Official Animal Kingdom Game
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Ryomyr wrote:
Home alone.

This is fishy. I mean airy

#LUNCH MacEohaid
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
#unlynch ryo
#lynch mac

Ryo… I’ll strike a deal with you myself, if you have a kill tonight…
Eat my dust.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
#unlynch ryo
#lynch mac

Ryo… I’ll strike a deal with you myself, if you have a kill tonight…

If I’m correct you do, I’ll do you who to kill tonight if you agree. If you don’t agree then I’ll switch my vote back to you.
Eat my dust.
Ryomyr wrote:
#unlynch ryo
#lynch mac

Ryo… I’ll strike a deal with you myself, if you have a kill tonight…

I will not be bullied, Pygmy!
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
How am I bullying, you offered a deal. I propose you kill who I want tonight and I save you from the lynch today.
Eat my dust.
Ryomyr wrote:
How am I bullying, you offered a deal. I propose you kill who I want tonight and I save you from the lynch today.

Who do you want me to kill?
Ryomyr wrote:
How am I bullying, you offered a deal. I propose you kill who I want tonight and I save you from the lynch today.

Honestly, I don't need to do a deal. Mac is the Air Clan killer. It actually makes sense for you to join me in killing him. 

Other clans should vote for Mac as well, tbh.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Yes but will you convince anyone else that it’s the right move? Probably not, so my proposal helps you, unless you agree, I will flip my vote back to you, but if you can convince someone else too then I’ll let it happen.
Eat my dust.
Ryomyr wrote:
I think Mada might swing Mac and maybe Thick too.  I am very popular. :)

I can't give you control over me though. Or, if I did, you'd have to know what was coming.

Mac is a killer. He must be put down. He's a rabid, carrion-ingesting, animal. He's a vulture with a new taste for the hunt.
Ryomyr wrote:
Yes but will you convince anyone else that it’s the right move? Probably not, so my proposal helps you, unless you agree, I will flip my vote back to you, but if you can convince someone else too then I’ll let it happen.

If you can name publicly who I would kill tonight, I can reach an agreement with you. Who would I target tonight? 
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Yes but will you convince anyone else that it’s the right move? Probably not, so my proposal helps you, unless you agree, I will flip my vote back to you, but if you can convince someone else too then I’ll let it happen.

If you can name publicly who I would kill tonight, I can reach an agreement with you. Who would I target tonight? 

My suggestion would be chaos, you said it yourself that he needed to go…
Eat my dust.