Official Animal Kingdom Game
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MacEohaid wrote:
#Unlynch 2OClubs.
Hey Anax, Rock, KC and Mada, I think you all were on to something earlier. Tenn is not acting right.
#Lynch TLM

I never said anything of the kind. Where do you get that I said something? We do not have any PMs together. I am happy to start one with you in the next phase, but I'd rather not be included in accusations I never made.

Hey Rock, I was refering to the thread from #109- 113. I thought you were agreeing with Mada about TLMs mistaken remarks about poachers in the animal factions roles.

I'll post you once we get can PM again.
2ofclubs wrote:
My list is public knowledge excluding my added spoiler.
Of course I have other intel real or fake from PM's, Ability and Mod.
I am sticking with Mac for now but willing to switch to KC if that's where it leads especially if it looks like draw lynch vote.
Rockbert wrote:
Tennessee is right

Spoiler (click to show)

One could definitely assume that based on the bolded/italicized statement.

Well, I clearly agreed with Tennessee here. No worries, it's a lot of forum to go through.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert wrote:
also, that's from post #114
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
MacEohaid wrote:
My list is public knowledge excluding my added spoiler.
Of course I have other intel real or fake from PM's, Ability and Mod.
I am sticking with Mac for now but willing to switch to KC if that's where it leads especially if it looks like draw lynch vote.

Well, I don't see the point in being honest and outing myself, as it will probably get me killed in the night, but because of the unfounded campaign against me to get me lynched, I'm going to reveal that I am AIR, so that if I do get lynched then 2oClubs will either feel guilty he killed his own and didn't know all in his group or satisfied that he poached another animal.
MacEohaid wrote:
Such a wild crowd. Someone suggests lynching someone with no grounds and then the whole pack jumps on, just behaving like a bunch of animals... oh, my.
Rockbert wrote:
I have done nothing to protect him, I was only correcting you.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
KC321 wrote:
Here is where things get interesting. I am Air. One of the Air bros are lying. I believe it to be Mac. I am willing to take my chances there.
Rockbert wrote:
Forum claims. Other people may have claimed in PM

1. @2ofclubs - Air
2. @TenLogMan -Water
3. @Ryomyr - Land
4. @KC321 - Now claims Air
5. @PygmyHippo - Air
6. @Rockbert - Air

7. @RComer727
8. @Madagascarter - Land - Cheetah
9. @Anaxagore - Water
10. @MacEohaid - Now claims Air
11. @Bluegoetz - Water
12. @NotoriousPat - Land
13. @ThickTalon
14. @GeneralChaos

Okay, so I know myself and 1 other person are Air. I don't know for sure on the third but suspect he could be Air. Now suddenly, we have two more people claiming Air, Mac and KC. (both of which have been publicly suspected of being the poachers, and both of whom would not share anything about themselves until just now when their heads are on the block.) One of you is lying. Would you care to share what species you are? then we can find out for sure. I know two species, not sure on the third.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Tennesseelogman wrote:
if investigations were done on me last night - posting the results here would be very helpful

also i was informed that someone distracted me last night to prevent me from using any ability that i might have - so who has a distraction ability?
Live long and prosper
MacEohaid wrote:
I voted to lynch 2oClubs just as a tit for tat as he first voted to lynch me, but I did not intend to lynch 2oClubs and changed it to TLM who is driving the whole thing and I can speak for myself that he is trying to get me killed based on his flimsy false premises. If someone does claim air then I will side with caution this early in the game and not lynch them as I am air as I have been forced to admit because unfortunately I can't PM before 18:00 as this is the way this mafia is set up, making it very precarious and perilous when the animals start to get a taste for blood there is no reasoning with the animal kingdom. Anyway, if you are air and you vote to lynch me, you will regret it and if you do it anyway after this post, then chances are you are lying and are not air.
Rockbert wrote:
you don't have to share your abilities, but if you share your species it might be a good thing now.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
MacEohaid wrote:
you don't have to share your abilities, but if you share your species it might be a good thing now.
I'm a vulchure