Yes, I think that in the new dark version the Sun should be turned as it was, just his 'real' picture, or with a minimal luminescence effect added.
As per the asteroid belt, I have not a clear opinion but really I liked better the one with the white edges.
My problem are:
Is Saturn South bordering with Uranus Minor or not??
Is Rings bordering with Ouranos or not?
Shouldn't the ring divider be moved on the left to avoid dead-end territories? (And also to appear more logical, I don't know exactly to explain why though)
Why Saturn South is not in the South? And why it is not called Southern Saturn, I'm not an English speaker but Saturn South and Saturn North sound weird to me.
Why one half of the ring is called Eastern Rings and the other only Rings?
Yes, I think that in the new dark version the Sun should be turned as it was, just his 'real' picture, or with a minimal luminescence effect added.
As per the asteroid belt, I have not a clear opinion but really I liked better the one with the white edges.
My problem are:
Is Saturn South bordering with Uranus Minor or not??
Is Rings bordering with Ouranos or not?
Shouldn't the ring divider be moved on the left to avoid dead-end territories? (And also to appear more logical, I don't know exactly to explain why though)
Why Saturn South is not in the South? And why it is not called Southern Saturn, I'm not an English speaker but Saturn South and Saturn North sound weird to me.
Why one half of the ring is called Eastern Rings and the other only Rings?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein