Part II
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elysium5 wrote:
I'm going to claim tracker till the end, because I am, and if you don't believe me and kill a valuable vaccinated asset... thats on you.

You and Abs both claimed tracker which outed you both as liars...THAT'S on you;)
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
2ofclubs wrote:
Yeah I was unvaxed last game, I'm pretty sure they can't try and figure out who they are...
I read through last game secret chat to understand their chat and conclude they have it and it gives them 2 lines of communication to decipher deceit from aka 2nd way to get confused and get a head ache. Isn't that a covid symptom LOL
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
You could also be lying elysium, you have no concrete evidence, because copy pasting PM's isn't believable.
Eat my dust.
elysium5 wrote:
You could also be lying elysium, you have no concrete evidence, because copy pasting PM's isn't believable.

Me claiming Tracker after you both did would be crazy if I wasn't telling the truth.

I would have to come up with some pretty unbelievable spin if I was lying.

I am not lying. All I just need to point out are the simple facts so I don't have to come up with unbelievable spin, like both you and Abs now need to do.

Good luck with that:)
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
2ofclubs wrote:

Everyone should know my inactivity is because being called out of town with limited access from phn only.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
scenario 1 - the only way ely is not truthing would be if he is unvac and trying to get one of the elite lynched. he would have a 50:50 chance of getting a non-tracker lynched and a pretty high chance of that one being elite. if the lynched turned up tracker then he would of course be lynched next and likely the other false tracker next - which would be ok w him because he would have still gotten a likely elite killed. if not elite then he just got a vac tracker and likely cop killed. = really good sacrifice on his part.

Scenario 2 - pygmy is truthing - since he was the 1st to provide info a tracker would give. if he tracked me and found nothing he would automatically think i could not be tracked and would therefore be administrator, data analyst, or hacker = not vanilla. then he realizer that i could be any role and have been jailed. - just as he stated.
Live long and prosper
Rockbert wrote:
im saying the unvaxxed jailer should want to keep their unvaxxed survivalist safe, and the unvaxxed doctor to vaxx the jailer, if the unvaxxed know who the unvaxxed are that aren't the unvaxxed elite. How is that hard to understand? :)

Perfectly understandable.

I do have a question, though.

These Unvaxed players have a group chat but they are anon to each other?

Am I understanding this correctly?

What are they(the anon) allowed to say to help figure out who each other are?

Two things.

1. The "Unvaxxed Doctor?" That makes zero sense. Why would there be a doctor who is not vaccinated. That must be a typo. The doctor is the one handing out the vaccination certificates. That's their role.

2. The anonymous chat, as I experienced it, was one where you could not use your name and could not reveal your name in the chat. There was one elite in the anon chat and they unvaxxed knew that, but not who it was. So, it is tricky to try and find out who is doing what. I recall one person claiming they were the doctor but again, they did not reveal their own names and we weren't playing long enough for me to figure out who they were.

So what have we learned here? Personally, I am not sure. I am still sifting through the posts trying to figure out what is what because I have not been able to be as attentive to it as I would like, but intend to be caught up today.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
elysium5 wrote:
im saying the unvaxxed jailer should want to keep their unvaxxed survivalist safe, and the unvaxxed doctor to vaxx the jailer, if the unvaxxed know who the unvaxxed are that aren't the unvaxxed elite. How is that hard to understand? :)

Perfectly understandable.

I do have a question, though.

These Unvaxed players have a group chat but they are anon to each other?

Am I understanding this correctly?

What are they(the anon) allowed to say to help figure out who each other are?

Two things.

1. The "Unvaxxed Doctor?" That makes zero sense. Why would there be a doctor who is not vaccinated. That must be a typo. The doctor is the one handing out the vaccination certificates. That's their role.

2. The anonymous chat, as I experienced it, was one where you could not use your name and could not reveal your name in the chat. There was one elite in the anon chat and they unvaxxed knew that, but not who it was. So, it is tricky to try and find out who is doing what. I recall one person claiming they were the doctor but again, they did not reveal their own names and we weren't playing long enough for me to figure out who they were.

So what have we learned here? Personally, I am not sure. I am still sifting through the posts trying to figure out what is what because I have not been able to be as attentive to it as I would like, but intend to be caught up today.

-6 Vanillas. You have no night action.
-2 Cops. Each night you can inspect a player and check whether he has a Vaccine Certificate or not.
-1 Tracker. Each night you can follow a player to see who he visits. You cannot track the Data Analyst, the Administrator or the Hacker. A jailed player will be seen visiting no one.

-1 Hacker. Each night you can check if a player browses a mysterious website or not.
-1 Jail Keeper. Each night you can jail someone to prevent him from performing an action and to prevent any action being performed onto him. Exceptions: A player jailed can still be targeted by the Data Analyst, the Administrator or the Hacker as these information are found online.
-1 Survivalist. Once during the game, you can kill someone at night.
-1 Doctor. Each night you can give a Vaccine Certificate to a player. For mechanics, the Doctor provide Vaccine Certificate before Cops can check them.

-1 Administrator. Each night you can learn a player’s Role.
-1 Data Analyst. Each night you can analyse a player’s web search history and learn if he is Vaccinated or Unvaccinated.

Of course he can probably issue himself a fake certificate in order to APPEAR vaxxed but in the roles it says the Doctor is one of the Unvaxxed.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 wrote:
Just get caught up before the lynch, Rockbert, which is about 2 hours.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Rockbert wrote:
Wow. I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out Elysium.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Bluegoetz wrote:
. The "Unvaxxed Doctor?" That makes zero sense. Why would there be a doctor who is not vaccinated. That must be a typo. The doctor is the one handing out the vaccination certificates. That's their role

Rock the rock is unvaxed. Read the description. He is giving out certificates not actual vaccinations. So he can hide his team from the cops and such.
Ryomyr wrote:
I see your point, Rockbert. The doctor gave themselves a vaccine certificate last night. That's the only logical play for that character. It would take a day or two for the unvaxxed to build trust and exclude the elite from their conversations. (That was our trajectory in game was a slower build)

I am going to go with Ely, mostly because of his solid logic (in all aspects of the game so far), and the fact that he is doing a nonstop victory dance in the thread! I love it! 

elysium5 wrote:
Wow. I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out Elysium.

I'm happy to point out any and all facts instead of putting spin on everything;)
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Rockbert wrote:
Based on what I've read so far I am leaning toward #Lynch Abs, but I reserve the right to change that before the vote.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann