap. Take regions, defend regions.

Anyway, for Beta phase, I think maybe long term games should be disabled. If I, Fendi, Vexer, or another cartographer have to make any changes, we can wait for a live game to end. But it could take weeks for a long term game to end.

I joined a long term game I was invited to because I'm blind and just assumed it was live. I don't know what updating the image file of the map will do with an active game. I just know eventually there needs to be a back light or more red in the belt under the player circles so black shows up.
Matty wrote:
Changing the image or locations of the circles won't matter at all.
Changing things like which territory borders which, will influence games a bit, but then that's why it's beta right?

Changing capital locations in mid game, well that could change a game ALOT :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Vexer wrote:
Updating the image and circle locations can be done mid game. You can change the capitals locations at anytime and it won't affect current games, just future games.

Adding or removing territories is the only thing that will glitch a game. It would also glitch the viewing of any previous game. If that has to be done then it's best to make a copy of the map, then make the changes. I can make copies pretty quickly in the database but this gets messy.

I changed the name of the map to Solar System (Beta). Anyone creating a long term game should know that the game can be affected by changes and that it can get cancelled if need be.
cbt711 wrote:
Sounds good. Thanks for everything guys. Does 4mygod's offer of a year of premium still stand (obviously not the owner anymore)?

If so, I respectfully decline. I'd rather pay and support the site, way too much fun not to.

But I would of course take tokens, as I have like none haha.

(PS - any reason Keeva Island isn't in Beta? I could finish inputting it if needed)