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Tennesseelogman wrote:
as i said - i am hitler - i can not be killed so easily
no PMs now so here goes - no need for both of you to shield me tonight - just one - as a matter of fact you may not want to shield me at all since the allies know i will be shielded = you can take all shields off of me and protect someone else.
if you sent me this in a chat
hows your scheming going this game?
i have new info/orders for you. use your ability on this person - see the next person mentioned in that chat - move 2 names up on the player list.
and if you sent me the following
I hope I can. Lol
the player you need to focus on can be found by counting up 4 on the player list on page 1/post 1 from the players name that comes next after the above chat. you should sent that request to abs asap.

perhaps more orders to come but for now - Ende der Durchsage

Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
My points go down in long term team with Ten. And up in live death match and capitols. In fairness to Ten, it's mainly the quad games.
MacEohaid wrote:
#Lynch Tennessee
Put it bold or else invalid i think

Not so, just helps Abs see it more easily, but thanks for the reminder Anthrax.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Not helpful for the germans though, I've seen some of their plots, I'll try to not use any of it to my advantage.

Germans, what do you think, not gonna voice your opinions about how unfair this is?
Eat my dust.
2ofclubs wrote:
#Lynch Tennessee
Put it bold or else invalid i think

Not so, just helps Abs see it more easily, but thanks for the reminder Anthrax.

Post #1,
5. All Lynch votes are in the Forum and not in PM. When you vote, it WONT BE COUNTED UNLESS YOU USE THE FORMAT #Lynch MacEohaid or #Lynch Madagascarte etc Please do make it bold so I can easily see it. No vote doesnt count towards a #No Lynch vote, you have to say #No Lynch, anything else is just abstaining or no vote

Now Abs later said he would accept abreivated names.
But hey it's a game. All is fair in love & war.
2ofclubs wrote:
Not helpful for the germans though, I've seen some of their plots, I'll try to not use any of it to my advantage.

Germans, what do you think, not gonna voice your opinions about how unfair this is?

Why would they, they are getting back a soldier. Now the Allies have waisted a bomb on you and bullets on Ten over 3 phases. Some have lost a lot of sleep being up all hours sorting through intel and breaking codes.
Simply you may have won a few battles but not the war. Besides it was expected from Abs the Chief of undead.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
glad to have you back pyg - - we are now still in the hunt - save your ability - i do not need anything and we have enough kills tonight anyway. hopefully they will try to kill me again - i just placed my kill order so it is better for them to shoot at me since i am now out of abilities and may be protected anyway. we are only missing 1 in our faction and we have a player looking for you so they can double their abilities. if i have not yet gotten your axis Role PM - let me know so i can put you in touch w one of your jr officers.

anax is claiming to want to protect anyone in the neutral/3rd faction camp. you know from past games that am ok with multiple winners. i have stated in the several games that i am ok dying if it helps my faction win and if you can help w that - i have instructed the rest of the german leaders to not double-cross you. if you come bearing an olive branch - you will be rewarded.

and to the german soldier that went to university in the usa and now speaks perfect english - keep up the good work - keep feeding us info - keep up your cover and report back asap using the enigma codes i sent you.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
ok faithful german - i also do not want to overlap kill shots so kept your shot on the one you stated or change to another - my shot is going on a player w the letter "c" in their name.
Live long and prosper
Rockbert wrote:
I tried to get Aiden involved
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
MacEohaid wrote:
Lynch MacEohaid

If TLM was Hitler, why are there so many spelling mistakes in his Role PM?

TLM is not Hitler, if you buy that, I got a bridge to sell you over heer in Brooklyn.

"No one is ever who they say they are in war." Edward MacEohaid
2ofclubs wrote:
Uh "I am Starfleet" "I am cartel doc" etc never say never. But always say please and thank you.

2ofclubs wrote:
To my midnight oil bud(s) (not Ten), "Babble is on the wall" repeat 'Babble is on the wall"
i am well and enjoying my deployment. My commandor is starting to trust me inspite of my family of origin.
Latitude: 47.6048182
Longitude: 7.6094052
Before those that don't know, stop don't assume or conclude. JUST ASK. Others, Use the English channel as in water.
2ofclubs wrote:
 The above is all Babble. No hints or messages.
Lat and long is my company Conductix-Wampfler location in Germany
POW = Bob CRANE of Stalag 13 "Hogan's Hero's
Etc. Just Babble.