• 297 posts
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RyanairLol wrote:
Nobody died during night 0, since the bad guys were busy searching for ammunition.
It is now day 1. Submit your lynch votes in bold.
2ofclubs wrote:
The sun cometh and may thee eyes see. Thy beg you not to ride just any cart nor shoot thee arrows into the the air we breathth. Unify with conviction.
RyanairLol wrote:
Good guys:
Prime Minister
Gastroenterologist 1
Gastroenterologist 2
Modern Detective Sherlock Holmes
Sheriff Jack


Bad guys:
Jack the Ripper
Lord Voldemort
ThickTalon wrote:
#lynch Lord Voldemort

oh wait.....

#unlynch Lord Voldemort

instead let us start with

#No Lynch

for now....
ThickTalon wrote:
For real.

I will start. My reasoning is simple. Last few games Peri lead from the front and now is nowhere to be found.

For now and subject to change

#Lynch Periwinkle
periwinkle wrote:
For real.

I will start. My reasoning is simple. Last few games Peri lead from the front and now is nowhere to be found.

For now and subject to change

#Lynch Periwinkle

I got burned from taking the lead in the last two games....so yes I am more hesitant with my approach this time.  Plus why would I take the lead when I know you and tenn are working together and reached out first? I will share my win clause if that proves anything to anyone.

Win clause: You win if all the murderers are dead or lynched.

#lynch Thick

periwinkle wrote:
FYI: I will be a bit slow today since I am receiving 15 different attacking orders/messages on top of the real-life responsibilities. If you are interested in this tournament let me know.
2ofclubs wrote:
at least 9 players have been on-line since i made my offer and nobody has asked me my role. so i will just tell all that i am a gastroenterologist! now when you see that come up as one of the roles that ryan discloses = you will know i am truthing and hopefully know that i am a good guy.
since the bad guys do not yet know each other and can't discuss things = whoever has the kill will likely kill me next night phase. but that gives us a full 24 hour day phase to identify some of them.
what is the worst thing that could happen if everyone stated their role before ryan posted them. idk - but the best thing is that everyone that did would be semi-verified as good and the group of those that did not would contain the murderers. it is apparent that some of us have abilities to protect ourselves and/or the king and those abilities could easily be coordinated if known
So is 1 doc good and 1 bad??
periwinkle wrote:
at least 9 players have been on-line since i made my offer and nobody has asked me my role. so i will just tell all that i am a gastroenterologist! now when you see that come up as one of the roles that ryan discloses = you will know i am truthing and hopefully know that i am a good guy.
since the bad guys do not yet know each other and can't discuss things = whoever has the kill will likely kill me next night phase. but that gives us a full 24 hour day phase to identify some of them.
what is the worst thing that could happen if everyone stated their role before ryan posted them. idk - but the best thing is that everyone that did would be semi-verified as good and the group of those that did not would contain the murderers. it is apparent that some of us have abilities to protect ourselves and/or the king and those abilities could easily be coordinated if known
So is 1 doc good and 1 bad??

good point about the good gastro and the bad gastro....

unlynch pygmy

#no lynch
2ofclubs wrote:
Did I miss Pyg claiming Gastro or are you just not being trigger rope happy?