• 343 posts
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MacEohaid wrote:
Well there it is.

All on the table
Why are you so protective Thick? loose your shirt in Vegas? ;)
Ryomyr wrote:
Oh, wow. Throwing my chips away. Didn't remember that detail! Sorry teammates!
ThickTalon wrote:
Well there it is.

All on the table
Why are you so protective Thick? loose your shirt in Vegas? ;)

Haha. Many times
MacEohaid wrote:
nice feature that the lynching on the first 2 days doesn't kill you. Good to have you here night owl.
Madagascarter wrote:
Ah, being inactive at the start of the game. It's a fun little strategy I use, when I can't be bothered to do some fishing.
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Tennesseelogman wrote:
how can it be? all players are still at the table. i must say that 1 player came very close to dying but alas somehow survived.
all night action results have been sent
it is now day 2 - get your lynch votes in
Live long and prosper
Rockbert wrote:
Ah, being inactive at the start of the game. It's a fun little strategy I use, when I can't be bothered to do some fishing.

I'll start.

#Lynch Madagascarter
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert wrote:
I reserve the right to change that vote later. But that is my vote for the moment. Has anyone else heard that there might be something with the suits? Another win clause?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
notoriouspat wrote:
and only doing so for the off chance I miss the deadline. Honestly, it's kinda dead in the forum. Also, can we confirm that everyone has the same target number? The sample TLM provided was 12? Does anyone's PM say anything different?