Mafia Game Thread
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LandoCalriskian wrote:
I mean he’s info dumping cause he’s got his back against the wall.. I think it makes most sense for us to vote Abs out but obviously he’s saying what he’s saying in hopes to stay alive. That’s something we all wanna do!
Everything you've heard about me is true.
Abs wrote:
What I don’t get is if you know I am neutral and not mafia, but can save prisoners and move People into different cells. Why not keep me alive this first round and kill me when I have no more use? We know V98 is mafia as he manipulated me knowing I’m a noob and then bizarrely posted not all but most of our PM. Only he knows I can help prisoners and as mafia wants me out so it’s easier for them.

It’s so obvious to me that in me, you have an open book who can help the town and i Already know I can’t win unless I am last man standing but that won’t happen as you will vote me out before the end.

My advice is keep me around for a day or two to see how I can help and like I have already will continue to be open about my abilities and who I can help save.

I strongly feel v98 is mafia and also Have my suspicions about Lando and Rockbert as well but believe Tennessee is town.
Abs wrote:
Lastly as it’s my first game, clearly I don’t know my chat with v98 could be posted, I didn’t know I shouldn’t say I am neutral and i Didn’t know what to really ask or do. Do you really think I have the ability to manipulate the game to win it?? It’s just impossible as many of you experienced players so take the safe bet and lynch a heavily experienced player and threat Like v98 who is 99.9% mafia

I can’t do night kills or remove players, I’m only a threat if I am the last man which won’t happen

Also, I want to learn and play more of the game so give me a break haha
2ofclubs wrote:
hey everyone, so just making a recap for myself and others :)
Abs23 is a neutral who we do have to kill at some point because we win when all mafia AND neutrals are dead
Anaxagore feels bit suss about V98 because "Virtuosity is probably mafia for not hard pushing Abs since the beginning of the day phase."

Current Messages (click to show)

my thoughts:
I would be ok with keeping Abs23 alive for 2 days, but I'm going to vote him because it seems safer to me, 1 baddie down 4 to go. I would prefer kill a baddie instead of lynching randomly when it's more likely to get a prisoner. Also I don't see how he's a huge assistance to the town at this points because it's likely Abs23 will take abilities away from the prisoners since there's more of us at the moment?
does Tennesseelogman more when he's prisoner? or same either way?
even though V98 didn't out Abs23 straight away, he did do day 1. I think that's more of a prisoner move than a mafia move right, wouldn't a mafia try to manipulate them for a start and lynch them if they're desperate?

I can’t take abilities away from any prisoner…

Interesting what proof that you only win powers from mafia? Your role you provide doesn't say that.
Still reading coms.
2ofclubs wrote:
Also, here is proof that anyone I challenge can’t not play, and i Have a 66% chance of winning

Look at chat with Mada and v98:

Part of my chat with Mada (click to hide)
Madagascarter said:
06 Aug 2021, 18:28
You have been challenged by a shady person to a game of Rock Paper Scissors. If you win, you gain new abilities and extra votes, but if you lose you will lose (for 1 turn) your vote. You may not refuse. What is your choice? Rock Paper or Scissors?

This is not proof you can only win powers from mafia.
2ofclubs wrote:
also I don't want to risk voting and killing off a unfortunate prisoner or good guard. I need more PM to align the shivs,
How do we know a player assigns rooms and not the moderator/random?      The 1st room assignment was by game sign up order.
Abs wrote:
Abs also never shared his win clause...

Sorry I thought I posted this with my role description earlier! It is important

Madagascarter said:
06 Aug 2021, 19:21
Although you are a neutral with your role, you are free to share with the prisoners that you have a win clause that involves killing the mafia and keeping certain prisoners alive.

Abs23 said:
06 Aug 2021, 19:22
Ah ok I am with you, and I should say this in forum?

Madagascarter said:
06 Aug 2021, 19:24
Yes or you could PM prisoners to try and get them on side but be careful as they could also be mafia.

Abs23 said:
06 Aug 2021, 19:26
Ok thanks, so although I am neutral it’s in my interest to protect and work with the prisoners as I win not only if I am last man standing but also if I kill the mafia. I guess it also helps as I can take all mafia abilities if I win my challenge?

Madagascarter said:
06 Aug 2021, 19:28
Exactly, best of luck!

Abs wrote:
also I don't want to risk voting and killing off a unfortunate prisoner or good guard. I need more PM to align the shivs,
How do we know a player assigns rooms and not the moderator/random?      The 1st room assignment was by game sign up order.

Can we PM again now? Happy to PM
Abs wrote:
also I don't want to risk voting and killing off a unfortunate prisoner or good guard. I need more PM to align the shivs,
How do we know a player assigns rooms and not the moderator/random?      The 1st room assignment was by game sign up order.

This isn’t true, the rooms were assigned by a mafia or neutral and there is at least 1 neutral or Mafia in each room.
Abs wrote:
Is there consensus that Virtuosity is mafia?

Ryomyr wrote:
Sorry, Abs ... I hope you play again in the future! 

#Lynch Abs23
Ryomyr wrote:
I will do one more read of new posts in a couple of hours, just to check for surprises. 
2ofclubs wrote:
also I don't want to risk voting and killing off a unfortunate prisoner or good guard. I need more PM to align the shivs,
How do we know a player assigns rooms and not the moderator/random?      The 1st room assignment was by game sign up order.

Can we PM again now? Happy to PM
When we can PM, we can only PM with in our rooms.
How do we know a player assigns rooms and not the moderator/random? Did I miss something?