Officla thread for the Mafia Narcos Game
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Abs wrote:
Narcos Mafia Game

Narcos are taking over, it is 1989 and product is flooding through the USA.

President Reagan has instructed the DEA to put a stop to this and sent a team into the Field.

The gangs are nervous and blood is being shed as pressure mounts on their supply chain and their position for power.

Only the strong can survie who will it be?


1. @2ofClubs
2. @Rockbert
3. @Virtuosity98
4. @JKL3699
5. @Anaxagore
6. @Orzhovboss
7. @Ryomyr
8. @Tennesseelogman
9. @Madagascarter
10. @Elysium5
11. @Pygmyhippo277
12. @Hoodlum
13. @Bluegoetz
14. @ChipmunkWarrior
15. @LandoCalriskian

Pre Game Abilities Selection:

Each of you read the below list of abilities, you can choose one ability each to use throughout the duration of the game. Please PM me your preferred order by using the number E.G (14, 6, 7, 8 etc) If you choose your top 5 this should do. If you pick the same number as someone else as your first preference a random draw will be done to award the ability to one of the players and this random draw will continue when needed until all players are assigned an ability.

Please send these back to me before 10am D12 Server time tomorrow. The game will begin as Night 0 at 10pm D12 server time on Tuesday 1st March, if you have not sent your ability preferece to me by the start time, you will be randomly assigned what is left over...

1. Pilot - You can fly someone out of the danger zone and save them from a lynch vote or a night kill x1
2. Thief - You can steal an ability from any player and that player can not use that ability that night. You are able to use both your own ability and stolen ability if both are played in the same phase x1
3. Accountant - You can change the Lynch vote on one player by + or - 3 votes x1. You must name the player before the end of the day phase when voting ends or it doesn't count
4. Infiltrator - You can learn the role of any player in the game x1
5. Avenger - You can choose a player to avenge if they die in the night (not including yourself). If you choose a player that is killed in that night phase, they will die but so will their killer x1
6. Recruiter - You can recruit any player into your gang as long as they are not in your gang already . But beware, if you try to recruit a player that is in a government role, you will be killed and if they are in your gang nothing happens and it is a wasted use of your ability.
7. Architect - You can build a panic room for any player of your choice to go in overnight or any day phase meaning they can't be killed or lynched, you can not protect yourself x1
8. Snitch - You can learn the role of any player x1
9. Psychic - You can learn the special ability of any player x1
10. Tunnel Digger - You can escape the Lynch mob x1
11. Dentist - You can silence any player from PMs or forum posts for a whole day and night phase x1 (means they cannot vote)
12. Chef - You can stop any player using any ability and lynch vote for a whole day and night phase by poisoning them, has to be used simultaneously (day phase and night phase together) x1
13. Eavesdropper - you can choose to see the most recent PM that any chosen player has sent from the time you sent the request to listen to that players chat (E.G if you requested this info at 13.45, you would get the text of the last PM that player sent but not who it was sent to. This might be at 13.44 or whatever was closest to the time of your request) The result of this content will only be disclosed to you at the end of any night phase. There is a catch, if your unlucky enough to have your name mentioned in that PM, you will be compromised and killed in that night phase x1
14. Bulletproof Vest - If you opt to wear your bullet proof vest in advance of a day or night phase you will survive a minimum of 2 night kills. If it is triggered automatically you only survive 1 night kill
15. Grave Digger - You can find out the killer of any player that is killed in a night phase x1

Game Mechanics

Each Cartel will have 3 members and there are 2 DEA agents and 1 Politician = 15 in total

Sinaloa Cartel x3
Medellin Cartel x3
Cali Cartel x3
Tijuana Cartel x3
DEA Agents x2
Politician x1

Win Clauses:

Cartel Members - Eliminate all other members of the 3 rival gangs
DEA Agents - Eliminate a minimum of 10 Cartel Members
Politician - Eliminate both DEA Agents & the 4 Cartel Leaders

Cartel Member Roles:

- Cartel Leader
- Doctor
- Cartel Soldier

Day Phase:
Players can vote to lynch in the forum. Use #No Lynch or #Lynch (players name) to vote and a tie results in a no lynch

Night Phase:
All abilities will be activated in the night phase unless the individual ability is specific to a day phase activity. All requests to activate abilities must be sent to me in the night phase. Please use #Name of Ability and followed by players name if required (E.G #Snitch Hoodlum or #Recruit 2ofClubs

- All Hits will be made in the night phase
- If a Cartel Leader dies, that is it, nobody will replace them so look after your leader and be careful who you tell
- The Doctor can save a cartel member from death in the night phase but cannot stop the lynch in the day phase. Doctor's can keep saving people as many times as they want until they are killed. Doctors can also choose to save a DEA member or Politician in the night phase if they wish to do so and correctly know the identity


-All players can post in this forum thread both Day and Night
-All players can communicate via PM but you must include me in the PM thread
-Players can create multi person PMs/Group PMs but must include me in all PM threads
-All lynch votes must be made in the public forum thread
-All night/special ability actions must be made in the Role PM thread initially assigned to each player which I sent to you directly
Good luck Narcos!

Day/Night 0 starts at 10pm D12 Server time tomorrow (1st March)

Abs wrote:
ALL Role PM's are now out!

To confirm, abilities need to be in by 10am D12 Server Time tomorrow (1st March) and game will start at 10pm UK/D12 Server time 1st March and it will be Night 0 which will have NO NIGHT ACTIONS

There will be NO LYNCH for Day 1 and NIGHT 1 is the first phase where abilities/kills can take place 

This should allow you to all get to know each other a little better...

Whilst Communication is open, if an ability is used to stop you from communicating, I will send you a PM when you have to stop communicating and when you can start again

Good Luck Narcos!
Abs wrote:
Oh and as always, all roles were randomly assigned
jkl3699 wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm in your cartel/a politician/a DAE agent, so you should send me your role PMs now, thanks.
Rockbert wrote:
Oh this is going to be fun.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert wrote:
Nice setup Abs! Thanks for hosting :)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Alright, I think it will be even more important to find your cartels, so if we randomly lynch on first day we can force them to reveal their role right?

#lynch 2oc

(this is a joke of course)
Eat my dust.
Abs wrote:
I thought only fair to also tell you that each player only knows their own role and NOT who is in their gang. The 2x DEA players do however know each other from the start.

Bullet proof vest only protects you from a standard kill and would not hold up for an Avenger kill for instance

The pilot only saves the passenger, they then have to fly back into the war zone, they do not also save themselves that night

Grave digger only tells you the identity of the killer after the identity of a killed player is revealed to the whole group. So the ability will be used the following phase (grave digger - Rockbert) etc
Abs wrote:
Waiting for 3 ability choices more, I am not sure it will come today so looking like the likely start of Night 0 will be March 1st 10pm UK time and D12 Server time
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Wow, setup looks crazy! :o:o:o decisions, decisions :)
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Hoodlum wrote:
i'm a doctor. i will save another doctor for the first night, for a save in return. realisticallym these ideas never go to plan, but i'll probably be an early night target anyway, so worth a try. i'm sure our own cartels would like us to survive for them. I'll know that you aren't on my team, but know this, i am only a lynch vote threat. let's keep ourselves (doctors) invincible at night till we find our own!
jkl3699 wrote:
i'm a doctor. i will save another doctor for the first night, for a save in return. realisticallym these ideas never go to plan, but i'll probably be an early night target anyway, so worth a try. i'm sure our own cartels would like us to survive for them. I'll know that you aren't on my team, but know this, i am only a lynch vote threat. let's keep ourselves (doctors) invincible at night till we find our own!

What gang?
Hoodlum wrote:
i'm a doctor. i will save another doctor for the first night, for a save in return. realisticallym these ideas never go to plan, but i'll probably be an early night target anyway, so worth a try. i'm sure our own cartels would like us to survive for them. I'll know that you aren't on my team, but know this, i am only a lynch vote threat. let's keep ourselves (doctors) invincible at night till we find our own!

What gang?

If i say my gang, and the 12 people aren't on my gang, well that's 12 votes going my way :)
so the answer is. the doctors alliance