Game Thread
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notoriouspat wrote:
Who ever buys me, please don't abuse me. I don't have money but I beg you for my freedom. We can work together for our shared victory.
notoriouspat is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
i can say w 100% certainty that i too did not kill Iris - goofwad - he is not dead. but did you kill npat?
I has Iris on the brain since the post was against KC's post 174 @ iris A Typo of sorts. You guys are ruthless.
NO I didn't kill Npat.  I already said I cant kill.... of course I can't kill, only Assassin can kill or 2 stalkers. 
@ Tennesseelogman Did you kill Npat?
2ofclubs is online.
Ryomyr wrote:
Clarifying question:

I believe I was charged 2 coins for casting a "No Vote" ... is that right? 

I was just trying to communicate that I was removing my kill vote from Iris. I don't believe I should be charged for coin for that. I wasn't trying to cast a vote of any sort, just trying to make it clear to the mod.
Madagascarter wrote:
Sorry, haven't been online all, day. Starting to do my intense revision over the winter period. But I'll still run the games, just might not be so free during the middle of the phase.

The term is Unlynch

No Vote implies that you are voting for there to be No Lynch
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Madagascarter is online.
Jacob24 wrote:
Yikes that's tough... I also thought the implication was that he wasn't voting
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
IrisPostTempestates wrote:
My esteemed Ryomyr, notwithstanding my narrow escape from the guiled clutches of the mob — clutches mere minutes away from including you amongst their count before that fateful moment in which providence brought warmth to this chilling climate — I extend my sincerest condolences for the consequences bared for your actions. I once erred myself! Should it bring any consolation to your unfortunate findings, it is said that he who brought the world of the Moving Cities into existence exercises inordinate benevolence. Therefore what we might take away — what we might glean from the situation — is renewed dedication to the study of the creator's word.
IrisPostTempestates is online.
Madagascarter wrote:
I'm going to push the countdown back a bit, due to the number of people asking questions (Like 10 of you) and me only just being online to respond, isn't really fair. Going to have a 12 hour time push. Probably warranted as a lot of people are going to be having crazy weekends
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Madagascarter is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Yikes that's tough... I also thought the implication was that he wasn't voting
Abstain or just unlynch maybe.
I too assumed or made mistakes on how I read the workings of several game mechanics.
I have not made a mistake on the faction I claimed. with that said, factions are not as rigid as usual given 3 WCs and the stalker element.
Having fun! Thanks god Mada.
2ofclubs is online.
Rockbert wrote:
I'm going to push the countdown back a bit, due to the number of people asking questions (Like 10 of you) and me only just being online to respond, isn't really fair. Going to have a 12 hour time push. Probably warranted as a lot of people are going to be having crazy weekends

That works for me Mada. Flying to Colorado in a few hours.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Ryomyr wrote:
My esteemed Ryomyr, notwithstanding my narrow escape from the guiled clutches of the mob — clutches mere minutes away from including you amongst their count before that fateful moment in which providence brought warmth to this chilling climate — I extend my sincerest condolences for the consequences bared for your actions. I once erred myself! Should it bring any consolation to your unfortunate findings, it is said that he who brought the world of the Moving Cities into existence exercises inordinate benevolence. Therefore what we might take away — what we might glean from the situation — is renewed dedication to the study of the creator's word.

The creator helps those that help themselves! The deals one cuts in the dingy backrooms to preserve one's own mortal flesh are most delicious indeed. I do wonder what arrangements and other mutual groomings you are partaking of during these fluvial seasons of intrigue? As they say, he who picks the tics thwarts the Lymes.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
notoriouspat wrote:  Posted: Today, 17:33 
Post #181
Who ever buys me, please don't abuse me. I don't have money but I beg you for my freedom. We can work together for our shared victory.
whoever buys you? i thought you have already been bought. would it be to your advantage to tell us who your new owner is? what can any of us do to help free you? what would be our advantage to have you running around free. my wc says nothing about stalkers - from my perspective - 1 stalker running around is ok (1 protects) but 2 or more is bad if they target the same player.
Live long and prosper