Official Animal Kingdom Game
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MacEohaid wrote:
#Unlynch 2OClubs.
Hey Anax, Rock, KC and Mada, I think you all were on to something earlier. Tenn is not acting right.
#Lynch TLM
MacEohaid wrote:
I know for a fact that real animal abilities don't neccearily match mafia ability. ABS also said this on the opening post.
For the record, I nor my faction had anything to do with the Lions death.

2oClubs, do you know every member of your faction?
MacEohaid wrote:
# lynch mac - he has not claim an animal group and as far as i know no animal group has claimed him

You who believe that everyone gave their real faction on the forum are either addlepated or deceitful. I'll try to be understanding and resonable and concede you are just addlepated.
2ofclubs wrote:
I know for a fact that real animal abilities don't neccearily match mafia ability. ABS also said this on the opening post.
For the record, I nor my faction had anything to do with the Lions death.

2oClubs, do you know every member of your faction?

 yes Alledgly ;) but this is mafia and scum have away for a short while to hide.
I am playing non group chats to keep in check and out the potential fake.
I can vouch for ALL but Chao and Mac. I could be wrong too.
Rockbert wrote:
#Unlynch 2OClubs.
Hey Anax, Rock, KC and Mada, I think you all were on to something earlier. Tenn is not acting right.
#Lynch TLM

I never said anything of the kind. Where do you get that I said something? We do not have any PMs together. I am happy to start one with you in the next phase, but I'd rather not be included in accusations I never made.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Anaxagore wrote:
Poachers are not the priority for water people ;)
We are open to alliances with everyone: land, air, poachers
Let's make a good alliance
Rockbert wrote:
I would think the poachers are a prime concern. I assume they know each other and have from the beginning. I also wonder if Mada was on to something earlier when he said that they might only die by being voted off. If that's the case that is a big advantage for them. I would think land, air and water would want to band together until this threat is dealt with.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i have question for the remaining land animals
did any or all 3 of you know rc was land? had that been discussed/discovered in your group?
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
KC321 wrote:
If you answer that, you’re outting yourself and you’re already the weakest group. Be smart
Tennesseelogman wrote:
those 3 have already publicly claimed land animal - so you must mean re-outting yourself
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
KC321 wrote:
I have a suspicion you already know my type. Also, where did I out myself to begin with?
Tennesseelogman wrote:
so does that mean you are a land animal?
if so then at least 1 of the other 3 claiming land = is not land
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
there is (was) at least 1 missing from each group - so you could be land, water, air, or poacher. send me a PM (during the phase it is allowed) and tell me more.
some players on here do not like to outright lie but would rather avoid telling the whole truth or make their wording in such a way that can be justified later. i am such a player and i get the sense that you are too. so - just tell me here or in PM - are you a poacher? what is your animal group? often to my demise = i will believe you. give me restrictions on what i can do w the information and if i agree = i will keep my word.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.