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Madagascarter wrote:
Ok guys, think about this. If TLM is this Chief Commander which it's MacEohaid's win condition to try and kill, then we're doing MacEohaid's job for him. It is too risky to kill TLM right now. Lets take out the neutral first then we can lynch without looking over our shoulders
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
ThickTalon wrote:
Mada you have flip flopped back and forth.

I took Tenn's message the same way you did with regards to the misspellings and such. no way that Abs lets that slide, I know I wouldn't. therefore I kept my Lynch on him as he is not telling the whole truth about his role but rather trying to "scare" those not ally into thinking he is the supreme leader. When in reality Anax only said he was German.

Your vote will be telling.

Also why would neutrals vote a suspected neutral?
Madagascarter wrote:
ThickTalon - I don't fully understand the game yet, but I know that 1. Mac is trying to lynch Chief Commanders. I don't know how many there are. There could be 1, there could be more than 1. But if there is only one and we lynch him then it is game over. Mac will win. I'm going to refuse to take that risk with TLM.

Pygmyhippo also had a role where he wanted to find this chief commander as well. Neutrals should vote for a neutral because I assume that different neutrals have different win conditions and you can't win a game when another player has already won it
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
2ofclubs wrote:
Not defending, just stating. But my role has mis spellings. I caught them when my copy and paste spell check high lited them. Yes I copied Abs PM and shared it.
I assumed Abs put more into the mechanics then in spelling.
ThickTalon wrote:

Neutrals win clauses don't normally end games. At least the ones I have played. 
Abs wrote:
Chaos, distrust, second guessing and good old fashioned manipulation is rippling through the armies of WW II. Many remember they were born in this world alone and will die alone, can anyone be trusted? Are peoples intentions genuine? Who knows…but tensions are rising, fingers getting itchy on triggers and soldiers needing to quench their thirst for blood.

They say when a dog is backed far enough into a corner, even the tamest will bite. TenLogMan was hunted down into such a corner…

Fortunately for Ten, he is a lucky K9 as before the Lynch Mob could take the final swipe, he was saved by an unknown guardian angel. After abilities have been used, nobody is Lynched.

It is now Night 2.

Please send me your night actions if applicable. If you sent earlier in todays phase, please resend.

Abs wrote:
Additionally, as much as I didn’t want to do it.

AidenAvenger has been killed for inactivity. Thanks for participating

But all is not lost as Pygmy has come back from the dead but could he ever be the same?
Abs wrote:
Remember NO PMs at night but forum is open 24/7 365
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Not helpful for the germans though, I've seen some of their plots, I'll try to not use any of it to my advantage.
Eat my dust.
2ofclubs wrote:
Dare I say welcome back Pyg.
Ten I wish you had that luck in our team games.
MacEohaid wrote:
Dare I say welcome back Pyg.
Ten I wish you had that luck in our team games.
Now that's hillarious!