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aeronautic wrote:
Just so that you are not dissuaded from continuing with eagerness, know this... GB & Ireland has had more graphic changes and colour scheme changes in the last 2 days than Hawaii Double has had in many months.

That is the amount of work and the difficulty to please the community and the reason why we work with haste, but not too fast as to lower the quality of production.
If I did my changes at the pace of Hawaii, GB would take approximately another 2 to 3 years to get to Beta.

That was just a time scale comparison, so that you know that the community are not holding up your map.
for reference (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Clarke wrote:
I am not dissuaded at all. The truth is I was not satisfied with the previous badge either. I changed the colors to Brown and Green per Matty's advice. Take a look at the 2 badges on this image and let me know what you think. We will call the Top Left badge TL and the Bottom Right badge BR.

Which do you all prefer?

Oh and one last thing... there will only be ONE badge on the map. I put two on here for an easier comparison. Please don't comment that you don't like 2 badges on the map...LOL...

Spoiler (click to show)
aeronautic wrote:
I like the TL badge, but it may look better with a tiny bit more back shadow. The other doesn't look right with outlines.

LOL This means that all the other advisers will choose the other now.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Clarke wrote:
A little back shadow on TL would look great. Nice suggestion. TL is my preference as well. Expect update tomorrow.
naathim wrote:
Oh that looks beautiful Clarke!! I think I like TL best as well. But both are better than your big brown badge from before. They fit the look and the theme much better!
Matty wrote:
TL, defenitely.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Clarke wrote:
OMG the back shadow idea from AERO made a HUGE difference. The badge/logo looks AWESOME now. Here is the latest update...

So how do you like me now???

Spoiler (click to show)
Vexer wrote:
What about wording it this way, Twin territories can attack each other.
aeronautic wrote:
See I told you it comes together quick when you have the basis sorted.

Good job. The map looks very nice.

I would definitely reword the key as Vexer suggested, it means the same, only easier to read, especially for non English speakers.

We all know this is a battle area due to Pearl Harbour and I'm pretty sure it happened on a sunny day, making this the battle for Pearl Harbour from both sides of the Pacific and both perspectives.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Clarke wrote:
I am in agreement with the suggested re-wording made by Vexer. It will be done on Monday.
Matty wrote:
Good map, the only thing I'm unsure about is the word "double" below - but half over - the logo.
Not sure what to do anout it, but do others have thoughts?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
probably double is the best. or dual?

dual - duel   DUÆL

Dual may refer to: Dual (mathematics), a notion of paired concepts that mirror one another

Edit..u meant the positioning :)
Matty wrote:
Yeah, I ment its position.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.