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naathim wrote:
Looking for ideas related to territory connectivity.

Impassables are blue rivers (I know they look kind of purple lol), brown lines are proposed bridges, and the reddish brown are mountains.

Not sure about region bonuses.

The territory circles fit, but they're tight squeeze in 10, 27, and 29.


Please ignore colors, just wanted to make the regions distinct.

(First time doing anything like this, so I already know it looks like a kindergartener's crayon drawing :P)
cbt711 wrote:
Wow, lots of borders. Could play well if you balance the impassables like you want. I don't think you need ports at all, just some dotted lines to the islands to the East, and it could be a great map.
naathim wrote:
Here's second go:


I think I've got it where the Impassables don't give any one region an advantage. Unfortunately I do feel like it needs ports to help provide that balance. I hope it does not look too busy with them all on there. I've really tried to represent the actual major land features, while still focusing on game play.

The region bonuses on the mini map will probably need refigured. I'm not really confident that they're appropriate.

I know the graphics still are not the greatest. It will certainly need cleaned up. And I have no idea how to actually do mountains. I tried, and it was horrible lol. I'm just going to gradually work on that, hopefully more people will comment on the game play aspects so that can get finalized.

I appreciate any and all input.
The_Bishop wrote:
Someone proposed ship-lines instead of ports. I think something like this:

The river between 55 and 56 looks unnecessary having a bridge there.

I think 54, 55, 56 should be part of the red the region so corresponding to 'Castilla y Leon'. Having some big region hard to defend isn't bad, it's recovering area.

Just my 2 cents.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
naathim wrote:
Ooooh thank you Bishop. I don't know if they meant connecting lines to that extent, but I like that idea!! Keeps the play linear instead of all jumpy about-y with ports. Plus I could put ports in Valencia and Lisbon, which are the only two big ones missing currently.

I divided up Castille and Leon because I thought it would be too big That'd be a ten territory region, although could conceivably knock it down to 8 or 9 with some conflation. But it would still leave it with 7 border territories. That just seems a little too large and hard to defend to me. Seems like it would take it out of normal play, like that big center region on the Tamriel map.

And you're right, there's no reason to have a river if there's a bridge lol...
cbt711 wrote:
Yeah I just meant out to the islands in the East. Like with the westward expansion trail map, linear connections like that confuse players. Can you attack anywhere on that line like ports? Or can you only attack to the nearest connection? Map gameplay is looking pretty solid. 
PsymonStark wrote:
Hey there! I like to see there is a project about Iberian peninsula, as it's my homeland... well even if it's a little left out.

But the outline you're working on is awful. It has nothing to do with reality.

These are the provinces of Spain:

and Portugal:

I don't mind if you guys have to modify slightly the outlines to match territories and enhance gameplay. But please try to keep it real ^^

And please, put the labels in Spanish/Portuguese, I'm here to help if you guys need it.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
Here it is with connection lines, I'd like to add something like a ship instead of a shell, I think that would be pretty. Mine aren't as good as Bishops either :(



Since they are connection lines, as long as you make it clear it is not ONE contiguous line I think it should be clear enough? There's just one line connecting two territories, like all connection lines.


I tried LOL. I can jiggle the territory lines to make them conform more to real ones. The big problem is I have to draw them by hand, on a computer, while looking at a map like you posted, which is difficult as I am NO great artist. I'm more a stick person kind of guy. For the most part I don't think they look too bad. I'd more than welcome your input on which territories need corrected the most. Also mountains and rivers... trying to keep it mostly accurate. (I smoothed out the outline of the peninsula myself, it's too jagged irl). And like you said, some things have to be changed for game play, the islands I embiggened and some of the portuguese territories had to be elided cause they were too small. Definitely planning on keeping territory names what they are irl. I'd like to put the title as Peninsula Iberica.


Wasn't planning on it. It's so tiny, but if someone thinks there needs to be more territories it can be added.
PsymonStark wrote:
Whoa, you can't imagine how wrong they look to me. No offense but imagine someone distorts your country map. They wouldn't notice it too much, but you would, and probably couldn't be able to think about any other thing there. BTW, my artist level is below zero :P

Maybe I can help you with the outline too. Which program are you using?

With titles I meant things like being careful with things like Aragón, Castilla y León, Málaga, España, Bragança, Santarém, Évora, etc. Many times we have weird symbols in our names, look my Balkan peninsula map :P

Thanks ^^
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
PsymonStark wrote:
Yay, I got some time. There it goes:


I wanted to try this map and this is my attempt. I have no more time, but I'd like you guys to comment on it. Still, as you probably won't like it, I have the outline ready to send to the real map maker here ;)
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
LOL. I like it a lot :D

I'll sit down and redo mine this weekend, jaggedy edges and all. I'm just using paint.net, which is probably not the best program, but it's free and I can almost understand how to use it lol.

The type, someone else will have to do, I don't have fancy symbols on my keyboard and pdn has limited font styles, most of which are ugly and hard to read imo. I think the green or orange regions would have to be broken up to provide more balanced game play. Probably orange, so if a player spawns mostly up there they have a chance to gain a region that isn't 5-6 territories big.

Let me redo mine and we'll work this out. YAY FOR INPUT. I'm so excited!!!
cbt711 wrote:
You can download GIMP for free. And then you can save your map in layers as a .psd and people with photoshop can help you.

I like the attack lines on psymonstark's last image. I don't think any more are needed, nor any ports.  But that's just my opinion, not really a negative statement. I think the map looked good, and if you remake it for accuracy to make the local guy happy, it's going to be epic.
naathim wrote:
I tried GIMP... I'll try it again, but it's a bit too advanced for me lol.... lot's of fun things to try this weekend now :P
naathim wrote:
womp womp. Well a day messing around with GIMP has been wasted. Not for me, waaaay beyond my skill level. I'll just stick with pdn. You can save in layers with pdn, just don't know if you can upload/send them lol. I'll try to get something done with the map in the next few days.