Game Thread
  • 318 posts
  • Page 11 of 22
Jacob24 wrote:

In advance of hasteful inquiries, see this old letter in conjunction with the untimely demise of the first casualty in the War of the Moving Cities, the silent notoriouspat.

Cryptic, no?

Cryptic indeed. Also Iris wasn't in the first game...
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
Ryomyr wrote:
#Unlunch Irisposttempestates

The sort-of faction claim is noted. I am going to err on the side of caution as TLM suggested.

#No Vote
Jacob24 wrote:
Well that's phase end... No sign of Mada so suspense remains! Ryo - not really sure why you switched it up but I'm not condemning you for it, we will see what Mada's message to us holds.
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
Tennesseelogman wrote:
must be more to it than meets the eye - public vote was simple
iris - 2
kc - 1
no vote - 1
did not vote 10
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
Friendly reminder that all chat rooms close at phase end. I believe it's all - Mada will have to confirm.
I am still on board with all my NH & NRs.
Friends and foes, Watch for PM chat +1. But wait for me to post 1st.
Madagascarter wrote:
Key take away here is that everyone needs to tell me the weight of their votes. Or I am going to assume you want to spend as much as possible (given you succeed all other bids and you won't go into debt. This phase I don't think it mattered though. But for next phase, it could be crucial.

No-one was Lynched. After many accusations being thrown around there was no consensus in the crowd, the only consensus being that some of the battlers in the war were self centred and just using the war for profit. Keeping back money that could be used for the war effort. The bank heard this cry and remembered why in the previous game the bank opted against money rolling over to the next phase.

Bank Announcement

No player can have more than 2 times their income + 2 coins at one time. So if your income is 6 coins, the maximum amount of coins you can accumulate is 14. This doesn't apply to those who get their income in other ways. They can have a max of 22 coins

Slave Announcement

There are now 2 enslaved players. You can still purchase an ability to Inspect a player's name & Faction (or look at their Financial History which I forgot to mention last time but it's either or.

You may also purchase a distraction ability which will prevent a player from completing an action for that phase.

Tractionist News

Good Summers end Tractionist and Green's looking for greener pastures. We have given our selves the best possible beginning to the War of War's by finding and killing General Naga. Lady Naga, you are now free to find your way over to our cities and help convert the remaining brainwashed Green Stormers for Freedom, so that we can truly have Peace. My city will welcome you with open arms.

The talks on the forum of peace between Green Storm and Traction, I feel our only option is war as any agreement with Green Storm will result in probable issues in the future. Green Storm you must experience true Freedom in this life, not the "protection" from a glorified Mafia Boss in the now deceased General Naga and his remaining lackeys. Find your way out of your traps and join us, Convert to Freedom.

Peaceful folks of the land, Stalkers, Slaves - you need to get out from underneath your Owners and join us in Freedom. Join out Cities and eliminate the Non converting Green Storm from this earth. Only then will true peace be achieved.

Our Freedom is the only truth in Peace.

Our next communication, I should have someone for us to focus our attention on as a new General for the Green Storm will rise.

Stay warm tonight.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
MacEohaid wrote:
Win Clause:

Peaceful - Achieve Peace (2 lynch phases in a row where no lynch is selected or there is a tie)
Madagascarter wrote:
Summer Zero doesn't count. Elysium5 got lynched in an infinity lynch situation. Nothing the Peaceful faction could do
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
MacEohaid wrote:
Mada, is the WC saying that if in the next lynch phase nobody gets lynched the peaceful group win?
Rockbert wrote:
Sorry all, I've been waylaid with a nasty stomach bug all day and had to lie down earlier. Apparently I slept right through the final hour and lynch votes.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Tennesseelogman wrote:
we had 28 people here for an early Christmas gathering and 26 of us got the flu. this my 8th day and i am about well but not got my strength back
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
is the WC saying that if in the next lynch phase nobody gets lynched the peaceful group win?

Each player will have 3 win clauses. If a player can achieve all 3 of their wins clauses then they'll be the ultimate winner. If you can only achieve 2 then you might still have a chance of winning either in your team or if nobody left alive has completed all 3 win clauses

i assume it is only 1 of their 3 and the game will continue
Live long and prosper