Official Animal Kingdom Game
  • 672 posts
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Abs wrote:
Sorry guys, Easter weekend. Been travelling with the family and had no internet
Abs wrote:
So I will do end of night 6 this phase and Day 6 starts next phase.

Just calculating results now
Abs wrote:
Again sorry for the delay!

Night 6 is over…

So much rage and killing…

MacEohaid is dead

You are the “Vulcher”, an Air Animal.

You have the ability on any odd night to kill any other animal, be warned that if you try to kill certain animals (x2 animals), it will not work and they will learn of your identity.

You win when all land and water animals are dead

Mada is dead

You are the “Cheetah”, a Land Animal.

You have the ability on any night to chase away any animal from using their night action

So you must say “chase away “2ofClubs” for example and this would stop Clubs being able to use their ability that night.

You win when all water & air animals are dead

It is now Day 6, 3 animals remain
Abs wrote:
Gg everyone! Sorry for the stop start a little bit! Had to host this whole game from my phone and had Some unexpected travel

Tennesseelogman wrote:
 whose is next to host after ely or in case the timing is not right for ely who has one ready?
Live long and prosper